Verification Process

During the verification process the user enters biometric information into a sensor or input device. The information gathered from the user input is defined by the public template (see Enrollment Process). This information might be pre-processed off-card and transferred to the card for verification. The on-card biometric application performs the verification given the reference template with pre-existing user information and the new information that came in. The following describe the verification sequence:

  1. The host issues a verification request to the card.

  2. The card returns the public template to the host.

  3. The host captures user information and extracts the data defined by the public template.

    The host might perform data-processing specific to the biometric algorithm.

  4. The host sends extracted verification data to the card.

  5. The card matches the captured data with its own representation stored in the reference template.

    The matching process results in a score of how well the user information matches the reference template information.

  6. The card compares the score with the threshold for acceptable criteria and returns the verification result to the host.