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JSR-927 (Maintenance Release)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use MediaEvent   

Uses of MediaEvent in

Classes in that implement MediaEvent
 class CachingControlEvent
          This event is generated by a Controller that supports the CachingControl interface.
 class ConnectionErrorEvent
          A ConnectionErrorEvent is posted when an error occurs within a DataSource when obtaining data or communicating with a server.
 class ControllerClosedEvent
          A ControllerClosedEvent describes an event that is generated when an a Controller is closed.
 class ControllerErrorEvent
          A ControllerErrorEvent describes an event that is generated when an error condition occurs that will cause a Controller to cease functioning.
 class ControllerEvent
          ControllerEvent is the base class for events generated by a Controller.
 class DataStarvedEvent
          DataStarvedEvent indicates that a Controller has lost data or has stopped receiving data altogether.
 class DeallocateEvent
          A DeallocateEvent is posted as an acknowledgement of the invocation of the deallocate method.
 class DurationUpdateEvent
          DurationUpdateEvent is posted by a Controller when its duration changes.
 class EndOfMediaEvent
          An EndOfMediaEvent indicates that the Controller has reached the end of its media and is stopping.
 class GainChangeEvent
          A GainChangeEvent is posted by a GainControl when its state has been updated.
 class InternalErrorEvent
          An InternalErrorEvent indicates that a Controller failed for implementation-specific reasons.
 class MediaTimeSetEvent
          A MediaTimeSetEvent is posted by a Controller when its media-time has been set with the setMediaTime method.
 class PrefetchCompleteEvent
          A PrefetchCompleteEvent is posted when a Controller finishes Prefetching.
 class RateChangeEvent
          A RateChangeEvent is a ControllerEvent that is posted when a Controller's rate changes.
 class RealizeCompleteEvent
          A RealizeCompleteEvent is posted when a Controller finishes Realizing.
 class ResourceUnavailableEvent
          A ResourceUnavailableEvent indicates that a Controller was unable to allocate a resource that it requires for operation.
 class RestartingEvent
          A RestartingEvent indicates that a Controller has moved from the Started state back to the Prefetching state (a Stopped state) and intends to return to the Started state when Prefetching is complete.
 class StartEvent
          StartEvent is a TransitionEvent that indicates that a Controller has entered the Started state.
 class StopAtTimeEvent
          A StopAtTimeEvent indicates that the Controller has stopped because it reached its stop time.
 class StopByRequestEvent
          A StopByRequestEvent indicates that the Controller has stopped in response to a stop call.
 class StopEvent
          StopEvent is a ControllerEvent that indicates that a Controller has stopped.
 class StopTimeChangeEvent
          A StopTimeChangeEvent is generated by a Controller when its stop time has changed.
 class TransitionEvent
          TransitionEvent is a ControllerEvent that indicates that a Controller has changed state.

JSR-927 (Maintenance Release)

Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to License Terms. Your use of this web site or any of its content or software indicates your agreement to be bound by these License Terms.

For more information, please consult the JSR 927 specification.