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U1Array - Class in sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities
U1Array(Address) - Constructor for class sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.U1Array
U2Array - Class in sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities
U2Array(Address) - Constructor for class sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.U2Array
U_Bytes - Static variable in interface sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.PerfDataEntry.PerfDataUnits
U_Events - Static variable in interface sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.PerfDataEntry.PerfDataUnits
U_Hertz - Static variable in interface sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.PerfDataEntry.PerfDataUnits
U_None - Static variable in interface sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.PerfDataEntry.PerfDataUnits
U_String - Static variable in interface sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.PerfDataEntry.PerfDataUnits
U_Ticks - Static variable in interface sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.PerfDataEntry.PerfDataUnits
UESP - Static variable in class sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.x86.X86ThreadContext
UnalignedAddressException - Exception in sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger
UnalignedAddressException(long) - Constructor for exception sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.UnalignedAddressException
UnalignedAddressException(String, long) - Constructor for exception sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.UnalignedAddressException
unBiasSP(Address) - Static method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.sparc.SPARCFrame
unbind(String) - Static method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.RMIHelper
uncachedGetNameRefAt(int) - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ConstantPool
uncachedGetSignatureRefAt(int) - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ConstantPool
uncommittedSize() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VirtualSpace
UncommonTrapBlob - Class in sun.jvm.hotspot.code
UncommonTrapBlob (currently only used by Compiler 2)
UncommonTrapBlob(Address) - Constructor for class sun.jvm.hotspot.code.UncommonTrapBlob
UNDEFINED - Static variable in interface sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.soql.ScriptObject
uninit - Static variable in class sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.CellTypeState
UNINITIALIZED - Static variable in class sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.JavaThreadState
Should never happen (missing initialization)
UNION - Static variable in class sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.cdbg.basic.CompoundTypeKind
union(MemRegion) - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.MemRegion
uniqueID() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.jdi.ObjectReferenceImpl
Universe - Class in sun.jvm.hotspot.memory
Universe() - Constructor for class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.Universe
Universe.NARROW_OOP_MODE - Enum in sun.jvm.hotspot.memory
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.cdbg.DebugEvent.Type
Indicates an event of an unknown type occurred in the target process (catch-all for implementations; but add more event types)
UnknownOopException - Exception in sun.jvm.hotspot.oops
UnknownOopException() - Constructor for exception sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.UnknownOopException
UnknownOopException(String) - Constructor for exception sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.UnknownOopException
UnmappedAddressException - Exception in sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger
UnmappedAddressException(long) - Constructor for exception sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.UnmappedAddressException
UnmappedAddressException(String, long) - Constructor for exception sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.UnmappedAddressException
UnsupportedPlatformException - Exception in sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities
UnsupportedPlatformException() - Constructor for exception sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.UnsupportedPlatformException
UnsupportedPlatformException(String) - Constructor for exception sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.UnsupportedPlatformException
UNUSED_VALUE - Static variable in class sun.jvm.hotspot.compiler.OopMapValue.OopTypes
update() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.ui.ProcessListPanel
Call this to update the panel's notion of the process list
update() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.IntervalNode
update() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.RBNode
This is called by the base RBTree's insertion and deletion methods when necessary.
updateMap - Variable in class sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.RegisterMap
Tells if the register map needs to be updated when traversing the stack
updateRegisterMap(Frame, CodeBlob, RegisterMap, boolean) - Static method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.compiler.OopMapSet
Update callee-saved register info for the following frame.
updateUI() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.ui.treetable.JTreeTable.TreeTableCellRenderer
updateUI is overridden to set the colors of the Tree's renderer to match that of the table.
updateUI() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.ui.treetable.JTreeTable
Overridden to message super and forward the method to the tree.
updateWith(Oop) - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.ObjectHistogramElement
usage() - Method in class
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_implementation.g1.G1CollectedHeap
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_implementation.g1.HeapRegion
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_implementation.parallelScavenge.ParallelScavengeHeap
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_implementation.parallelScavenge.PSOldGen
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_implementation.parallelScavenge.PSYoungGen
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_implementation.shared.ImmutableSpace
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_implementation.shared.MutableSpace
In bytes
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_interface.CollectedHeap
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.CompactibleFreeListSpace
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.ContiguousSpace
In bytes
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.DefNewGeneration
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.GenCollectedHeap
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.Generation
The number of used bytes in the gen.
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.OneContigSpaceCardGeneration
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.Space
Returned value is in bytes
used() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.PerfDataPrologue
used0() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.CompactibleFreeListSpace
useDerivedPointerTable() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM
Returns true if C2 derived pointer table should be used, false otherwise
usedRegion() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_implementation.shared.ImmutableSpace
Returns a subregion of the space containing all the objects in the space.
usedRegion() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.ContiguousSpace
In a contiguous space we have a more obvious bound on what parts contain objects.
usedRegion() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.Generation
Returns a region guaranteed to contain all the objects in the generation.
usedRegion() - Method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.Space
Returns a subregion of the space containing all the objects in the space.
uses_cp_cache(int) - Static method in class sun.jvm.hotspot.interpreter.Bytecodes
utf8ToIndex - Variable in class
utils - Variable in class sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerBase
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