Device I/O API
Proposal for Java ME 8
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W X 


abortCommand(String) - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDevice
Aborts the currently executing command by sending the provided abortSequence.
AbstractDevice<P extends Device<? super P>> - Class in jdk.dio.spi
The AbstractDevice class is the base implementation for Device-implementing classes instantiated by DeviceProvider.
AbstractDevice() - Constructor for class jdk.dio.spi.AbstractDevice
AccessOutOfBoundsException - Exception in jdk.dio.mmio
Thrown by an instance of MMIODevice if an offset used is out of valid boundary of the specified memory block.
AccessOutOfBoundsException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.mmio.AccessOutOfBoundsException
Constructs a new AccessOutOfBoundsException with null as its detailed reason message.
AccessOutOfBoundsException(String) - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.mmio.AccessOutOfBoundsException
Constructs a new AccessOutOfBoundsException with the specified detail message.
acquire() - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Reads the current raw sampled input value of this channel.
acquire(IntBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Reads a sequence of raw sampled input values from this channel and copies them into the provided buffer.
AcquisitionRoundListener - Interface in jdk.dio.adc
The AcquisitionRoundListener interface defines methods for getting notified of the availability of sampled input values.
ADCChannel - Interface in jdk.dio.adc
The ADCChannel interface provides methods for controlling an ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) channel.
ADCChannelConfig - Class in jdk.dio.adc
The ADCChannelConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of an ADC channel.
ADCChannelConfig(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannelConfig
Creates a new ADCChannelConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
ADCChannelConfig(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannelConfig
Creates a new ADCChannelConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
ADCPermission - Class in jdk.dio.adc
The ADCPermission class defines permissions for ADC channel access.
ADCPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.adc.ADCPermission
Constructs a new ADCPermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
ADCPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.adc.ADCPermission
Constructs a new ADCPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.
ADDR_SIZE_10 - Static variable in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDeviceConfig
10 bit slave address.
ADDR_SIZE_7 - Static variable in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDeviceConfig
7 bit slave address.
addRegistrationListener(RegistrationListener<P>, Class<P>) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Adds the specified registration listener to receive notification of registration and unregistration of devices of the specified type.
ALIGN_CENTER - Static variable in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Center alignement.
ALIGN_LEFT - Static variable in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Left alignement.
ALIGN_RIGHT - Static variable in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Right alignement.
and(T) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawRegister
Sets the value at the memory area associated with this object to the result of performing a logical AND of the value at the memory area with the argument value.
appendRead(I2CDevice, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CCombinedMessage
Appends a read message/operation from the provided I2C slave device.
appendRead(I2CDevice, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CCombinedMessage
Appends a read message/operation from the provided I2C slave device.
appendWrite(I2CDevice, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CCombinedMessage
Appends a write message/operation from the provided I2C slave device.
asDirectBuffer() - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawBlock
Gets the complete memory area this RawBlock is mapped to as a direct ByteBuffer.
AsyncErrorHandler<P extends Device<? super P>> - Interface in jdk.dio
The AsyncErrorHandler interface defines methods for getting notified of errors of asynchronous I/O operations.
ATDevice - Interface in jdk.dio.atcmd
The ATDevice interface provides methods for controlling a Data Communication Equipment such as a modem or a cellular module using AT commands.
ATDeviceConfig - Class in jdk.dio.atcmd
The ATDeviceConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of an AT device.
ATDeviceConfig(String, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDeviceConfig
Creates a new ATDeviceConfig with the specified hardware addressing information.
ATDeviceConfig(int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDeviceConfig
Creates a new ATDeviceConfig with the specified hardware addressing information.
ATModem - Interface in jdk.dio.atcmd
The ATModem provides methods for controlling a Data Communication Equipment such as a modem or a cellular module using AT commands and modem control signals.
ATPermission - Class in jdk.dio.atcmd
The ATPermission class defines permissions for AT device access.
ATPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATPermission
Constructs a new ATPermission with the specified target name and implicit open action.
ATPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATPermission
Constructs a new ATPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.


BACK_TO_RANGE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.adc.MonitoringEvent
Indicates that the ADC channel value got back within the defined range.
begin() - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDevice
Demarcates the beginning of an I2C transaction so that the subsequent read and write operations will be part of the same I2C combined message.
begin() - Method in interface jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDevice
Demarcates the beginning of an SPI transaction so that this slave's Select line (SS) will be remain asserted during the subsequent read and write operations and until the transaction ends.
begin() - Method in interface jdk.dio.Transactional
Demarcates the beginning of a transaction.
BIG_ENDIAN - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.Device
Big-endian byte or bit ordering.
BREAK_INTERRUPT - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTEvent
Event ID indicating a break interrupt.
BufferAccess<B extends java.nio.Buffer> - Interface in jdk.dio
The BufferAccess interface provides methods for getting access to the device (or the driver thereof) I/O buffers, if any.


causedLastReboot() - Method in interface jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimer
Checks if the last device reboot (or JVM restart) was caused by the watchdog timing out.
clearBit(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawRegister
Clears (sets to 0) the designated bit value at the memory area associated with this object.
clearBits(T) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawRegister
Clears (sets to 0) the specified bits at the memory area associated with this object.
close() - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDevice
Closes this device, relinquishing the underlying device resource and making it available to other applications.
close() - Method in interface jdk.dio.Device
Closes this device, relinquishing the underlying device resource and making it available to other applications.
ClosedDeviceException - Exception in jdk.dio
Thrown by an instance of Device to indicate that an operation is attempted on a device which is closed.
ClosedDeviceException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.ClosedDeviceException
Constructs a new ClosedDeviceException instance with null as its detailed reason message.
CommandResponseHandler - Interface in jdk.dio.atcmd
The CommandResponseHandler interface defines methods for handling responses to AT commands.
contains(PowerManaged) - Method in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged.Group
Check whether the provided Device is part of this group.
count - Variable in class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
The number of underlying coalesced hardware interrupts or software signals this event may represent.
CounterPermission - Class in jdk.dio.counter
The CounterPermission class defines permissions for pulse counter access.
CounterPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.counter.CounterPermission
Constructs a new CounterPermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
CounterPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.counter.CounterPermission
Constructs a new CounterPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.
CountingEvent - Class in jdk.dio.counter
The CountingEvent class encapsulates pulse counting conditions such as counter terminal value reached or counting session time interval expired.
CountingEvent(PulseCounter, int, int, long) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.counter.CountingEvent
Creates a new CountingEvent with the specified type, pulse count value and actual counting time interval and time-stamped with the current time.
CountingEvent(PulseCounter, int, int, long, long, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.counter.CountingEvent
Creates a new CountingEvent with the specified type, pulse count value, actual counting time interval and timestamp.
CountingListener - Interface in jdk.dio.counter
The CountingListener interface defines methods for getting notified of pulse counter counting conditions such as counter terminal value reached or counting session time interval expired as well of device errors.
countValueAvailable(CountingEvent) - Method in interface jdk.dio.counter.CountingListener
Invoked when the pulse count has reached the specified terminal value or the specified counting time interval has expired - whichever happens first.
createCombinedMessage() - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDevice.Bus
Creates a new I2CCombinedMessage instance.
CS_ACTIVE_HIGH - Static variable in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
High Chip Select active level.
CS_ACTIVE_LOW - Static variable in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Low Chip Select active level.
CS_NOT_CONTROLLED - Static variable in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Chip Select not controlled by driver.
CTS_SIGNAL - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalsControl
Clear To Send (CTS) signal.


