activateDebuggingMode() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.JRTSDebugMXBean
Change the behavior to the original non deterministic HotSpot mode.
activateDeterministicMode() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.JRTSDebugMXBean
Change the behavior to avoid jitter.
active - Variable in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton
addBlockHandler(AsyncEventHandler) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Add a handler to the event fired whenever threads block because the memory is exchausted.
addConstraints(PhysicalMemoryRequest) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
Add new constraints to a physical memory request.
addConstraints(PhysicalMemoryRequest) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.SharedMemoryMapper
addEndHandler(AsyncEventHandler) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Add a handler to the event fired whenever the RTGC cycle ends.
addInsertionAsyncEvent(AsyncEvent, long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList
addInsertionAsyncEventHandler(AsyncEventHandler, long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList
addPriorityHandler(AsyncEventHandler) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Add a handler to the event fired whenever the RTGC priority changes.
addRemovalAsyncEvent(AsyncEvent, long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList
addRemovalAsyncEventHandler(AsyncEventHandler, long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList
addStartHandler(AsyncEventHandler) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Add a handler to the event fired whenever the RTGC starts.
ArgsAttributes - Annotation Type in com.sun.tracing.dtrace
This annotation describes the interface attributes of the probe arguments in a single provider.
Attributes - Annotation Type in com.sun.tracing.dtrace
This annotation describes the interface's field attributes for the probes in a provider.
autoTriggerProbe(Probe, Object[]) - Method in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton


canBeEnabledWithRealtimeDebugBean() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.DisabledStackTrace
Dummy method that will appear in the stack trace.
changeBoostedPriority(int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Change the maximum priority of the RTGC.
changeCriticalBoundary(int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.CriticalThreadsMXBean
Change the critical boundary.
changeNormalPriority(int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Change the default priority of the RTGC.
changeNormalWorkers(int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Change the default number of active RTGC worker threads.
changeSlidingBoostedModeAllocations(long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Change the evolving threshold boosting the RTGC over important threads.
changeSlidingNormalModeAllocations(long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Change the evolving threshold which defines when the RTGC starts.
checkConstraints(PhysicalMemoryRequest) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
Check consistency with other constraints.
checkMapperConstraints(PhysicalMemoryRequest) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryMapper
Check the constraints due to the mapper itself.
checkMapperConstraints(PhysicalMemoryRequest) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.SharedMemoryMapper
close_fildes() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
com.sun.rtsjx - package com.sun.rtsjx
Sun's extensions to The Real-Time Specification for Java.
com.sun.tracing - package com.sun.tracing
com.sun.tracing.dtrace - package com.sun.tracing.dtrace
Compiler - Class in com.sun.rtsjx
The Compiler class is provided to support the Initialization Time Compilation (ITC for short) via application code.
contains(long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
CoreRawMemoryType - Class in com.sun.rtsjx
Internal class that provides VM dependent information for physical memory managment.
CoreRawMemoryType() - Constructor for class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
Default constructor without a base and a size.
CoreRawMemoryType(long, long) - Constructor for class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
Constructor specifying base and size.
CoreRawMemoryType(Object[]) - Constructor for class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
Constructor specifying base and size.
createProbe(Method) - Method in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton
createProvider(Class<T>) - Method in class com.sun.tracing.ProviderFactory
Creates an implementation of a Provider interface.
createProvider(Class<T>) - Method in class sun.tracing.dtrace.DTraceProviderFactory
Creates an instance of a provider which can then be used to trigger DTrace probes.
createProvider(Class<T>) - Method in class sun.tracing.MultiplexProviderFactory
createProvider(Class<T>) - Method in class sun.tracing.NullProviderFactory
createProvider(Class<T>) - Method in class sun.tracing.PrintStreamProviderFactory
createProviders(Set<Class<? extends Provider>>, String) - Method in class sun.tracing.dtrace.DTraceProviderFactory
Creates multiple providers at once.
CriticalThreadsMXBean - Interface in com.sun.rtsjx
Monitoring the critical threads with the realtime garbage collector.


