Java EE 5 SDK

Interface Result

public interface Result

This interface represents the result of a <sql:query> action. It provides access to the following information in the query result:

An implementation of the Result interface provides a disconnected view into the result of a query.

Justyna Horwat

Method Summary
 String[] getColumnNames()
          Returns the names of the columns in the result.
 int getRowCount()
          Returns the number of rows in the cached ResultSet
 SortedMap[] getRows()
          Returns the result of the query as an array of SortedMap objects.
 Object[][] getRowsByIndex()
          Returns the result of the query as an array of arrays.
 boolean isLimitedByMaxRows()
          Returns true if the query was limited by a maximum row setting

Method Detail


SortedMap[] getRows()

Returns the result of the query as an array of SortedMap objects. Each item of the array represents a specific row in the query result.

A row is structured as a SortedMap object where the key is the column name, and where the value is the value associated with the column identified by the key. The column value is an Object of the Java type corresponding to the mapping between column types and Java types defined by the JDBC specification when the ResultSet.getObject() method is used.

The SortedMap must use the Comparator java.util.String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER. This makes it possible to access the key as a case insensitive representation of a column name. This method will therefore work regardless of the case of the column name returned by the database.

The result rows as an array of SortedMap objects


Object[][] getRowsByIndex()
Returns the result of the query as an array of arrays. The first array dimension represents a specific row in the query result. The array elements for each row are Object instances of the Java type corresponding to the mapping between column types and Java types defined by the JDBC specification when the ResultSet.getObject() method is used.

the result rows as an array of Object[] objects


String[] getColumnNames()
Returns the names of the columns in the result. The order of the names in the array matches the order in which columns are returned in method getRowsByIndex().

the column names as an array of String objects


int getRowCount()
Returns the number of rows in the cached ResultSet

the number of rows in the result


boolean isLimitedByMaxRows()
Returns true if the query was limited by a maximum row setting

true if the query was limited by a maximum row setting

Java EE 5 SDK

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