DACChannel - Interface in jdk.dio.dac
The DACChannel interface provides methods for controlling a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) channel.
DACChannelConfig - Class in jdk.dio.dac
The DACChannelConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of an DAC channel.
DACChannelConfig(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.dac.DACChannelConfig
Creates a new DACChannelConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
DACChannelConfig(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.dac.DACChannelConfig
Creates a new DACChannelConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
DACPermission - Class in jdk.dio.dac
The DACPermission class defines permissions for DAC channel access.
DACPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.dac.DACPermission
Constructs a new DACPermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
DACPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.dac.DACPermission
Constructs a new DACPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.
DATA - Static variable in class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATPermission
The data action.
DATABITS_5 - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
5 data bit format.
DATABITS_6 - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
6 data bit format.
DATABITS_7 - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
7 data bit format.
DATABITS_8 - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
8 data bit format.
DATABITS_9 - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
9 data bit format.
DataConnection - Interface in jdk.dio.atcmd
The DataConnection interface provides methods for reading and writing to a data connection opened by issuing an AT command (e.g.
DataConnectionHandler - Interface in jdk.dio.atcmd
The DataConnectionHandler interface defines methods for handling connection state changes.
DCD_SIGNAL - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalsControl
Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.DeviceConfig
Used to indicate that the default value of a configuration parameter should be used.
Device<P extends Device<? super P>> - Interface in jdk.dio
The Device interface represents devices in the system.
device - Variable in class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
The Device instance that fired this event or for which this event was fired.
DeviceAlreadyExistsException - Exception in jdk.dio
Thrown by the DeviceManager to indicate that a device is already registered for the specified ID.
DeviceAlreadyExistsException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.DeviceAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new DeviceAlreadyExistsException instance with null as its detailed reason message.
DeviceAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.DeviceAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new DeviceAlreadyExistsException instance with the specified detailed reason message.
DeviceConfig<P extends Device<? super P>> - Interface in jdk.dio
The DeviceConfig class is a tagging interface for all device configuration classes.
DeviceConfig.HardwareAddressing - Interface in jdk.dio
The HardwareAddressing interface defines an abstraction of an hardware addressing information common on different platforms.
DeviceDescriptor<P extends Device<? super P>> - Interface in jdk.dio
The DeviceDescriptor interface encapsulates the identifying and descriptive information of a device as well as its registered configuration (hardware addressing parameters, and static and dynamic configuration parameters).
DeviceEvent<P extends Device<? super P>> - Class in jdk.dio
The DeviceEvent class encapsulates events fired by or on behalf of a device.
DeviceEvent() - Constructor for class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
DeviceEventListener - Interface in jdk.dio
The DeviceEventListener interface is a tagging interface that all event listeners must implement.
DeviceException - Exception in jdk.dio
Thrown to indicate that a general exception occurred on a device operation.
DeviceException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.DeviceException
Constructs a new DeviceException instance with null as its detailed reason message.
DeviceException(String) - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.DeviceException
Constructs a new DeviceException instance with the specified detailed reason message.
DeviceManager - Class in jdk.dio
The DeviceManager class provides methods for opening and registering devices that can then be handled as Device instances.
DeviceManager() - Constructor for class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
DeviceMgmtPermission - Class in jdk.dio
The DeviceMgmtPermission class defines permissions for registering and unregistering devices as well as opening devices using their registered configurations.
DeviceMgmtPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.DeviceMgmtPermission
Constructs a new DeviceMgmtPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.
DeviceNotFoundException - Exception in jdk.dio
Thrown to indicate that there is no device matching the provided device numerical ID, name or properties.
DeviceNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.DeviceNotFoundException
Constructs a new DeviceNotFoundException instance with null as its detailed reason message.
DeviceNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.DeviceNotFoundException
Constructs a new DeviceNotFoundException instance with the specified detailed reason message.
DevicePermission - Class in jdk.dio
The DevicePermission abstract class is the superclass of all device permissions.
DevicePermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.DevicePermission
Constructs a new DevicePermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
DevicePermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.DevicePermission
Constructs a new DevicePermission instance with the specified target name and action list.
DeviceProvider<P extends Device<? super P>> - Interface in jdk.dio.spi
The DeviceProvider interface provides methods to open Device instances of a certain type and optionally with a specific configuration and a list of properties.
deviceRegistered(RegistrationEvent<P>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.RegistrationListener
Invoked when a new device is registered.
deviceUnregistered(RegistrationEvent<P>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.RegistrationListener
Invoked when a device is unregistered.
DIR_BOTH_INIT_INPUT - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Bidirectional port direction with initial input direction.
DIR_BOTH_INIT_INPUT - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortConfig
Bidirectional port direction with initial input direction.
DIR_BOTH_INIT_OUTPUT - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Bidirectional port direction with initial output direction.
DIR_BOTH_INIT_OUTPUT - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortConfig
Bidirectional port direction with initial output direction.
DIR_INPUT_ONLY - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Input port direction.
DIR_INPUT_ONLY - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortConfig
Input port direction.
DIR_OUTPUT_ONLY - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Output port direction.
DIR_OUTPUT_ONLY - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortConfig
Output port direction.
disablePowerSaving() - Method in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged
Disables application-dictated power saving for the Device instance.
DSR_SIGNAL - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalsControl
Data Set Ready (DSR) signal.
DTR_SIGNAL - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalsControl
Data Terminal Ready (DTR) signal.


enablePowerSaving(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged
Enables application-dictated power saving for the Device instance.
enablePowerSaving(int, PowerSavingHandler) - Method in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged
Enables application-dictated power saving for the Device instance and registers a PowerSavingHandler instance to get asynchronously notified when the power management facility is about to change the power state of the Device instance, hence allowing the application to veto the power state change on the device.
end() - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDevice
Demarcates the end of a transaction hence ending the I2C combined message.
end() - Method in interface jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDevice
Demarcates the end of a transaction hence ending the assertion of this slave's Select line (SS).
end() - Method in interface jdk.dio.Transactional
Demarcates the end of a transaction.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannelConfig
Checks two ADCChannelConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCPermission
Checks two ADCPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDeviceConfig
Checks two ATDeviceConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATPermission
Checks two ATPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.CounterPermission
Checks two CounterPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Checks two PulseCounterConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.dac.DACChannelConfig
Checks two DACChannelConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.dac.DACPermission
Checks two DACPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.DeviceMgmtPermission
Checks two DeviceMgmtPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.DevicePermission
Checks two DevicePermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericDeviceConfig
Checks two GenericDeviceConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericPermission
Checks two GenericPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Checks two GPIOPinConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinPermission
Checks two GPIOPinPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortPermission
Checks two GPIOPortPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDeviceConfig
Checks two I2CDeviceConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CPermission
Checks two I2CPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig
Checks two MMIODeviceConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig.RawBlockConfig
Checks two RawBlockConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig.RawMemoryConfig
Checks two RawMemoryConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig.RawRegisterConfig
Checks two RawRegisterConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOPermission
Checks two MMIOPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Checks two PWMChannelConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMPermission
Checks two PWMPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Checks two SPIDeviceConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIPermission
Checks two SPIPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Checks two UARTConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTPermission
Checks two UARTPermission objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerConfig
Checks two WatchdogTimerConfig objects for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerPermission
Checks two WatchdogTimerPermission objects for equality.
escapeToCommandMode() - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDevice
When in data mode, calling this method will try to switch to command mode such as (depending on the underlying AT device) by sending "+++" escape sequence.
eventDispatched(GenericEvent) - Method in interface jdk.dio.generic.GenericEventListener
Invoked when an event is fired by device.
eventDispatched(MMIOEvent) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOEventListener
Invoked when an event is fired by a memory-mapped device.
eventDispatched(UARTEvent) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UARTEventListener
Invoked when an event is fired by device.
EXCLUSIVE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Exclusive access mode.


failed(Throwable, ADCChannel) - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.AcquisitionRoundListener
Invoked when an I/O operation fails.
failed(Throwable, ADCChannel) - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.MonitoringListener
Invoked when an I/O operation fails.
failed(Throwable, P) - Method in interface jdk.dio.AsyncErrorHandler
Invoked when an I/O operation fails.
failed(Throwable, PulseCounter) - Method in interface jdk.dio.counter.CountingListener
Invoked when an I/O operation fails.
failed(Throwable, DACChannel) - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.GenerationRoundListener
Invoked when an I/O operation fails.
failed(Throwable, PWMChannel) - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.GenerationListener
Invoked when an I/O operation fails.
failed(Throwable, PWMChannel) - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.GenerationRoundListener
Invoked when an I/O operation fails.
FLOWCONTROL_NONE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Flow control off.
FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
RTS/CTS (hardware) flow control on input.
FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
RTS/CTS (hardware) flow control on output.
FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_IN - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
XON/XOFF (software) flow control on input.
FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_OUT - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
XON/XOFF (software) flow control on output.
FRAMING_ERROR - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTEvent
Event ID indicating a parity error.


