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JSR 216 (Maintenance Release)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Cloneable
java.awt Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images. 
java.awt.datatransfer Provides interfaces and classes for transferring data between and within applications. 
java.awt.image Provides classes for creating and modifying images. Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework. The classes and interfaces in this package have been superseded by classes in the package. 
java.text Provides classes and interfaces for handling text, dates, numbers, and messages in a manner independent of natural languages. 
java.util Contains the collections framework, legacy collection classes, event model, date and time facilities, internationalization, and miscellaneous utility classes (a string tokenizer, a random-number generator, and a bit array). 
java.util.jar Provides classes for reading and writing the JAR (Java ARchive) file format, which is based on the standard ZIP file format with an optional manifest file. Provides classes for reading and writing the standard ZIP and GZIP file formats. 

Uses of Cloneable in java.awt

Classes in java.awt that implement Cloneable
 class Dimension
          The Dimension class encapsulates the width and height of a component (in integer precision) in a single object.
 class GridBagConstraints
          The GridBagConstraints class specifies constraints for components that are laid out using the GridBagLayout class.
 class ImageCapabilities
          Capabilities and properties of images.
 class Insets
          An Insets object is a representation of the borders of a container.
 class Point
          A point representing a location in (x, y) coordinate space, specified in integer precision.
 class Rectangle
          A Rectangle specifies an area in a coordinate space that is enclosed by the Rectangle object's top-left point (xy) in the coordinate space, its width, and its height.

Uses of Cloneable in java.awt.datatransfer

Classes in java.awt.datatransfer that implement Cloneable
 class DataFlavor
          Each instance represents the opaque concept of a data format as would appear on a clipboard, during drag and drop, or in a file system.

Uses of Cloneable in java.awt.image

Classes in java.awt.image that implement Cloneable
 class AreaAveragingScaleFilter
          An ImageFilter class for scaling images using a simple area averaging algorithm that produces smoother results than the nearest neighbor algorithm.
 class CropImageFilter
          An ImageFilter class for cropping images.
 class ImageFilter
          This class implements a filter for the set of interface methods that are used to deliver data from an ImageProducer to an ImageConsumer.
 class ReplicateScaleFilter
          An ImageFilter class for scaling images using the simplest algorithm.
 class RGBImageFilter
          This class provides an easy way to create an ImageFilter which modifies the pixels of an image in the default RGB ColorModel.

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class Provider
          This class represents a "provider" for the Java Security API, where a provider implements some or all parts of Java Security.

Uses of Cloneable in

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in
 interface AclEntry
          This is the interface used for representing one entry in an Access Control List (ACL).

Uses of Cloneable in java.text

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in java.text
 interface AttributedCharacterIterator
          An AttributedCharacterIterator allows iteration through both text and related attribute information.
 interface CharacterIterator
          This interface defines a protocol for bidirectional iteration over text.

Classes in java.text that implement Cloneable
 class BreakIterator
          The BreakIterator class implements methods for finding the location of boundaries in text.
 class ChoiceFormat
          A ChoiceFormat allows you to attach a format to a range of numbers.
 class Collator
          The Collator class performs locale-sensitive String comparison.
 class DateFormat
          DateFormat is an abstract class for date/time formatting subclasses which formats and parses dates or time in a language-independent manner.
 class DateFormatSymbols
          DateFormatSymbols is a public class for encapsulating localizable date-time formatting data, such as the names of the months, the names of the days of the week, and the time zone data.
 class DecimalFormat
          DecimalFormat is a concrete subclass of NumberFormat that formats decimal numbers.
 class DecimalFormatSymbols
          This class represents the set of symbols (such as the decimal separator, the grouping separator, and so on) needed by DecimalFormat to format numbers.
 class Format
          Format is an abstract base class for formatting locale-sensitive information such as dates, messages, and numbers.
 class MessageFormat
          MessageFormat provides a means to produce concatenated messages in language-neutral way.
 class NumberFormat
          NumberFormat is the abstract base class for all number formats.
 class RuleBasedCollator
          The RuleBasedCollator class is a concrete subclass of Collator that provides a simple, data-driven, table collator.
 class SimpleDateFormat
          SimpleDateFormat is a concrete class for formatting and parsing dates in a locale-sensitive manner.
 class StringCharacterIterator
          StringCharacterIterator implements the CharacterIterater protocol for a String.

Uses of Cloneable in java.util

Classes in java.util that implement Cloneable
 class ArrayList
          Resizable-array implementation of the List interface.
 class BitSet
          This class implements a vector of bits that grows as needed.
 class Calendar
          Calendar is an abstract base class for converting between a Date object and a set of integer fields such as YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, and so on.
 class Date
          The class Date represents a specific instant in time, with millisecond precision.
 class GregorianCalendar
          GregorianCalendar is a concrete subclass of Calendar and provides the standard calendar used by most of the world.
 class HashMap
          Hash table based implementation of the Map interface.
 class HashSet
          This class implements the Set interface, backed by a hash table (actually a HashMap instance).
 class Hashtable
          This class implements a hashtable, which maps keys to values.
 class IdentityHashMap
          This class implements the Map interface with a hash table, using reference-equality in place of object-equality when comparing keys (and values).
 class LinkedHashMap
          Hash table and linked list implementation of the Map interface, with predictable iteration order.
 class LinkedHashSet
          Hash table and linked list implementation of the Set interface, with predictable iteration order.
 class LinkedList
          Linked list implementation of the List interface.
 class Locale
          A Locale object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region.
 class Properties
          The Properties class represents a persistent set of properties.
 class SimpleTimeZone
          SimpleTimeZone is a concrete subclass of TimeZone that represents a time zone for use with a Gregorian calendar.
 class Stack
          The Stack class represents a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack of objects.
 class TimeZone
          TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings.
 class TreeMap
          Red-Black tree based implementation of the SortedMap interface.
 class TreeSet
          This class implements the Set interface, backed by a TreeMap instance.
 class Vector
          The Vector class implements a growable array of objects.

Uses of Cloneable in java.util.jar

Classes in java.util.jar that implement Cloneable
 class Attributes
          The Attributes class maps Manifest attribute names to associated string values.
 class JarEntry
          This class is used to represent a JAR file entry.
 class Manifest
          The Manifest class is used to maintain Manifest entry names and their associated Attributes.

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class ZipEntry
          This class is used to represent a ZIP file entry.

JSR 216 (Maintenance Release)

Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to License Terms. Your use of this web site or any of its content or software indicates your agreement to be bound by these License Terms.

For more information, please consult the JSR 216 specification.