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Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Foundation 1.1.2
Interface ContentConnection

All Superinterfaces:
Connection, InputConnection, OutputConnection, StreamConnection
All Known Subinterfaces:
HttpConnection, HttpsConnection

public interface ContentConnection
extends StreamConnection

This interface defines the stream connection over which content is passed.

CLDC 1.0

Method Summary
 String getEncoding()
          Returns a string describing the encoding of the content which the resource connected to is providing.
 long getLength()
          Returns the length of the content which is being provided.
 String getType()
          Returns the type of content that the resource connected to is providing.
Methods inherited from interface
openDataInputStream, openInputStream
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
openDataOutputStream, openOutputStream

Method Detail


public String getType()
Returns the type of content that the resource connected to is providing. For instance, if the connection is via HTTP, then the value of the content-type header field is returned.

the content type of the resource that the URL references, or null if not known.

NOTE: In certain environments, such as HttpConnection implemented on top of WAP, the content type is always known even if content-type header field is missing from the server response. Therefore, in certain cases, the content type might always be non-null even if the content-type header field is missing.


public String getEncoding()
Returns a string describing the encoding of the content which the resource connected to is providing. E.g. if the connection is via HTTP, the value of the content-encoding header field is returned.

the content encoding of the resource that the URL references, or null if not known.


public long getLength()
Returns the length of the content which is being provided. E.g. if the connection is via HTTP, then the value of the content-length header field is returned.

the content length of the resource that this connection's URL references, or -1 if the content length is not known.

Foundation 1.1.2

Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to License Terms. Your use of this web site or any of its content or software indicates your agreement to be bound by these License Terms.

For more information, please consult the JSR 219 specification.