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Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

JSR-927 (Maintenance Release)


Provides controls and events for the management of real-time media in a television environment.


Interface Summary
AWTVideoSizeControl AWTVideoSizeControl allows setting clipping, scaling, and translation of a video stream in a simple, interoperable way.
MediaSelectControl MediaSelectControl allows the selection of different kinds of content in a running Player.
MediaSelectListener The MediaSelectListener interface is implemented by applications in order to receive notification of selection operations on a MediaSelectControl.

Class Summary
AWTVideoSize AWTVideoSize is a data holder that represents the position, scaling, and clipping of a JMF Player, as controlled via an AWTVideoSizeControl.
MediaSelectCARefusedEvent MediaSelectCARefusedEvent is generated when a media select operation fails due to lack of CA authorization.
MediaSelectEvent MediaSelectEvent is the base class of events sent to MediaSelectListener instances.
MediaSelectFailedEvent MediaSelectFailedEvent notifies a MediaSelectListener that a selection operation failed.
MediaSelectPermission This class represents permission to select, via a MediaSelectControl, the content that a JMF Player presents.
MediaSelectSucceededEvent A MediaSelectSucceededEvent notifies a MediaSelectListener that a selection operation succeeded.

Package Description

Provides controls and events for the management of real-time media in a television environment.
The Java TV API uses the Java Media Framework (JMF) APIs for managing the broadcast media pipeline.

JMF defines, which extends MediaHandler, for time-based media data. A Player object encapsulates the state machine required to acquire resources and manage the rendering of time-based media streams. A Player object also provides various controls for the rendering facilities (e.g., volume and video picture controls). Finally, in the case of a Player for an audio/video stream, a GUI component object that contains the video portion of the stream can be obtained from the Player. This allows integration and placement of video with the rest of the presentation.

This package defines extensions to JMF for use a television environment. The DAVIC media package defines additional JMF extensions. For a detailed description of JMF, see the JMF 1.0 specification.

JSR-927 (Maintenance Release)

Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to License Terms. Your use of this web site or any of its content or software indicates your agreement to be bound by these License Terms.

For more information, please consult the JSR 927 specification.