generate(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.DACChannel
Writes the provided raw output value to this channel.
generate(IntBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.DACChannel
Writes count raw output values from the provided buffer to this channel for conversion.
generate(int, int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannel
Generates a pulse train containing the specified count of pulses of the specified width.
generate(IntBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannel
Generates a pulse train containing count pulses of the specified widths.
generateBreak(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Generates a break condition for the specified duration.
GenerationEvent - Class in jdk.dio.pwm
The GenerationEvent class encapsulates pulse a generation completion condition (i.e.
GenerationEvent(PWMChannel, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.pwm.GenerationEvent
Creates a new GenerationEvent with the specified type, pulse count and time-stamped with the current time.
GenerationEvent(PWMChannel, int, long, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.pwm.GenerationEvent
Creates a new GenerationEvent with the specified type, pulse count and timestamp.
GenerationListener - Interface in jdk.dio.pwm
The GenerationListener interface defines methods for getting notified of pulse generation completion conditions (i.e.
GenerationRoundListener - Interface in jdk.dio.dac
The GenerationRoundListener interface defines methods for getting notified of the completion of the conversion of a set of raw output values and that more output values to be converted may be provided.
GenerationRoundListener - Interface in jdk.dio.pwm
The GenerationRoundListener interface defines methods for getting notified of the completion of the generation of a sequence of pulses and that more pulses (the width thereof) to generate may be specified.
GenericBufferIODevice - Interface in jdk.dio.generic
The GenericBufferIODevice interface defines generic methods for accessing and controlling devices using read and write operations.
GenericDevice - Interface in jdk.dio.generic
The GenericDevice interface defines methods for setting and getting device-specific configuration and access (I/O) controls as well as registering event listeners.
GenericDeviceConfig - Class in jdk.dio.generic
The GenericDeviceConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information of generic device.
GenericDeviceConfig(int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.generic.GenericDeviceConfig
Creates a new GenericDeviceConfig with the specified hardware addressing information .
GenericDeviceConfig(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.generic.GenericDeviceConfig
Creates a new GenericDeviceConfig with the specified hardware addressing information.
GenericDeviceControl<T> - Class in jdk.dio.generic
The class GenericDeviceControl encapsulates a generic device's configuration and access (I/O) controls.
GenericDeviceControl(int, Class<T>) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.generic.GenericDeviceControl
Creates a new GenericDeviceControl with the specified ID and type.
GenericEvent - Class in jdk.dio.generic
The GenericEvent class encapsulates events fired by devices that implement the GenericDevice interface.
GenericEvent(GenericDevice, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.generic.GenericEvent
Creates a new GenericEvent with the specified value and time-stamped with the current time.
GenericEvent(GenericDevice, int, long, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.generic.GenericEvent
Creates a new GenericEvent with the specified value and timestamp.
GenericEventListener - Interface in jdk.dio.generic
The GenericEventListener interface defines methods for getting notified of events fired by devices that implement the GenericDevice interface.
GenericPermission - Class in jdk.dio.generic
The GenericPermission class defines permissions for g device access.
GenericPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.generic.GenericPermission
Constructs a new GenericPermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
GenericPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.generic.GenericPermission
Constructs a new GenericPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.
get() - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawRegister
Gets the value at the memory area associated with this object.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open or powermanage.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open, data and powermanage.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.CounterPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open or powermanage.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.dac.DACPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open or powermanage.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.DeviceMgmtPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: register, unregister or open.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.DevicePermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open or powermanage (additional actions may be defined by subclasses).
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open or powermanage.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open, powermanage or setdirection.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open, powermanage or setdirection.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open or powermanage.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open or powermanage.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open or powermanage.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open or powermanage.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open or powermanage.
getActions() - Method in class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerPermission
Returns the list of possible actions in the following order: open or powermanage.
getAddress() - Method in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDeviceConfig
Gets the configured address of the I2C slave device.
getAddress() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig
Gets the configured memory address of the MMIO device.
getAddress() - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Gets the configured address of the SPI slave device.
getAddressSize() - Method in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDeviceConfig
Gets the configured address size of the I2C slave device.
getAsRawBlock() - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODevice
Gets the complete memory area this device is mapped to as a RawBlock instance.
getBaudRate() - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Gets the current baud rate.
getBaudRate() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Gets the configured default/initial speed in Bauds.
getBitOrdering() - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Gets the configured bit (shifting) ordering of the SPI slave device.
getBlock(String) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODevice
Gets the designated memory block.
getBuffer() - Method in class jdk.dio.RoundCompletionEvent
Returns the input or output buffer.
getBus() - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDevice
Retrieves the Bus instance representing the I2C bus this device is connected to.
getByteOrdering() - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODevice
Returns the byte ordering of this memory-mapped device.
getByteOrdering() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig
Gets the configured byte ordering of the MMIO device.
getCapturedMemoryContent() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOEvent
Gets the captured content of the memory area or memory block designated upon registration.
getCapturedRegisterValue() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOEvent
Gets the captured value of the register designated upon registration.
getChannelNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannelConfig
Gets the configured channel number.
getChannelNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDeviceConfig
Gets the configured channel number.
getChannelNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Gets the configured counter number.
getChannelNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.dac.DACChannelConfig
Gets the configured channel number.
getChannelNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericDeviceConfig
Gets the configured channel number.
getChannelNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Gets the configured PWM channel number.
getChannelNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Gets the configured UART channel number.
getClockFrequency() - Method in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDeviceConfig
Gets the configured clock frequency (in Hz) supported by the I2C slave device.
getClockFrequency() - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Gets the clock frequency (in Hz) supported by the SPI slave device.
getClockMode() - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Gets the configured clock mode (combining clock polarity and phase) for communicating with the SPI slave device.
getClosedWindowTimeout() - Method in interface jdk.dio.watchdog.WindowedWatchdogTimer
Get the current closed window delay for the watchdog timer.
getConfigType() - Method in interface jdk.dio.spi.DeviceProvider
Returns the type of the DeviceConfig this provider can handle.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface jdk.dio.DeviceDescriptor
Returns the registered configuration of the device.
getControl(GenericDeviceControl<T>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.generic.GenericDevice
Gets the value of the specified control.
getControllerName() - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannelConfig
Gets the configured controller name (such as its device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerName() - Method in class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDeviceConfig
Gets the configured controller name (such as its device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerName() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Gets the configured controller name (such as its device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerName() - Method in class jdk.dio.dac.DACChannelConfig
Gets the configured controller name (such as its device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerName() - Method in interface jdk.dio.DeviceConfig.HardwareAddressing
Gets the controller name (such as a device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerName() - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericDeviceConfig
Gets the configured controller name (such as its device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerName() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Gets the configured controller name (such as its device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerName() - Method in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDeviceConfig
Gets the configured controller name (such as its device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerName() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig
Gets the configured controller name (such as its device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerName() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Gets the configured controller name (such as its device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerName() - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Gets the configured controller name (such as its device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerName() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Gets the configured controller name (such as its device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerName() - Method in class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerConfig
Gets the configured controller name (such as its device file name on UNIX systems).
getControllerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannelConfig
Gets the configured device number (such as the ADC converter number).
getControllerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDeviceConfig
Gets the configured controller number.
getControllerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Gets the configured controller number.
getControllerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.dac.DACChannelConfig
Gets the configured controller number.
getControllerNumber() - Method in interface jdk.dio.DeviceConfig.HardwareAddressing
Gets the controller number.
getControllerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericDeviceConfig
Gets the configured controller number.
getControllerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Gets the configured controller number for the pin.
getControllerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDeviceConfig
Gets the configured controller number (the controller number the I2C bus adapter the I2C slave device is connected to).
getControllerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig
Gets the configured controller number.
getControllerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Gets the configured controller number (the PWM controller or generator number).
getControllerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Gets the configured controller number (the controller number of the SPI bus adapter the slave device is connected to).
getControllerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Gets the configured UART controller number.
getControllerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerConfig
Gets the configured controller number.
getCount() - Method in interface jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounter
Gets the pulse count measured so far during the current (if still active) or previous counting session.
getCount() - Method in class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
Returns the number of underlying coalesced hardware interrupts or software signals this event may represent.
getCSActiveLevel() - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Gets the configured Chip Select active level for selecting the SPI slave device.
getDataBits() - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Gets the current number of bits per character.
getDataBits() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Gets the configured default/initial number of bits per character.
getDescriptor() - Method in interface jdk.dio.Device
Retrieves the identifying and descriptive information of this device.
getDescriptor() - Method in class jdk.dio.RegistrationEvent
Returns the identifying and descriptive information of the registered or unregistered device.
getDescriptor() - Method in class jdk.dio.spi.AbstractDevice
