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JSR-209 (Final Approval Ballot)

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractBorder
javax.swing.border Provides classes and interface for drawing specialized borders around a Swing component. 

Uses of AbstractBorder in javax.swing.border

Subclasses of AbstractBorder in javax.swing.border
 class BevelBorder
          A class which implements a simple 2 line bevel border.
 class CompoundBorder
          A composite Border class used to compose two Border objects into a single border by nesting an inside Border object within the insets of an outside Border object.
 class EmptyBorder
          A class which provides an empty, transparent border which takes up space but does no drawing.
 class EtchedBorder
          A class which implements a simple etched border which can either be etched-in or etched-out.
 class LineBorder
          A class which implements a line border of arbitrary thickness and of a single color.
 class MatteBorder
          A class which provides a matte-like border of either a solid color or a tiled icon.
 class SoftBevelBorder
          A class which implements a raised or lowered bevel with softened corners.
 class TitledBorder
          A class which implements an arbitrary border with the addition of a String title in a specified position and justification.

JSR-209 (Final Approval Ballot)

Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to License Terms. Your use of this web site or any of its content or software indicates your agreement to be bound by these License Terms.

For more information, please consult the JSR 209 specification.