The Java™ Binding for the OpenGL® ES API v1.0.1

Package java.nio

Defines buffers, which are containers for data, and provides an overview of the other NIO packages.

See: Description

Package java.nio Description

Defines buffers, which are containers for data, and provides an overview of the other NIO packages.

JSR 239 defines an NIO buffer building block comprising portions of the Buffer, ByteBuffer, ShortBuffer, IntBuffer, and FloatBuffer classes as well as the support classes BufferUnderflowException, BufferUnderflowException, and the interface java.lang.Comparable.

JSR 239 provides only basic buffer functionality, and does not address mapped buffers, charsets, channels, or selectors. The intent of including this NIO buffer building block is to store data to be passed to the native OpenGL ES engine on the native heap.

Although special VM support is not assumed, VM implementors are encouraged to provide acceleration for these classes by making use of VM intrinsics or similar techniques.

Disposal of indirect buffers is handled in the normal way by the garbage collector. However, direct buffers involve allocation of memory on the native heap, which is outside the scope of the garbage collector. This memory may still be in use by native code even though the buffer is no longer referenced by application code. In this case, the garbage collector will collect the Java object representing the buffer, but the buffer contents will continue to occupy memory in the native heap. The implementation must ensure that this memory is properly deallocated when it is no longer referenced by native code. The implementation may create a cleanup thread for this purpose.

The central abstractions of the NIO APIs are:

The java.nio package defines the buffer classes, which are used throughout the NIO APIs. The charset API is defined in the java.nio.charset package, and the channel and selector APIs are defined in the java.nio.channels package. Each of these subpackages has its own service-provider (SPI) subpackage, the contents of which can be used to extend the platform's default implementations or to construct alternative implementations.



Buffer Position, limit, and capacity;
clear, flip, rewind, and mark/reset
  ByteBuffer Get/put, compact, views; allocate, wrap
    MappedByteBuffer   A byte buffer mapped to a file
  CharBuffer Get/put, compact; allocate, wrap
  DoubleBuffer     ' '
  FloatBuffer     ' '
  IntBuffer     ' '
  LongBuffer     ' '
  ShortBuffer     ' '
ByteOrder Typesafe enumeration for byte orders

A buffer is a container for a fixed amount of data of a specific primitive type. In addition to its content a buffer has a position, which is the index of the next element to be read or written, and a limit, which is the index of the first element that should not be read or written. The base Buffer class defines these properties as well as methods for clearing, flipping, and rewinding, for marking the current position, and for resetting the position to the previous mark.

There is a buffer class for each non-boolean primitive type. Each class defines a family of get and put methods for moving data out of and in to a buffer, methods for compacting, duplicating, and slicing a buffer, and static methods for allocating a new buffer as well as for wrapping an existing array into a buffer.

Byte buffers are distinguished in that they can be used as the sources and targets of I/O operations. They also support several features not found in the other buffer classes:

Unless otherwise noted, passing a null argument to a constructor or method in any class or interface in this package will cause a NullPointerException to be thrown.

1.13, 02/10/11
Maintenance Release
May 15, 2007

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