Retrieves the identifying and descriptive information of this device device.
getDevice() - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.DataConnection
Returns the ATDevice this data connection has been opened with.
getDevice() - Method in class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
Returns the Device instance that fired this event or for which this event was fired.
getDirection() - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPin
Returns the current direction of this GPIO pin.
getDirection() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Gets the configured pin direction.
getDirection() - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPort
Returns the current direction of this GPIO port.
getDirection() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortConfig
Gets the configured port direction.
getDriveMode() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Gets the configured pin drive mode.
getFlowControlMode() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Gets the configured flow control mode.
getGroup() - Method in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged
Returns the power management Group this device belongs to.
getID() - Method in interface jdk.dio.DeviceDescriptor
Returns the numerical ID of the device.
getID() - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericDeviceControl
Gets the ID of this control.
getID() - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericEvent
Returns this event ID.
getID() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOEvent
Returns this event ID.
getID() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTEvent
Returns this event ID.
getIdleState() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Gets the configured idle output state.
getInitiator() - Method in class jdk.dio.RegistrationEvent
Returns the free-formed name of the registration/unregistration initiator.
getInitValue() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Gets the configured initial value of the pin, if configured for output.
getInitValue() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortConfig
Gets the configured default/initial value of the port, if configured for output.
getInputBuffer() - Method in interface jdk.dio.BufferAccess
Gets the direct input buffer of this device (optional operation).
getInputBufferSize() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Gets the requested input buffer size.
getInterface() - Method in interface jdk.dio.DeviceDescriptor
Returns the interface (sub-interface of Device) of the device.
getInterval() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.CountingEvent
Returns the actual counting time interval (in microseconds).
getLastTimeStamp() - Method in class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
Returns the time (in milliseconds) when the last coalesced event occurred.
getLastTimeStampMicros() - Method in class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
Returns the additional microseconds to the timestamp for when the last coalesced event occurred.
getMaxCommandLength() - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDevice
Returns the maximum length of the command string that can be processed by the underlying AT parser.
getMaxPulsePeriod() - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannel
Gets the maximum pulse period of this PWM channel (in microseconds) that can bet set by a call to setPulsePeriod.
getMaxTimeout() - Method in interface jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimer
Gets the maximum timeout that can be set for the watchdog timer.
getMaxValue() - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Returns the maximum raw value this channel can convert.
getMaxValue() - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.DACChannel
Returns the maximum raw value this channel can convert.
getMaxValue() - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPort
Returns the maximum value of this GPIO port.
getMinPulsePeriod() - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannel
Gets the minimum pulse period of this PWM channel (in microseconds) that can bet set by a call to setPulsePeriod.
getMinSamplingInterval() - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Gets the minimum input sampling interval (in microseconds) that can be set using setSamplingInterval.
getMinSamplingInterval() - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.DACChannel
Gets the minimum output sampling interval (in microseconds) that can be set using setSamplingInterval.
getMinValue() - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Returns the minimum raw value this channel can convert.
getMinValue() - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.DACChannel
Returns the minimum raw value this channel can convert.
getName() - Method in interface jdk.dio.DeviceDescriptor
Returns the name of the device.
getName() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig.RawMemoryConfig
Gets the configured name for the raw memory area.
getName() - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawBlock
Returns the name assigned to this RawBlock instance.
getName() - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawMemory
Returns the name assigned to this RawMemory instance.
getNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.RoundCompletionEvent
Return the number of elements input or output during the round.
getOffset() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig.RawMemoryConfig
Gets the configured offset of the raw memory area from the base address.
getOutput() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Gets the output on which the pulses are to be generated.
getOutputBuffer() - Method in interface jdk.dio.BufferAccess
Gets the direct output buffer of this device (optional operation).
getOutputBufferSize() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Gets the requested output buffer size.
getOutputConfig() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Gets the configured output configuration on which the pulses are to be generated.
getParity() - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Gets the current parity.
getParity() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Gets the configured default/initial parity.
getPinConfigs() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortConfig
Gets the configured configurations of the pins composing the port (in the exact same order they compose the port).
getPinNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Gets the configured pin number.
getPins() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortConfig
Gets the pins composing the port (in the exact same order they compose the port).
getPowerState() - Method in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged
Returns the current power state of the Device instance.
getProperties() - Method in interface jdk.dio.DeviceDescriptor
Returns the properties of the device.
getPulseAlignment() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Gets the configured pulse alignment.
getPulseCount() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.GenerationEvent
Returns the generated pulse count value.
getPulsePeriod() - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannel
Gets the pulse period of this PWM channel (in microseconds).
getPulsePeriod() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Gets the configured default/initial pulse period (in microseconds).
getRawMemoryConfigs() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig
Gets the set of configured registers and memory blocks.
getReceiveTimeout() - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Gets the current receive timeout.
getReceiveTriggerLevel() - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Gets the current receive trigger level.
getRegister(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODevice
Gets the designated register holding a value of the designated type.
getResolution() - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannelConfig
Gets the configured resolution.
getResolution() - Method in class jdk.dio.dac.DACChannelConfig
Gets the configured resolution.
getSamplingInterval() - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Gets the input sampling interval (in microseconds).
getSamplingInterval() - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannelConfig
Gets the configured default/initial input sampling interval - the amount of time between two samples (in microseconds).
getSamplingInterval() - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.DACChannel
Gets the output sampling interval (in microseconds).
getSamplingInterval() - Method in class jdk.dio.dac.DACChannelConfig
Gets the default/initial configured output sampling interval (in microseconds).
getSamplingTime() - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannelConfig
Gets the configured input sampling time - the amount of time to take the sample (in microseconds).
getSignalID() - Method in class jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalEvent
Returns the signal ID.
getSignalState() - Method in class jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalEvent
Returns the new signal state.
getSignalState(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalsControl
Gets the state of the designated signal.
getSize() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig
Gets the configured size of the memory-mapped area of the MMIO device.
getSize() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig.RawBlockConfig
Gets the configured size in bytes of the memory block.
getSource() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Gets the input source on which the pulses are to be counted/measured.
getSourceConfig() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Gets the configured input source configuration on which the pulses are to be counted/measured.
getStopBits() - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Gets the current number of stop bits per character.
getStopBits() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Gets the configured default/initial number of stop bits per character.
getTimeout() - Method in interface jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimer
Get the current timeout for the watchdog timer.
getTimerNumber() - Method in class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerConfig
Gets the configured timer number.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
Returns the time (in milliseconds) when this event (first) occurred.
getTimeStampMicros() - Method in class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
Returns the additional microseconds to the timestamp for when this event (first) occurred.
getTrigger() - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPin
Returns the current pin interrupt trigger.
getTrigger() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Gets the configured initial pin interrupt trigger.
getType() - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.MonitoringEvent
Returns the type of range condition being notified.
getType() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.CountingEvent
Returns the type of counting condition being notified.
getType() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Gets the configured pulse or pulse edge type.
getType() - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericDeviceControl
Gets the type of this control's value.
getType() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig.RawRegisterConfig
Gets the configured type of the value held by the register.
getType() - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawRegister
Returns the type of the value this RawRegister instance can hold.
getType() - Method in interface jdk.dio.spi.DeviceProvider
Returns the type of the Device instance this provider opens.
getValue() - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.MonitoringEvent
Returns the new ADC channel's value.
getValue() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.CountingEvent
Returns the pulse count value.
getValue() - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPin
Returns the current value of this GPIO pin.
getValue() - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPort
Returns the current value of this GPIO port.
getValue() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.PinEvent
Returns the new GPIO pin's value.
getValue() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.PortEvent
Returns the new GPIO port's value.
getVRefValue() - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Returns the Reference Voltage value of this ADC channel.
getVRefValue() - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.DACChannel
Returns the Reference Voltage value of this DAC channel.
getWordLength() - Method in interface jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDevice
Gets the transfer word length in bits supported by this slave device.
getWordLength() - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Gets the configured word length for communicating with the SPI slave device.
GPIOPin - Interface in jdk.dio.gpio
The GPIOPin interface provides methods for controlling a GPIO pin.
GPIOPinConfig - Class in jdk.dio.gpio
The GPIOPinConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of a GPIO pin.
GPIOPinConfig(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Creates a new GPIOPinConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
GPIOPinConfig(String, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Creates a new GPIOPinConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
GPIOPinPermission - Class in jdk.dio.gpio
The GPIOPinPermission class defines permissions for GPIO pin access.
GPIOPinPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinPermission
Constructs a new GPIOPinPermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
GPIOPinPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinPermission
Constructs a new GPIOPinPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.
GPIOPort - Interface in jdk.dio.gpio
The GPIOPort interface provides methods for controlling a GPIO port.
GPIOPortConfig - Class in jdk.dio.gpio
The GPIOPortConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of a GPIO port.
GPIOPortConfig(int, int, GPIOPinConfig[]) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortConfig
Creates a new GPIOPortConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
GPIOPortPermission - Class in jdk.dio.gpio
The GPIOPortPermission class defines permissions for GPIO port access.
GPIOPortPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortPermission
Constructs a new GPIOPortPermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
GPIOPortPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortPermission
Constructs a new GPIOPortPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.


