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JSR-927 (Maintenance Release)
Interface CachingControl

All Superinterfaces:

public interface CachingControl
extends Control

CachingControl is an interface supported by Players that are capable of reporting download progress. Typically, this control is accessed through the Controller.getControls method. A Controller that supports this control will post CachingControlEvents often enough to support the implementation of custom progress GUIs.

See Also:
Controller, ControllerListener, CachingControlEvent, Player

Field Summary
static long LENGTH_UNKNOWN
          Use to indicate that the CachingControl doesn't know how long the content is.
Method Summary
 long getContentLength()
          Get the total number of bytes in the media being downloaded.
 long getContentProgress()
          Get the total number of bytes of media data that have been downloaded so far.
 java.awt.Component getControlComponent()
          Get a Component that provides additional download control.
 java.awt.Component getProgressBarComponent()
          Get a Component for displaying the download progress.
 boolean isDownloading()
          Check whether or not media is being downloaded.

Field Detail


public static final long LENGTH_UNKNOWN
Use to indicate that the CachingControl doesn't know how long the content is.

The definition is: LENGTH_UNKNOWN == Long.MAX_VALUE

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public boolean isDownloading()
Check whether or not media is being downloaded.

Returns true if media is being downloaded; otherwise returns false. .


public long getContentLength()
Get the total number of bytes in the media being downloaded. Returns LENGTH_UNKNOWN if this information is not available.

The media length in bytes, or LENGTH_UNKNOWN.


public long getContentProgress()
Get the total number of bytes of media data that have been downloaded so far.

The number of bytes downloaded.


public java.awt.Component getProgressBarComponent()
Get a Component for displaying the download progress.

Progress bar GUI.


public java.awt.Component getControlComponent()
Get a Component that provides additional download control. Returns null if only a progress bar is provided.

Specified by:
getControlComponent in interface Control
Download control GUI.

JSR-927 (Maintenance Release)

Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to License Terms. Your use of this web site or any of its content or software indicates your agreement to be bound by these License Terms.

For more information, please consult the JSR 927 specification.