Oracle Java Wireless Client

Uses of Class

Uses of SuiteNotFoundException in com.sun.ams

Methods in com.sun.ams that throw SuiteNotFoundException
 java.lang.String[] SuiteInfo.getAvailableProperties()
          Enumerate names of available properies
 java.lang.String AppSuite.getDefaultApp()
          Get default application (MIDlet) from the suite.
 java.lang.String SuiteInfo.getDownloadUrl()
          Gets the URL that the suite descriptor was downloaded from.
 java.lang.String SuiteInfo.getProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Requests property with given name
 SuiteSettings SuiteInfo.getSettings()
          Gets settings
 int SuiteInfo.getState()
          Returns suite state as a combination of flags STATE_DISABLED, STATE_HIDDEN and STATE_AVAILABLE
 int SuiteInfo.getSuiteType()
          Get suite type as one of the predefined constants
 int AppSuite.getType()
          Returns type of the suite as one of the predifined constats
 void SuiteInfo.remove()
          Removes a software package.
 void SuiteInfo.remove(boolean ignoreRemoveLock)
          Removes a software package.
 int SuiteInfo.setState(int state, boolean value)
          Modifies suites state

Oracle Java Wireless Client

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