handleClosedDataConnection(ATDevice, DataConnection) - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.DataConnectionHandler
Invoked to handle a data connection when been closed.
handleOpenedDataConnection(ATDevice, DataConnection) - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.DataConnectionHandler
Invoked to handle a data connection when first opened.
handlePowerStateChange(P, PowerManaged.Group, int, int, long) - Method in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerSavingHandler
Invoked to allow the application to handle a power state change (confirmation) on the designated Device instance or PowerManaged.Group instance.
handlePowerStateChangeRequest(P, PowerManaged.Group, int, int, long) - Method in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerSavingHandler
Invoked to allow the application to handle a vetoable power state change request on the designated Device instance or PowerManaged.Group instance.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannelConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDeviceConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.CounterPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.dac.DACChannelConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.dac.DACPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.DeviceMgmtPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.DevicePermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericDeviceConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDeviceConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig.RawBlockConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig.RawMemoryConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig.RawRegisterConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerConfig
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerPermission
Returns the hash code value for this object.


I2CCombinedMessage - Interface in jdk.dio.i2cbus
The I2CCombinedMessage interface provides methods for constructing a combined message.
I2CDevice - Interface in jdk.dio.i2cbus
The I2CDevice interface provides methods for sending and receiving data to/from an I2C slave device.
I2CDevice.Bus - Interface in jdk.dio.i2cbus
The Bus interface is a simplified abstraction of an I2C bus providing methods for creating combined messages.
I2CDeviceConfig - Class in jdk.dio.i2cbus
The I2CDeviceConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of an I2C slave device.
I2CDeviceConfig(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDeviceConfig
Creates a new I2CDeviceConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
I2CDeviceConfig(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDeviceConfig
Creates a new I2CDeviceConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
I2CPermission - Class in jdk.dio.i2cbus
The I2CPermission class defines permissions for I2C slave device access.
I2CPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CPermission
Constructs a new ADCPermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
I2CPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CPermission
Constructs a new I2CPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.
IDLE_STATE_HIGH - Static variable in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
High idle state.
IDLE_STATE_LOW - Static variable in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Low idle state.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCPermission
Checks if this ADCPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATPermission
Checks if this ATPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.CounterPermission
Checks if this CounterPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.dac.DACPermission
Checks if this DACPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.DeviceMgmtPermission
Checks if this DeviceMgmtPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.DevicePermission
Checks if this DevicePermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericPermission
Checks if this GenericPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinPermission
Checks if this GPIOPinPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortPermission
Checks if this GPIOPortPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CPermission
Checks if this I2CPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOPermission
Checks if this MMIOPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMPermission
Checks if this PWMPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIPermission
Checks if this SPIPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTPermission
Checks if this UARTPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
implies(Permission) - Method in class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerPermission
Checks if this WatchdogTimerPermission object "implies" the specified permission.
INPUT - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPin
Input port direction.
INPUT - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPort
Input port direction.
INPUT_BUFFER_OVERRUN - Static variable in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericEvent
Event ID indicating an input buffer overrun.
INPUT_BUFFER_OVERRUN - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTEvent
Event ID indicating that input buffer overrun.
INPUT_DATA_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericEvent
Event ID indicating that input data is available for reading.
INPUT_DATA_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTEvent
Event ID indicating that input data is available for reading.
inputRoundCompleted(RoundCompletionEvent<ADCChannel, IntBuffer>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.AcquisitionRoundListener
Invoked when a buffer of ADC sampled values has been filled and is available for processing or when an input overrun error occurred.
inputRoundCompleted(RoundCompletionEvent<P, B>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.InputRoundListener
Invoked when an input buffer has been filled and input data is available for processing or when an input overrun error occurred.
InputRoundListener<P extends Device<? super P>,B extends java.nio.Buffer> - Interface in jdk.dio
The InputRoundListener interface defines methods for getting notified of the completion of an input round.
INTERVAL_EXPIRED - Static variable in class jdk.dio.counter.CountingEvent
Indicates that the pulse counting time interval has expired.
InvalidDeviceConfigException - Exception in jdk.dio
Thrown to indicate that the provided device configuration is invalid/is not supported.
InvalidDeviceConfigException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.InvalidDeviceConfigException
Constructs a new InvalidDeviceConfigException instance with null as its detailed reason message.
InvalidDeviceConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.InvalidDeviceConfigException
Constructs a new InvalidDeviceConfigException instance with the specified detailed reason message.
InvalidInputSamplingRateException - Exception in jdk.dio.adc
Thrown by an instance of ADCChannel in case the requested sampling rate is higher than the maximum sampling rate the ADC device can support.
InvalidInputSamplingRateException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.adc.InvalidInputSamplingRateException
Constructs a new InvalidInputSamplingRateException with null as its detailed reason message.
InvalidInputSamplingRateException(String) - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.adc.InvalidInputSamplingRateException
Constructs a new InvalidInputSamplingRateException with the specified detail message.
InvalidOutputSamplingRateException - Exception in jdk.dio.dac
Thrown by an instance of DACChannel in case the requested sampling rate is higher than the maximum sampling rate the DAC device can support.
InvalidOutputSamplingRateException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.dac.InvalidOutputSamplingRateException
Constructs a new InvalidOutputSamplingRateException with null as its detailed reason message.
InvalidOutputSamplingRateException(String) - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.dac.InvalidOutputSamplingRateException
Constructs a new InvalidOutputSamplingRateException with the specified detail message.
InvalidPulseRateException - Exception in jdk.dio.pwm
Thrown by an instance of PWMChannel in case the requested pulse rate/frequency is higher than the maximum rate/frequency the PWM device can support.
InvalidPulseRateException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.pwm.InvalidPulseRateException
Constructs a new InvalidPulseRateException with null as its detailed reason message.
InvalidPulseRateException(String) - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.pwm.InvalidPulseRateException
Constructs a new InvalidPulseRateException with the specified detail message.
InvalidWordLengthException - Exception in jdk.dio.spibus
Thrown by an instance of SPIDevice in case of mismatch between the length of data to be exchanged and the slave's word length as indicated by SPIDevice.getWordLength.
InvalidWordLengthException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.spibus.InvalidWordLengthException
Constructs a new InvalidWordLengthException with null as its detailed reason message.
InvalidWordLengthException(String) - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.spibus.InvalidWordLengthException
Constructs a new InvalidWordLengthException with the specified detail message.
isBitSet(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawRegister
Checks whether the designated bit value at the memory area associated with this object is set (equal to 1 )
isConnected() - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDevice
Queries if this AT device has an opened data connection.
isInCommandMode() - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDevice
Queries if this AT device is in command mode.
isOnError() - Method in class jdk.dio.RoundCompletionEvent
Indicates whether an input buffer overrun or output buffer underrun condition occurred and the I/O operation had to be suspended temporarily.
isOpen() - Method in interface jdk.dio.Device
Indicates whether or not this device is open/available to the calling application.


jdk.dio - package jdk.dio
Provides interfaces and classes for device I/O access and control.
jdk.dio.adc - package jdk.dio.adc
Interfaces and classes for reading analog inputs using an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC).
jdk.dio.atcmd - package jdk.dio.atcmd
Interfaces and classes for controlling a Data Communication Equipment such as a modem or a cellular module using AT commands.
jdk.dio.counter - package jdk.dio.counter
Interfaces and classes for counting pulses (or events) on a digital input line.
jdk.dio.dac - package jdk.dio.dac
Interfaces and classes for writing analog outputs using a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC).
jdk.dio.generic - package jdk.dio.generic
Interfaces and classes for controlling devices using generic I/O operations.
jdk.dio.gpio - package jdk.dio.gpio
Interfaces and classes for reading and writing from/to GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins and ports of the device.
jdk.dio.i2cbus - package jdk.dio.i2cbus
Interfaces and classes for I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus) device access.
jdk.dio.mmio - package jdk.dio.mmio
Interfaces and classes for performing memory-mapped I/O.
jdk.dio.modem - package jdk.dio.modem
Interfaces and classes for controlling MODEM signals.
jdk.dio.power - package jdk.dio.power
Interfaces and classes for power management of devices.
jdk.dio.pwm - package jdk.dio.pwm
Interfaces and classes for generating PWM pulses on a digital output line.
jdk.dio.spi - package jdk.dio.spi
Service-provider classes for the jdk.dio package.
jdk.dio.spibus - package jdk.dio.spibus
Interfaces and classes for SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface Bus) device access.
jdk.dio.uart - package jdk.dio.uart
Interfaces and classes for controlling and reading and writing from/to Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART), with optional Modem signals control.
jdk.dio.watchdog - package jdk.dio.watchdog
Interfaces and classes for using system watchdog timers (WDT).


lastTimeStamp - Variable in class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
The time (in milliseconds) when the last coalesced event occurred.
lastTimeStampMicros - Variable in class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
The additional microseconds to the timestamp for when the last coalesced event occurred.
list() - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
List all platform- and user-registered devices.
list(Class<P>) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
List all platform- and user-registered devices of the designated type.
LITTLE_ENDIAN - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.Device
Little-endian byte or bit ordering.
LOW_POWER - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged
Low power mode (may save less power while preserving more device context/state than PowerManaged.LOWEST_POWER, hence allowing for a faster return to full performance).
LOWEST_POWER - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged
Lowest power mode (may save more power while preserving less device context/state than PowerManaged.LOW_POWER, hence only allowing for a slower return to full performance).


matches(String[]) - Method in interface jdk.dio.spi.DeviceProvider
Checks whether this DeviceProvider can open an instance of Device with the specified properties.
MIXED_ENDIAN - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.Device
Mixed-endian (non-standard) byte ordering.
MMIODevice - Interface in jdk.dio.mmio
The MMIODevice class provides methods to retrieve memory-mapped registers and memory blocks of a device device.
MMIODeviceConfig - Class in jdk.dio.mmio
The MMIODeviceConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of an MMIO device.
MMIODeviceConfig(long, int, int, MMIODeviceConfig.RawMemoryConfig...) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig
Creates a new MMIODeviceConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
MMIODeviceConfig(String, long, int, int, MMIODeviceConfig.RawMemoryConfig...) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig
Creates a new MMIODeviceConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
MMIODeviceConfig.RawBlockConfig - Class in jdk.dio.mmio
The RawBlockConfig class encapsulates the configuration parameters of a memory block.
MMIODeviceConfig.RawBlockConfig(int, String, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig.RawBlockConfig
Constructs a new RawBlockConfig with the provided parameters.
MMIODeviceConfig.RawMemoryConfig - Class in jdk.dio.mmio
The RawMemoryConfig class encapsulates the configuration parameters of a generic raw memory area.
MMIODeviceConfig.RawRegisterConfig<T extends java.lang.Number> - Class in jdk.dio.mmio
The RawRegisterConfig class encapsulates the configuration parameters of a register.
MMIODeviceConfig.RawRegisterConfig(int, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODeviceConfig.RawRegisterConfig
Constructs a new RawRegisterConfig with the provided parameters.
MMIOEvent - Class in jdk.dio.mmio
The MMIOEvent class encapsulates events fired by devices mapped to memory.
MMIOEvent(MMIODevice, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOEvent
Creates a new MMIOEvent with the specified event ID and time-stamped with the current time.
MMIOEvent(MMIODevice, int, ByteBuffer, long, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOEvent
Creates a new MMIOEvent with the specified event ID and timestamp, and with the captured content of the memory area or memory block designated upon registration.
MMIOEvent(MMIODevice, int, long, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOEvent
Creates a new MMIOEvent with the specified event ID and timestamp.
MMIOEvent(MMIODevice, int, T, long, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOEvent
Creates a new MMIOEvent with the specified event ID and timestamp, and the captured value of the register designated upon registration.
MMIOEventListener - Interface in jdk.dio.mmio
The MMIOEventListener interface defines methods for getting notified of events fired by devices mapped to memory.
MMIOPermission - Class in jdk.dio.mmio
The MMIOPermission class defines permissions for MMIO device access.
MMIOPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOPermission
Constructs a new MMIOPermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
MMIOPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOPermission
Constructs a new MMIOPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.
MODE_INPUT_PULL_DOWN - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Input pull-down drive mode.
MODE_INPUT_PULL_UP - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Input pull-up drive mode.
MODE_OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Output open-drain drive mode.
MODE_OUTPUT_PUSH_PULL - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Output push-pull drive mode.
ModemSignalEvent<P extends Device<? super P>> - Class in jdk.dio.modem
The ModemSignalEvent class encapsulates modem signal state changes.
ModemSignalEvent(P, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalEvent
Creates a new ModemSignalEvent with the specified value and time-stamped with the current time.
ModemSignalEvent(P, int, boolean, long, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalEvent
Creates a new ModemSignalEvent with the specified value and timestamp.
ModemSignalListener<P extends Device<? super P>> - Interface in jdk.dio.modem
The ModemSignalListener interface defines methods for getting notified of modem signal changes.
ModemSignalsControl<P extends Device<? super P>> - Interface in jdk.dio.modem
The ModemSignalsControl interface provides methods for controlling and monitoring modem signals.
ModemUART - Interface in jdk.dio.uart
The ModemUART interface provides methods for controlling and accessing a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) with Modem control lines.
MonitoringEvent - Class in jdk.dio.adc
The MonitoringEvent class encapsulates ADC channel under- and over-threshold value conditions.
MonitoringEvent(ADCChannel, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.adc.MonitoringEvent
Creates a new MonitoringEvent with the specified raw sampled value and time-stamped with the current time..
MonitoringEvent(ADCChannel, int, int, long, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.adc.MonitoringEvent
Creates a new MonitoringEvent with the specified raw sampled value and timestamp.
MonitoringListener - Interface in jdk.dio.adc
The MonitoringListener interface defines methods for getting notified of ADC channel under- and over-threshold input value conditions as well as device errors.


newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.adc.ADCPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing ADCPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.atcmd.ATPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing ATPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.counter.CounterPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing CounterPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.dac.DACPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing DACPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.DeviceMgmtPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing DeviceMgmtPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.DevicePermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing DevicePermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing GenericPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing GPIOPinPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing GPIOPortPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing I2CPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.mmio.MMIOPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing MMIOPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing PWMPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing SPIPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing UARTPermission objects.
newPermissionCollection() - Method in class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerPermission
Returns a new PermissionCollection for storing WatchdogTimerPermission objects.


open(Class<P>, DeviceConfig<? super P>) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Opens a Device instance of the specified type with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration.
open(Class<P>, DeviceConfig<? super P>, int) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Opens a Device instance of the specified type with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration.
open(int) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Looks up and opens a Device instance for the provided numerical ID.
open(int, Class<P>) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Looks up and opens a Device instance for the provided numerical ID and type.
open(int, Class<P>, int) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Looks up and opens a Device instance for the provided numerical ID and type.
open(int, int) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Looks up and opens a Device instance for the provided numerical ID.
open(DeviceConfig<? super P>) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Opens a Device instance with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration.
open(DeviceConfig<? super P>, int) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Opens a Device instance with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration.
open(String, Class<P>, int, String...) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Looks up and opens a Device instance for the specified name, type and/or properties.
open(String, Class<P>, String...) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Looks up and opens a Device instance for the specified name, type and/or properties.
OPEN - Static variable in class jdk.dio.DeviceMgmtPermission
The open action.
OPEN - Static variable in class jdk.dio.DevicePermission
The open action.
open(DeviceConfig<? super P>, String[], int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.spi.DeviceProvider
Opens a Device instance with the specified properties, configuration and access mode.
openDataConnection(String, CommandResponseHandler, DataConnectionHandler) - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDevice
Opens a data connection by issuing the specified AT command and optionally handles the response and the opened connection asynchronously.
or(T) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawRegister
Sets the value at the memory area associated with this object to the result of performing a logical OR of the value at the memory area with the argument value.
OUT_OF_RANGE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.adc.MonitoringEvent
Indicates that the ADC channel value exceeded the defined range.
OUTPUT - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPin
Output port direction.
OUTPUT - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPort
Output port direction.
OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY - Static variable in class jdk.dio.generic.GenericEvent
Event ID indicating that the output buffer is empty and that additional data may be written.
OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTEvent
Event ID indicating that the output buffer is empty and that additional data may be written.
outputRoundCompleted(RoundCompletionEvent<DACChannel, IntBuffer>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.GenerationRoundListener
Invoked when a buffer of DAC output values has been converted and the buffer is available for copying more output values to convert, or when an output underrun error occurred.
outputRoundCompleted(RoundCompletionEvent<P, B>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.OutputRoundListener
Invoked when the data has been output and the output buffer is available for copying more data to output or when an output underrun error occurred.
outputRoundCompleted(RoundCompletionEvent<PWMChannel, IntBuffer>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.GenerationRoundListener
Invoked when a buffer of DAC output values has been converted and the buffer is available for copying more output values to convert, or when an output underrun error occurred.
OutputRoundListener<P extends Device<? super P>,B extends java.nio.Buffer> - Interface in jdk.dio
The OutputRoundListener interface defines methods for getting notified of the completion of an output round.


PARITY_ERROR - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTEvent
Event ID indicating a parity error.
PARITY_EVEN - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
EVEN parity scheme.
PARITY_MARK - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
MARK parity scheme.
PARITY_NONE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
No parity bit.
PARITY_ODD - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
ODD parity scheme.
PARITY_SPACE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
SPACE parity scheme.
PinEvent - Class in jdk.dio.gpio
The PinEvent class encapsulates GPIO pin value changes.
PinEvent(GPIOPin, boolean) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.gpio.PinEvent
Creates a new PinEvent with the specified value and time-stamped with the current time.
PinEvent(GPIOPin, boolean, long, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.gpio.PinEvent
Creates a new PinEvent with the specified value and timestamp.
PinListener - Interface in jdk.dio.gpio
The PinListener interface defines methods for getting notified of GPIO pin value changes.
PortEvent - Class in jdk.dio.gpio
The PortEvent class encapsulates GPIO port value changes.
PortEvent(GPIOPort, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.gpio.PortEvent
Creates a new PortEvent with the specified value and time-stamped with the current time.
PortEvent(GPIOPort, int, long, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.gpio.PortEvent
Creates a new PortEvent with the specified value and timestamp.
PortListener - Interface in jdk.dio.gpio
The PortListener interface defines methods for getting notified of GPIO port value changes.
POWER_MANAGE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.DevicePermission
The powermanage action.
POWER_OFF - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged
Power has been fully removed from the device (for example from an external device).
POWER_ON - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged
Fully powered on.
PowerManaged - Interface in jdk.dio.power
The PowerManaged interface provides methods that a Device class may implement to control how the underlying device hardware resource is managed by the power management facility of the device.
PowerManaged.Group - Interface in jdk.dio.power
The Group interface provides methods for registering for power state changes of devices belonging to the same power management group.
PowerSavingHandler - Interface in jdk.dio.power
The PowerSavingHandler interface defines methods for getting notified of power state change requests on a specific Device instance.
processResponse(ATDevice, String) - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.CommandResponseHandler
Invoked to process an information text, final result code or intermediate result code response.
processResponse(ATDevice, String) - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.UnsolicitedResponseHandler
Invoked to process an unsolicited result code response.
PulseCounter - Interface in jdk.dio.counter
The PulseCounter interface provides methods for controlling a pulse counter.
PulseCounterConfig - Class in jdk.dio.counter
The PulseCounterConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of a pulse counter.
PulseCounterConfig(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Creates a new PulseCounterConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and type.
PulseCounterConfig(int, int, int, GPIOPinConfig) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Creates a new PulseCounterConfig the specified hardware addressing information, type and GPIO pin source.
PulseCounterConfig(String, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Creates a new PulseCounterConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and type.
PulseCounterConfig(String, int, int, GPIOPinConfig) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Creates a new PulseCounterConfig the specified hardware addressing information, type and GPIO pin source.
pulseGenerationCompleted(GenerationEvent) - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.GenerationListener
Invoked when the generated pulse count has reached the maximum value.
PWMChannel - Interface in jdk.dio.pwm
The PWMChannel interface provides methods for controlling a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal generator channel.
PWMChannelConfig - Class in jdk.dio.pwm
The PWMChannelConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of a PWM channel.
PWMChannelConfig(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Creates a new PWMChannelConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and type.
PWMChannelConfig(int, int, int, int, int, GPIOPinConfig) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Creates a new PWMChannelConfig the specified hardware addressing information, type and GPIO pin output.
PWMChannelConfig(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Creates a new PWMChannelConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and type.
PWMChannelConfig(String, int, int, int, int, GPIOPinConfig) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannelConfig
Creates a new PWMChannelConfig the specified hardware addressing information, type and GPIO pin output.
PWMPermission - Class in jdk.dio.pwm
The PWMPermission class defines permissions for PWM channel access.
PWMPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMPermission
Constructs a new PWMPermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
PWMPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.pwm.PWMPermission
Constructs a new PWMPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.


