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Oracle® Java ME Embedded Getting Started Guide for the Reference Platform (STM32429I-EVAL)
Release 8.1 Developer Preview
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Beta Draft: 2015-04-29

1 Installing on the ST Micro STM32429I-EVAL Board

This chapter documents how to install the Java ME Embedded software onto an ST Micro STM32429I-EVAL board, including configuring the Java ME Embedded system, connecting to the command-line and logging interfaces, and performing basic configuration tasks.

The following items are required for developing on the ST Micro STM32429I-EVAL board:

Downloading and Installing the MDK-ARM Lite Development Kit

To install the Oracle Java ME Embedded software on the reference board, first download and install version 5.12 or above of the MDK-ARM development kit. The MDK-ARM Core Version 5 development kit can be obtained from the following site:

Once downloaded, install the MDK-ARM tool by double-clicking on the executable. Example projects do not need to be installed. If the application starts after installation, close it down.


The MDK-ARM Development Kit must be installed in a new directory, or previous versions of the software must be removed. Otherwise, the software may not be able to read older driver pack descriptions.

Next, install the ST-Link drivers to connect to the board. This is mandatory if the drivers are not already installed on your system. The ST-Link drivers can be obtained from the following site:

When the installation of both packages is complete, run the Keil uVision 5 application. Open the Pack Installer tool using the Project->Manage->Pack Installer... menu item, if it does not appear automatically, and install the Keil::STM32F4xx_DFP driver pack, as shown in Figure 1-1. Once this is completed, shut down the Keil uVision 5 application.

Figure 1-1 Driver Pack for the STM32429I-EVAL Embedded Board.

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Driver Pack for the STM32429I-EVAL Embedded Board."

Downloading and Installing the PuTTY Terminal Emulator Program

Download the PuTTY Terminal Emulator Program (putty.exe) from the following site:

The terminal emulator executable is directly downloadable as putty.exe. The terminal emulator is used to connect to two separate sockets: one for the command-line interface (CLI) that issues commands to the board, and one for the logging or system output provided by the board.

Preparing the ST Micro STM32429I-EVAL Board

In order to use the ST Micro STM32429I-EVAL board for Java development, first prepare the board using the following steps:

  • Set the JP12 jumper to the "PSU" state, which indicates that the board will be powered from the external adapter "PSU DC5V".

  • Set the JP8 jumper to 3V3 position and ensure the LI-ION battery is inserted into the board's socket. Otherwise the system time and log setting will be reset every time the board is turned off.

  • Connect the board to the computer using a USB-A to USB-B cable, connecting to the USB port next to the power connector.

  • Connect an ethernet cable to the RJ-45 port on the board.

  • Plug in the external power adapter delivered with the board to the "PSU DC5V" connector. The board should power up, and the LEDs and display should turn on. At this point, Windows will attempt to locate a compatible ST Link device driver. After searching the Windows Update drivers, it should eventually locate the version installed on the disk and present the dialog shown in Figure 1-2.

    Figure 1-2 ST Link Dongle Driver Installation

    Description of Figure 1-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-2 ST Link Dongle Driver Installation"

  • Finally, ensure that the "STMicroelectronics STLink dongle" device appears in Windows Device Manager under Universal Serial Bus controllers or devices. The Device Manager can be accessed using the Windows Control Panel.

Connecting the ST Micro STM32429I-EVAL Board to the Computer

Ensure that the board is receiving power by verifying that the touchscreen is active. See Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3 The ST Micro STM32429I-EVAL Board

Description of Figure 1-3 follows
Description of "Figure 1-3 The ST Micro STM32429I-EVAL Board"

When the board is first powered on, the touchscreeen may request a calibration from the user. It is not necessary to complete this calibration in order to use Java ME Embedded on the board.

Exploring the Oracle Java ME Distribution Bundle

At this point, unzip the Oracle Java ME Embedded Distribution 8.1 for the STM32429I-EVAL Embedded Board. The distribution bundle contains four directories that consist of the following important files:


The deploy.bat file is a Windows script file that invokes the uVision MDK-ARM tool to flash the board with the contents of the Oracle Java ME Emebedded binary file. You must edit this file to point to the installation directory of the Keil MDK-ARM tools directory (typically C:\Keil_v5) before flashing the embedded board.

