Interface RegistrationListener

public interface RegistrationListener

An implementation of this interface may be associated with an AuthConfigProvider registration at an AuthConfigFactory at the time the AuthConfigProvider is obtained for use from the factory. The AuthConfigFactory will invoke the notify method of the RegistrationListener if the corresponding provider registration is unregistered or replaced at the factory.

Method Summary
 void notify(java.lang.String layer, java.lang.String appContext)
          Notify the listener that a registration with which it was associated was replaced or unregistered.

Method Detail


void notify(java.lang.String layer,
            java.lang.String appContext)
Notify the listener that a registration with which it was associated was replaced or unregistered.

When a RegistrationListener is associated with a provider registration within the factory, the factory must call its notify method when the corresponding registration is unregistered or replaced.

layer - A String identifying the one or more message layers corresponding to the registration for which the listerner is being notified.
appContext - A String value identifying the application contexts corresponding to the registration for which the listener is being notified. The factory detaches the listener from the corresponding registration once the listener has been notified for the registration. The detachListerner method must be called to detach listeners that are no longer in use.

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Generated on 10-February-2011 12:41

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