RawBlock - Interface in jdk.dio.mmio
The RawBlock interface provides methods to access a continuous range of physical memory (raw memory) as a ByteBuffer.
RawMemory - Interface in jdk.dio.mmio
The RawMemory interface provides generic methods for the different types of raw memory area a device device's registers may be mapped to.
RawRegister<T extends java.lang.Number> - Interface in jdk.dio.mmio
The RawRegister interface provides methods for setting and getting the value of a register or memory area holding a value of type byte, short, int or long.
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.generic.GenericBufferIODevice
Reads a sequence of bytes from this device into the given buffer.
read(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.generic.GenericBufferIODevice
Reads a sequence of bytes from this device into the given buffer, skipping the first skip bytes read.
read() - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDevice
Reads one byte of data from this slave device.
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDevice
Reads a sequence of bytes from this slave device into the given buffer.
read(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDevice
Reads a sequence of bytes from this device into the given buffer, skipping the first skip bytes read.
read(int, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDevice
Reads a sequence of bytes from a subaddress or register address of this slave device into the given buffer.
read(int, int, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDevice
Reads a sequence of bytes from a subaddress or register address of this device into the given buffer, skipping the first skip bytes read.
read() - Method in interface jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDevice
Reads one data word of up to 32 bits from this slave device.
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDevice
Reads a sequence of bytes from this slave device into the given buffer.
read(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDevice
Reads a sequence of bytes from this device into the given buffer, skipping the first skip bytes read.
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Reads a sequence of bytes from this UART into the given buffer.
refresh() - Method in interface jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimer
Refreshes the watchdog timer.
register(int, Class<P>, DeviceConfig<? super P>, String, String...) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Registers under the specified ID (and optionally name and properties) a new device supporting the provided configuration.
REGISTER - Static variable in class jdk.dio.DeviceMgmtPermission
The register action.
RegistrationEvent<P extends Device<? super P>> - Class in jdk.dio
The RegistrationEvent class encapsulates device registration and unregistration conditions.
RegistrationEvent(String, DeviceDescriptor<P>) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.RegistrationEvent
Creates a new RegistrationEvent with the specified device descriptor and initiator.
RegistrationEvent(DeviceDescriptor<P>) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.RegistrationEvent
Creates a new RegistrationEvent with the specified device descriptor and initiator.
RegistrationListener<P extends Device<? super P>> - Interface in jdk.dio
The RegistrationListener interface defines methods for getting notified of the registration and unregistration of devices.
removeRegistrationListener(RegistrationListener<P>, Class<P>) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Removes the specified registration listener so that it no longer receives notification of registration and unregistration of devices of the specified type.
requestPowerStateChange(int, long) - Method in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged
Requests the change of the device's current power state to the specified power state for the specified duration.
resetCounting() - Method in interface jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounter
Resets the current count value.
resumeCounting() - Method in interface jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounter
Resumes the counting starting from the frozen count value.
RI_SIGNAL - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalsControl
Ring Indicator (RI) signal.
RoundCompletionEvent<P extends Device<? super P>,B extends java.nio.Buffer> - Class in jdk.dio
The RoundCompletionEvent class encapsulates the completion condition of a round of I/O operation.
RoundCompletionEvent(P, B, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.RoundCompletionEvent
Creates a new RoundCompletionEvent with the specified I/O buffer and time-stamped with the current time.
RoundCompletionEvent(P, B, int, long, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.RoundCompletionEvent
Creates a new RoundCompletionEvent with the specified I/O buffer and timestamp.
RTS_SIGNAL - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalsControl
Ready To Send (RTS) signal.


sendCommand(String) - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDevice
Sends an AT command and wait for the response.
sendCommand(String, CommandResponseHandler) - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDevice
Sends an AT command and handle the response asynchronously.
set(T) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawRegister
Sets the value at the memory area associated with this object.
SET_DIRECTION - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinPermission
The setdirection action.
SET_DIRECTION - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPortPermission
The setdirection action.
setBaudRate(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Sets the baud rate.
setBit(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawRegister
Sets (to 1) the designated bit value at the memory area associated with this object.
setBits(T) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawRegister
Sets (to 1) the specified bits at the memory area associated with this object.
setControl(GenericDeviceControl<T>, T) - Method in interface jdk.dio.generic.GenericDevice
Sets the value of the specified control.
setDataBits(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Sets the number of bits per character.
setDirection(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPin
Sets this GPIO pin for output or input.
setDirection(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPort
Sets this GPIO port for output or input.
setEventListener(int, GenericEventListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.generic.GenericDevice
Registers a GenericEventListener instance to monitor native events of the designated type fired by the device associated to this GenericDevice object.
setEventListener(int, UARTEventListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Registers a UARTEventListener instance to monitor input data availability, input buffer overrun and/or empty output buffer conditions.
setInputListener(PinListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPin
Registers a PinListener instance which will get asynchronously notified when this GPIO pin's value changes and according to the current trigger mode (see getTrigger).
setInputListener(PortListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPort
Registers a PortListener instance which will get asynchronously notified when this GPIO port's value changes.
setMMIOEventListener(int, int, ByteBuffer, MMIOEventListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODevice
Registers a MMIOEventListener instance to monitor native events of the designated type fired by the device mapped to this MMIODevice object and capture the content of designated memory area.
setMMIOEventListener(int, MMIOEventListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODevice
Registers a MMIOEventListener instance to monitor native events of the designated type fired by the device mapped to this MMIODevice object.
setMMIOEventListener(int, String, MMIOEventListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.MMIODevice
Registers a MMIOEventListener instance to monitor native events of the designated type fired by the device mapped to this MMIODevice object and capture the content of designated register or block.
setParity(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Sets the parity.
setPowerSavingHandler(PowerSavingHandler) - Method in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged.Group
Registers a PowerSavingHandler instance to get asynchronously notified when the power management facility is about to change the power state of this group, hence allowing the application to veto the power state change.
setPulsePeriod(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannel
Sets the pulse period of this PWM channel.
setReceiveTimeout(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Sets the receive timeout.
setReceiveTriggerLevel(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Sets the receive trigger level.
setSamplingInterval(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Sets the input sampling interval (in microseconds).
setSamplingInterval(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.DACChannel
Sets the output sampling interval (in microseconds).
setSignalChangeListener(ModemSignalListener<P>, int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalsControl
Registers a ModemSignalListener instance which will get asynchronously notified when one of the designated signals changes.
setSignalState(int, boolean) - Method in interface jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalsControl
Sets or clears the designated signal.
setStopBits(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Sets the number of stop bits per character.
setTrigger(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPin
Sets this GPIO pin trigger mode.
setUnsolicitedResponseHandler(UnsolicitedResponseHandler) - Method in interface jdk.dio.atcmd.ATDevice
Registers a handler for handling Unsolicited Result Code responses.
setValue(boolean) - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPin
Sets the value of this GPIO pin.
setValue(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPort
Sets the value of this GPIO port.
SHARED - Static variable in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Shared access mode.
signalID - Variable in class jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalEvent
The signal ID.
signalState - Variable in class jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalEvent
The signal state.
signalStateChanged(ModemSignalEvent<P>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.modem.ModemSignalListener
Invoked when the state of a modem signal has changed.
SPIDevice - Interface in jdk.dio.spibus
The SPIDevice interface provides methods for transmitting and receiving data to/from an SPI slave device.
SPIDeviceConfig - Class in jdk.dio.spibus
The SPIDeviceConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of an SPI slave device.
SPIDeviceConfig(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Creates a new SPIDeviceConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
SPIDeviceConfig(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Creates a new SPIDeviceConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
SPIDeviceConfig(String, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Creates a new SPIDeviceConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
SPIDeviceConfig(String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDeviceConfig
Creates a new SPIDeviceConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
SPIPermission - Class in jdk.dio.spibus
The SPIPermission class defines permissions for SPI slave device access.
SPIPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIPermission
Constructs a new ADCPermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
SPIPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.spibus.SPIPermission
Constructs a new SPIPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.
start(long) - Method in interface jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimer
Starts the watchdog timer with the specified timeout.
start(long) - Method in interface jdk.dio.watchdog.WindowedWatchdogTimer
Starts the watchdog timer with the specified timeout and with a closed window delay set to 0.
start(long, long) - Method in interface jdk.dio.watchdog.WindowedWatchdogTimer
Starts the windowed watchdog timer with the specified closed window delay and timeout.
startAcquisition(IntBuffer, AcquisitionRoundListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Starts asynchronous analog input acquisition on this channel and reads a series of raw sampled input values.
startAcquisition(IntBuffer, IntBuffer, AcquisitionRoundListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Starts asynchronous analog input acquisition on this channel and reads a series of raw sampled input values.
startCounting() - Method in interface jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounter
Starts a pulse counting session.
startCounting(int, long, CountingListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounter
Starts an asynchronous pulse counting session.
startGeneration(IntBuffer, GenerationRoundListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.DACChannel
Starts asynchronous analog output generation on this channel from a series of raw output values (samples).
startGeneration(IntBuffer, IntBuffer, GenerationRoundListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.DACChannel
Starts asynchronous analog output generation on this channel from a series of raw output values (samples).
startGeneration(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannel
Starts an asynchronous pulse train generation session - continuously generating pulses of the specified width until explicitly stopped.
startGeneration(int, int, GenerationListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannel
Starts an asynchronous pulse train generation session - generating pulses of the specified width up to the specified count.
startGeneration(IntBuffer, GenerationRoundListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannel
Starts asynchronous pulse train generation in successive rounds - initially generating pulses of the specified widths up to the specified initial count - as indicated by the number of remaining elements in the provided buffer.
startGeneration(IntBuffer, IntBuffer, GenerationRoundListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannel
Starts asynchronous pulse train generation in successive rounds.
startMonitoring(int, int, MonitoringListener) - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Starts monitoring this channel analog input and asynchronously notifies the provided MonitoringListener instance when this channel's raw sampled input value gets out of or back in the specified range (as defined by a low and a high threshold value).
startReading(ByteBuffer, InputRoundListener<UART, ByteBuffer>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Starts asynchronous reading in successive rounds - reading data into the provided buffer.
startReading(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, InputRoundListener<UART, ByteBuffer>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Starts asynchronous reading in successive rounds.
startWriting(ByteBuffer, OutputRoundListener<UART, ByteBuffer>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Starts asynchronous writing in successive rounds - initially writing the data remaining in the provided buffer.
startWriting(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer, OutputRoundListener<UART, ByteBuffer>) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Starts asynchronous writing in successive rounds.
stop() - Method in interface jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimer
Stops this watchdog timer.
stopAcquisition() - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Stops the asynchronous analog input acquisition on this channel as started by a call to one of the startAcquisition methods.
STOPBITS_1 - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Number of STOP bits - 1.
STOPBITS_1_5 - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Number of STOP bits - 1-1/2.
STOPBITS_2 - Static variable in class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Number of STOP bits - 2.
stopCounting() - Method in interface jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounter
Stops the pulse counting and freezes the current count value.
stopGeneration() - Method in interface jdk.dio.dac.DACChannel
Stops the asynchronous analog output generation on this channel as started by a call to one of the startGeneration methods.
stopGeneration() - Method in interface jdk.dio.pwm.PWMChannel
Stops (cancels) the currently active pulse generation session.
stopMonitoring() - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.ADCChannel
Stops the range monitoring of this channel analog input as started by a call to the startMonitoring method.
stopReading() - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Stops (cancels) the currently active reading session.
stopWriting() - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Stops (cancels) the currently active writing session.
suspendCounting() - Method in interface jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounter
Suspends the pulse counting and freezes the current count value.


