JavaFX 2.2.4 Installation Guide


4 I Installed JavaFX, Now What?

Congratulations! You installed JavaFX, either as part of the JDK 7 cobundle or as a standalone installation for JDK 6. Now what?

This page contains the following sections.

Download and Run JavaFX Samples

Download the JavaFX sample zip file and try running one of the pre-built JAR files. Then open the NetBeans IDE projects and look at the source code.

  1. Go to the Java SE download page at

  2. Scroll to the section "JDK 7 and JavaFX Demos and Samples," then click Download.

  3. Scroll to the section "JavaFX Demos and Samples Downloads," then click the link to download the samples for your operating system.

  4. Extract the files to your file system, then open the samples_readme.txt for more information about how to run the samples and set up the source projects in the NetBeans IDE.

Install NetBeans IDE

NetBeans IDE supports the JavaFX API. Download it at

For information about configuring NetBeans IDE to run with JavaFX, see "Setting Up NetBeans IDE With JavaFX" at

Check Out the JavaFX 2 Tutorials and Documentation

Learn JavaFX by working through the Getting Started tutorials. Then check out the other documentation available at

Try Out JavaFX Scene Builder

JavaFX Scene Builder is a design tool for the JavaFX platform. You can download it from the JavaFX download page at one of the following locations:


Here are some tips for working around problems that are sometimes seen during or following an installation.

Test Both JavaFX and Java Applications

If the JavaFX samples do not run, try running Java samples to isolate the problem. You can download Java samples from the Java SE download page at

Check the Supported Environments

Check the system requirements to verify that you have a supported environment. Consult the appropriate system requirements document:

Check Whether Your Installation is 64-Bit or 32-Bit

With Windows or Linux installations, if you installed a 64-bit version, you may have problems with applications that run on 32 bits. Note that the 32-bit version is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit systems, but the reverse is not true.

Mac requires a 64-bit installation.

Check the Release Notes

Check the JavaFX 2.2.4 release notes for known issues.

Ask a Question on the JavaFX Forum

If you still have unresolved issues, go to the JavaFX Forum at

File a Bug or Feature Request

The JavaFX bug database is at

See also How to file a bug or submit a feature request on the OTN discussion forums.