/java/java.uvoptx, /java/java.uvprojx

These are uVision project files that are used by the Keil uVision MDK-ARM tool. You should not modify these files.


This is the Oracle Java ME Embedded binary file that will be flashed on the ST Micro board, stored in an ARM executable format. Do not modify this file.


This ZIP file contains the Java class structures for all publicly reachable classes used by the Java ME executable.


This is the main properties file for the Java ME binary executable. Modify this file before copying the /sd_card directory to the SD card that is inserted into the embedded board to control various runtime elements of the Oracle Java ME Embedded binary.


This the Java security keystore file that is used by the Java ME binary executable on the board. Do not attempt to modify this file directly. Instead, use the CLI keystore commands to access keys and certificates in this file. See Chapter 2 for more information on using the CLI proxy.


This is the security policy file that defines policy groups for the Java ME binary executable on the board. Modify this file as needed to create your own security policies.


The root filesystem is a user-accessible directory that can be used to store and retrieve files and data through programs running on the board. Note that data above this directory is inaccessible by user programs.


This is an executable JAR file that can be used to connect to the CLI proxy to issue commands to the board. See Chapter 2 for more information on using the CLI proxy.


This is an executable JAR file that can be used to perform automatic testing when the Oracle Java ME Embedded binary is first booted. See the README in this directory for more information on performing automatic testing.

Setting Up the MicroSD Card

The MicroSD card contains configuration files used by the Java ME Embedded native distribution, including the initialization properties and security policy files. Ensure that you are using an SD card that is compatible with the embedded board.

Follow these steps to prepare the card:

  1. Insert the card on the Windows desktop computer, select the card in the My Computer window, and right-click and select Format...

  2. Select File System as FAT32, Allocation Unit Size as the default allocation unit size, and ensure that Quick Format is not selected, as shown in Figure 1-4. The Volume label is optional. Press the Start button. Once the formatting is completed, move to the next step.

    Figure 1-4 Windows Formatter Settings

    Description of Figure 1-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-4 Windows Formatter Settings"

  3. Copy the java/ folder inside the sd_card/ directory of the Oracle Java ME Embedded distribution to the root directory of the SD card. Do not eject the SD card yet.

Note that the Oracle Java ME Embedded runtime only supports 8.3 filenames on the SD card of the device.

Network Configuration

When the board boots, basic network initialization is performed using DHCP. However, if you wish to specify your own network configuration, you can modify the following parameters in the java/jwc_prop.ini file on the SD card.

Table 1-1 Ethernet Initialization Parameters

Parameter Description

The MAC address that is assigned to the connected Ethernet device

The method of obtaining an IP address for the configuration of the Ethernet interface, one of "static" or "dhcp". "dhcp" is used as the default.

The IP address which is assigned to the device if a static IP method is chosen

The IP address mask which is assigned to the Ethernet device if a static IP method is chosen

The IP address of gateway which is assigned to Ethernet device if a static IP method is chosen. By default, the current IP address is used;

The DNS server IP address which is used to resolve DNS requests during network activities, such as methods.

An alternative DNS server IP address used to resolve DNS requests during network activities, such as methods.

Setting the Runtime Clock

To set up the Runtime Clock (RTC) in STM32429I-EVAL board, the rtc.time.value property in the java/jwc_prop.ini file on the SD card must be set in the following format:

rtc.time.value = 2013/12/22 12:25:33 GMT


Due to the persistent character of information storage in the RTC registers (including RTC settings), the board may occasionally hang during RTC initialization. To solve the problem, it is necessary to do the following when installing Java ME to the board:
  1. Switch J8 jumper to the 3V3 position

  2. Switch the STM32429I-EVAL board off

  3. Disconnect all cables from the board (this is necessary as the board may take its power supply from the signal lines).