TERMINAL_VALUE_REACHED - Static variable in class jdk.dio.counter.CountingEvent
Indicates that the pulse count value has reached the defined terminal value.
thresholdReached(MonitoringEvent) - Method in interface jdk.dio.adc.MonitoringListener
Invoked when the input value has reached the low or high threshold.
timeStamp - Variable in class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
The time (in milliseconds) when this event (first) occurred.
timeStampMicros - Variable in class jdk.dio.DeviceEvent
The additional microseconds to the timestamp for when this event (first) occurred.
Transactional - Interface in jdk.dio
The Transactional interface provides methods for demarcating a communication transaction.
transfer() - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CCombinedMessage
Transfers this combined message.
TRIGGER_BOTH_EDGES - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Rising edge trigger.
TRIGGER_BOTH_LEVELS - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Both levels trigger.
TRIGGER_FALLING_EDGE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Falling edge trigger.
TRIGGER_HIGH_LEVEL - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
High level trigger.
TRIGGER_LOW_LEVEL - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Low level trigger.
TRIGGER_NONE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
No interrupt trigger.
TRIGGER_RISING_EDGE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.gpio.GPIOPinConfig
Rising edge trigger.
tryLock(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.Device
Attempts to lock for (platform-wide) exclusive access the underlying device resource.
tryLock(int) - Method in class jdk.dio.spi.AbstractDevice
Attempts to lock for (platform-wide) exclusive access the underlying device resource.
TYPE_FALLING_EDGE_ONLY - Static variable in class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Falling pulse edge (counting only falling pulse edges).
TYPE_NEGATIVE_PULSE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Negative edge pulse: measured from falling edge to rising edge (counting well-formed negative edge pulses).
TYPE_POSITIVE_PULSE - Static variable in class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Positive edge pulse: measured from rising edge to falling edge (counting well-formed positive edge pulses).
TYPE_RISING_EDGE_ONLY - Static variable in class jdk.dio.counter.PulseCounterConfig
Rising pulse edge (counting only rising pulse edges).


UART - Interface in jdk.dio.uart
The UART interface provides methods for controlling and accessing a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter).
UARTConfig - Class in jdk.dio.uart
The UARTConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of a UART.
UARTConfig(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Creates a new UARTConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
UARTConfig(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Creates a new UARTConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
UARTConfig(String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Creates a new UARTConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
UARTConfig(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.uart.UARTConfig
Creates a new UARTConfig with the specified hardware addressing information and configuration parameters.
UARTEvent - Class in jdk.dio.uart
The UARTEvent class encapsulates events fired by devices that implement the UART interface.
UARTEvent(UART, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.uart.UARTEvent
Creates a new UARTEvent with the specified value and time-stamped with the current time.
UARTEvent(UART, int, long, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.uart.UARTEvent
Creates a new UARTEvent with the specified value and timestamp.
UARTEventListener - Interface in jdk.dio.uart
The UARTEventListener interface defines methods for getting notified of events fired by devices that implement the UART interface.
UARTPermission - Class in jdk.dio.uart
The UARTPermission class defines permissions for UART channel access.
UARTPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.uart.UARTPermission
Constructs a new UARTPermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
UARTPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.uart.UARTPermission
Constructs a new UARTPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.
UnavailableDeviceException - Exception in jdk.dio
Thrown by the DeviceManager to indicate that a device cannot be open because it is already open or that a device cannot be acquired for exclusive access.
UnavailableDeviceException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.UnavailableDeviceException
Constructs a new UnavailableDeviceException instance with null as its detailed reason message.
UnavailableDeviceException(String) - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.UnavailableDeviceException
Constructs a new UnavailableDeviceException instance with the specified detailed reason message.
UNDEFINED_ID - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.DeviceDescriptor
Undefined device numerical ID.
UNLIMITED_DURATION - Static variable in interface jdk.dio.power.PowerManaged
Unlimited or unknown power state change requested duration.
unlock() - Method in interface jdk.dio.Device
Releases from (platform-wide) exclusive access the underlying device resource.
unlock() - Method in class jdk.dio.spi.AbstractDevice
Releases from (platform-wide) exclusive access the underlying device device resource.
unregister(int) - Static method in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Unregisters the device associated with the specified ID.
UNREGISTER - Static variable in class jdk.dio.DeviceMgmtPermission
The unregister action.
UnsolicitedResponseHandler - Interface in jdk.dio.atcmd
The UnsolicitedResponseHandler interface defines methods for handling unsolicited result code responses from an AT device.
UNSPECIFIED_ID - Static variable in class jdk.dio.DeviceManager
Unspecified device numerical ID - requesting the allocation of a free ID.
UnsupportedAccessModeException - Exception in jdk.dio
Thrown by the DeviceManager to indicate that the looked-up device cannot be opened in the requested access mode.
UnsupportedAccessModeException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.UnsupportedAccessModeException
Constructs a new UnsupportedAccessModeException instance with null as its detailed reason message.
UnsupportedAccessModeException(String) - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.UnsupportedAccessModeException
Constructs a new UnsupportedAccessModeException instance with the specified detailed reason message.
UnsupportedDeviceTypeException - Exception in jdk.dio
Thrown by the DeviceManager to indicate permanent unavailability of the looked up device.
UnsupportedDeviceTypeException() - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.UnsupportedDeviceTypeException
Constructs a new UnsupportedDeviceTypeException instance with null as its detailed reason message.
UnsupportedDeviceTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception jdk.dio.UnsupportedDeviceTypeException
Constructs a new UnsupportedDeviceTypeException instance with the specified detailed reason message.


valueChanged(PinEvent) - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.PinListener
Invoked when a GPIO pin's value has changed.
valueChanged(PortEvent) - Method in interface jdk.dio.gpio.PortListener
Invoked when a GPIO port's value has changed.


WatchdogTimer - Interface in jdk.dio.watchdog
The WatchdogTimer interface provides methods for controlling a watchdog timer that can be used to force the device to reboot (or depending on the platform, the Java Virtual Machine to restart).
WatchdogTimerConfig - Class in jdk.dio.watchdog
The WatchdogTimerConfig class encapsulates the hardware addressing information, and static and dynamic configuration parameters of a watchdog timer.
WatchdogTimerConfig(String, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerConfig
Creates a new WatchdogTimerConfig with the specified hardware addressing information.
WatchdogTimerConfig(int, int) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerConfig
Creates a new WatchdogTimerConfig with the specified hardware addressing information.
WatchdogTimerPermission - Class in jdk.dio.watchdog
The WatchdogTimerPermission class defines permissions for watchdog timer access.
WatchdogTimerPermission(String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerPermission
Constructs a new WatchdogTimerPermission with the specified target name and the implicit open action.
WatchdogTimerPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class jdk.dio.watchdog.WatchdogTimerPermission
Constructs a new WatchdogTimerPermission instance with the specified target name and action list.
WindowedWatchdogTimer - Interface in jdk.dio.watchdog
The WindowedWatchdogTimer interface provides methods for controlling a watchdog timer that can be used to force the device to reboot (or depending on the platform, the Java Virtual Machine to restart).
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.generic.GenericBufferIODevice
Writes a sequence of bytes to this device from the given buffer.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDevice
Writes a sequence of bytes to this slave device from the given buffer.
write(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDevice
Writes one byte to this slave device.
write(int, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.i2cbus.I2CDevice
Writes a sequence of bytes to a subaddress or register address of this slave device from the given buffer.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDevice
Writes a sequence of bytes to this slave device from the given buffer.
write(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDevice
Writes one data word of up to 32 bits to this slave device.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.uart.UART
Writes a sequence of bytes to this UART from the given buffer.
writeAndRead(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDevice
Exchanges (transmits and receives) data with this slave device.
writeAndRead(ByteBuffer, int, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDevice
Exchanges (transmits and receives) data with this slave device skipping the specified number of bytes received.
writeAndRead(int) - Method in interface jdk.dio.spibus.SPIDevice
Exchanges (transmits and receives) one data word of up to 32 bits with this slave device.


xor(T) - Method in interface jdk.dio.mmio.RawRegister
Sets the value at the memory area associated with this object to the result of performing a logical XOR of the value at the memory area with the argument value.
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Device I/O API
Proposal for Java ME 8