
Oracle Java Micro Edition Software Development Kit Developer's Guide

11 About Java ME Demo Applications

The Oracle Java ME SDK includes demo applications that introduce you to the emulator's API features and the Oracle Java ME SDK features, tools, and utilities that support the various APIs.


Before using the Oracle Java ME SDK demo applications, carefully read Appendix B. Some demonstrations use network access and open ports, and do not include protection against malicious intrusion. If you run the demo projects, ensure that your environment is secure.

Demo applications are installed with the Java ME SDK plug-ins for NetBeans IDE and Eclipse IDE. Additional demo applications may become available through the update center. For more information about installing the plug-ins and the update center, see Chapter 2.

The following demos are available by default:

  • APDU Sample: Demonstrates communication with smart cards using Application Protocol Data Units (APDUs) from JSR 177 - Security and Trust Services API.

  • Calculator Sample: Calculates several arithmetic expressions concurrently. Demonstrates the following functionality: Multithreading, Service Loader.

  • Crypto Sample: Demonstrates the general cryptographic features (SATSA-CRYPTO package) of JSR 177 - Security and Trust Services API.

  • Data Collection Demo: Reads data from peripheral devices using Device Access API (DAAPI) and processes it. Demonstrates the following functionality: MVM, Inter-IMlet communication using local datagrams, Device I/O pulse counter, Device I/O SPI, Logging API.

  • Data Forwarder Sample: Forwards text data received from a connected TCP client to a set of applications. Demonstrates the following functionality: MEEP IMC, MEEP Events, GCF Server Socket.

  • Directory Files Tree Sample: Prints the tree of files and directories. Demonstrates a part of CLDC NIO files functionality.

  • GPIO Sample: Demonstrates usage of GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) package of Device I/O API 1.1.

  • I2C Accelerometer Sample: Demonstrates simple communication with triaxial accelerometer via I2C using Device I/O API 1.1.

  • Location Sample: Demonstrates features of JSR 179 - Location API.

  • Network Info Sample: Displays information about available network interfaces, access points, IP address and host reachability (ping). Demonstrates the following functionality: GCF Network Interfaces, GCF Access Points, GCF NetworkUtilities.

  • Simple LUI Sample: Demonstrates the following functionality: MEEP v.8 LUI, MEEP v.8 Key, DIO v.1.1 I2C, DIO v.1.1 GPIO

  • Socket Client Sample: Demonstrates how to establish a TCP connection with a server and send messages to it. The sample can connect to any TCP server. See SocketServerSample for a sample server written for Java ME Embedded platform).

  • Socket Server Sample: Demonstrates how to listen for incoming TCP connections, accept and receive messages from the clients. The sample can work with any TCP client such as like nc or telnet. See SocketClientSample for a sample client written for Java ME Embedded platform.

  • System Controller Sample: Displays the state of other applications, enables you to run and stop them using a simple command-line interface, and does other application management tasks. Demonstrates the following functionality: MEEP Software Management (SWM), CLDC Logging, CLDC Timers, GCF Server Sockets, DIO GPIO Pins, DIO Watchdog, MEEP Power, Application autostart.

  • System Info Sample: Reads system properties and information about the amount of memory used by the JVM, displays details about installed and running applications. Demonstrates part of MEEP SWM functionality.

  • Temperature Collector Sample: Measures temperature periodically and stores results. When a remote client connects, it sends the average temperature to the client. Demonstrates the following functionality: MEEP PushRegistry Alarm, MEEP PushRegistry Push Notifications, MEEP Record Store Management (RMS), GCF Server Socket, CLDC system time.

  • Wireless Messaging Sample: Demonstrates features of JSR 120 - Wireless Messaging API.

  • XML API Sample: Demonstrates the general features of JSR 280 - XML API.

11.1 Running Demo Applications

You can run the default demo applications from NetBeans IDE or Eclipse IDE by creating the corresponding project. Then you run the project to try out the features that the demo was created for.

To create a Java ME demo application project in NetBeans IDE:

  1. Open the File menu and select New Project.

  2. In the Categories list, expand Samples and select Java ME SDK 8.2.

  3. Select the demo application from the Projects list and click Next.

  4. Enter a name for the project or leave the default, change other settings as necessary, and click Finish.

To create a Java ME demo application project in Eclipse IDE:

  1. Open the File menu, select New, and then Example.

  2. In the New Example wizard, select Java ME Sample Applications and click Next.

  3. Select the demo application from the list and click Finish.

11.2 Configuring the Web Browser and Proxy Settings

If you are behind a firewall, you can configure the demo applications to use proxy server settings that you define.

The demo application proxy server settings typically match the proxy server settings used in your web browser. To manually set the proxy server settings for your demo applications, do the following:

  1. Open the Device Selector.

  2. Select the platform name to view its properties.

  3. Specify the HTTP Proxy Settings, HTTP Proxy Host, and HTTP Proxy Port fields to match your network and browser settings.

11.3 Troubleshooting

Sometimes a demo application does not run successfully. Often, the problem is your environment.

  • Some demonstrations require specific setup and instructions. For example, see "Configuring the Web Browser and Proxy Settings."

  • Because sample programs can be started remotely, virus checking software can sometimes prevent them from running. In the console, you see warnings that the emulator cannot connect.

    Consider configuring your antivirus software to allow access to sample application directories and components.

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Oracle Java Micro Edition Software Development Kit Developer's Guide

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