  4. Wait 5 seconds

  5. Reconnect all necessary cables and switch the board on again. Note that you may need to reset the time again.

Installing the Firmware on the Evaluation Board

The Java ME Embedded distribution contains a utility that uses the MDK-ARM software to erase and flash the Oracle Java ME Embedded binary onto the evaluation board. Use the following procedure to prepare the SD card and install the firmware:

  1. Use the Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media function on the Windows desktop to remove the SD card from the computer. (In Windows, for example, the Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media tool is present in the lower right system tray near the clock.) Alternatively, you can select the SD card in the My Computer window, right click and select Eject. If necessary, remove the MicroSD card from the SD card housing.

  2. Ensure that the board is not powered up by temporarily disconnecting the USB and power cables. Insert the MicroSD card into the SD card slot on the board.

  3. Connect the board to the Windows desktop computer as you did previously, including the including the power cable, the network cable, and the USB-A to USB-B cable. The board should now be receiving power.

  4. On the desktop, edit the file deploy.bat inside the directory java/ in the Oracle Java ME Embedded software. Ensure that the KEIL_SDK variable contains the correct path to the MDK-ARM tool binary. For example:

    set KEIL_SDK=C:\Keil_v5
  5. With the board connected, run the batch file deploy.bat to download the distribution to the evaluation board. The touchscreen display on the device should go blank, and the COM LED should quickly flash red and green.

  6. Once completed, push the Reset button on the board to start the Java ME Embedded native platform. The runtime will then use the configuration files on the MicroSD card to initialize itself. If successful, the touchscreen on the device should look similar to Figure 1-5.

  7. If desired, disconnect the USB-A to USB-B cable and plug a USB-A to MicroUSB cable into the OTG-HS connector, which is labeled as connector CN9 on the board, just below the large black DB9 connecter in Figure 1-5.

Figure 1-5 The ST Micro STM32429I-EVAL Touchscreen After Installing Java ME Embedded

Description of Figure 1-5 follows
Description of "Figure 1-5 The ST Micro STM32429I-EVAL Touchscreen After Installing Java ME Embedded"

Connecting to Logging Ports

Logging from the board can be enabled by setting the log.method setting in jwc_prop.ini file in the /java directory of the SD card. The possible values for this property are the default value of NONE, as well as UART and ITM. Table 1-2 gives a description of each of the values. Note that the UART and ITM values are mutually exclusive; only one method may be used at a time.

Table 1-2 Logging Methods for the STM32429I-EVAL

Log Method Value Description


No logging information is produced


Logging information is sent using the RS-232 connector marked CN8 on the board


Logging information is sent using the RS-232 ITM (Instrument Trace Macrocell).

The log method value is obtained using the following procedure:

  • The Oracle Java ME Embedded runtime will first read the setting from backup SRAM powered from Vbat (if possible) and then initialize the logging with that value. Note that JP8 must be properly set to use Vbat, otherwise the settings will be lost. In the event of data loss, the Oracle Java ME Embedded runtime uses ITM for this stage as a default.

  • The Oracle Java ME Embedded runtime will read the setting from the jwc_prop.ini file and compare it with the value loaded from SRAM. If the values do not match, or there is no saved setting, then the current value is changed to what was read from the jwc_prop.ini file. The SRAM value is then rewritten to this value in all cases.

If you wish to use UART logging, either connect an RS-232 cable or a USB-to-Serial adapter to the DB9 connector labeled CN8 on the STM32 board (which uses an RS-232 voltage level). Do not connect to the DB9 connected labeled CN22 on the board. Once the serial connection is made, use PuTTY to connect to the appropriate COM port using the following configuration:

  • Speed 115200

  • 8 bits

  • No parity

  • 1 stop bit

If you are using a USB-to-Serial adapter, you may be required to install a USB-to-COM driver that will map the USB port to a virtual COM port.

To use the ITM option, you will need either an external hardware debugger or the STM32 ST-LINK utility, which uses a Serial Wire Output (SWO) interface in conjunction with a built-in debugger.

Using the Display

The Oracle Java ME Embedded runtime can be used to display text only on the touchscreen display of the STM32429I-EVAL board. Access to the display can be obtained using the javax.microedition.lui package, with the following constraints:

  • The id is "LCD Display"

  • Vertical and horizontal scrolling are not supported

  • Adjustments to the lighting are not supported

  • The default background color is black

  • The default text color is green

  • The number of lines supported is 15

  • The maximum number of characters per line is 52