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JSR-209 (Final Approval Ballot)

Uses of Class

Packages that use Line2D
java.awt.geom Provides the Java 2D classes for defining and performing operations on objects related to two-dimensional geometry. 

Uses of Line2D in java.awt.geom

Subclasses of Line2D in java.awt.geom
static class Line2D.Float
          A line segment specified with float coordinates.

Methods in java.awt.geom with parameters of type Line2D
 boolean Rectangle2D.intersectsLine(Line2D l)
          Tests if the specified line segment intersects the interior of this Rectangle2D.
 void Line2D.setLine(Line2D l)
          Sets the location of the endpoints of this Line2D to the same as those endpoints of the specified Line2D.
 boolean Line2D.intersectsLine(Line2D l)
          Tests if the specified line segment intersects this line segment.

JSR-209 (Final Approval Ballot)

Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to License Terms. Your use of this web site or any of its content or software indicates your agreement to be bound by these License Terms.

For more information, please consult the JSR 209 specification.