JavaFX 2.1 Installation Guide


2 JavaFX SDK 2.1 Installation for Mac OS X

This page provides information about the installing the JavaFX 2.1 SDK on Mac OS X.


JavaFX applications can only be packaged on Mac as desktop applications and cannot be deployed on Mac, because there is no standalone JRE or JavaFX Runtime.

The JavaFX 2.1 SDK for Mac is installed as part of JDK 7 update 4 for Mac. See the JDK 7 update 4 platform requirements and installation instructions, see "JDK 7 Installation for Mac OSX" at

The JDK 7u4 installer is available at


The JavaFX 2.1 SDK system requirements for Mac are more restrictive than those for the JDK. Before you download the installer, check the JavaFX system requirements at

Installed JDK/SDK Directory Structure on Mac

The JDK is installed in the following location on Mac:

The JavaFX SDK follows the directory structure of the JDK and is co-located with it, so each JDK subdirectory contains both JDK and JavaFX SDK files. as appropriate.

For example, in the following location:
you can find JDK utilities, such as java and javac, as well as javafxpackager from the JavaFX SDK.