DependencyClass - Enum in com.sun.tracing.dtrace
Enumeration for the DTrace dependency classes.
DisabledStackTrace - Class in com.sun.rtsjx
Dummy class used in place of real stack traces.
DisabledStackTrace() - Constructor for class com.sun.rtsjx.DisabledStackTrace
dispose() - Method in interface com.sun.tracing.Provider
Disposes system resources associated with this provider.
dispose() - Method in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton
DTraceProviderFactory - Class in sun.tracing.dtrace
Factory class to create JSDT Providers.
DTraceProviderFactory() - Constructor for class sun.tracing.dtrace.DTraceProviderFactory
DTraceUserEvent - Class in com.sun.rtsjx


find(long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
fire(String) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.DTraceUserEvent
freeze() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Reject all future changes.
FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector - Class in com.sun.rtsjx
Real-Time Garbage Collector.
FunctionAttributes - Annotation Type in com.sun.tracing.dtrace
This annotation describes the interface attributes of the function field for a single provider.
FunctionName - Annotation Type in com.sun.tracing.dtrace
An annotation used to specify the function field for a DTrace probe.


get(String) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Read a parameter value.
get(int) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Read a parameter value.
get_accessor() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Read the accessor.
get_addr() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Read the addr parameter of the Unix mmap call.
get_device() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
get_fildes() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Read the fildes parameter of the Unix mmap call.
get_flags() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Read the flags parameter of the Unix mmap call.
get_inlinable() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Read the inlinable status.
get_len() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Read the len parameter of the Unix mmap call.
get_mapped_address() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryMapper
Get the mapped address, or 0 if unmapped.
get_mapped_address() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Read the mapped address.
get_mapped_address() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.SharedMemoryMapper
get_mapper() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Read the registered mapper.
get_off() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Read the off parameter of the Unix mmap call.
get_prot() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Read the prot parameter of the Unix mmap call.
get_readable() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Read the readable status.
get_shared_id() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.SharedMemoryMapper
Get the shared identifier.
get_writable() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Read the writable status.
getAllocatedBytes() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.CriticalThreadsMXBean
Total bytes allocated by threads running in the critical range.
getAllocatedBytes() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Total bytes allocated at priority higher than default priority.
getAllocatedBytes() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RealtimeMemoryManagerMXBean
Total bytes allocated.
getAnnotationString(AnnotatedElement, Class<? extends Annotation>, String) - Static method in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton
getAnnotationValue(AnnotatedElement, Class<? extends Annotation>, String, Object) - Static method in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton
getBoostedMinFreeBytes() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Minimum boosted memory threshold.
getBoostedPriority() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Get the boosted priority of the RTGC.
getBoostedPriority() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Maximum priority of the RTGC.
getBoostedSafetyMargin() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Margin to avoid bursty boosted allocations.
getBoostedSlideFactor() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Percentage lowering old worst case boosted allocation.
getBoostedWorkers() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Number of active RTGC worker threads when the RTGC is boosted.
getBoostedWorkers() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Maximum number of active RTGC worker threads.
getByte(long, long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Gets the byte at the given offset.
getBytes(long, long, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Gets number bytes starting at the given offset and assign them to the byte array passed starting at position low.
getCriticalBoundary() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.CriticalThreadsMXBean
Get the critical boundary.
getCriticalBoundary() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Get the priority over which threads are considered critical.
getCriticalPriority() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Deprecated. See BoostedPriority and CriticalBoundary
getCriticalReservedBytes() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Get the amount of memory reserved for critical threads.
getCurrentFragmentedBytes() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RealtimeMemoryManagerMXBean
Size of the free heap memory that is not currently allocatable.
getCurrentNonFragmentedBytes() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RealtimeMemoryManagerMXBean
Size of the non fragmented free memory.
getCurrentPriority() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Get the current priority of the RTGC.
getDefaultFactory() - Static method in class com.sun.tracing.ProviderFactory
Returns an implementation of a ProviderFactory which creates instances of Providers.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.CriticalThreadsMXBean
Short description of the MBean.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Short description of the MBean.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.JRTSDebugMXBean
Short description of the MBean.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RealtimeMemoryManagerMXBean
Short description of the MBean.
getDouble(long, long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Gets the double at the given offset.
getDoubles(long, long, double[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Gets number double values starting at the given offset in this, and assigns them into the double array starting at position low.
getEncoding() - Method in enum com.sun.tracing.dtrace.DependencyClass
getEncoding() - Method in enum com.sun.tracing.dtrace.StabilityLevel
getFilter() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList
getFloat(long, long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Gets the float at the given offset.
getFloats(long, long, float[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Gets number float values starting at the given offset in this and assign them into the byte array starting at position low.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Get the single instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.ReplacementForScopeAllocatedObject
Get an object to represent a scoped allocated object.
getInt(long, long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Gets the int at the given offset.
getInts(long, long, int[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Gets number integers starting at the given offset and assign them to the int array passed starting at position low.
getInvocationCount() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Get the number of GC cycles executed.
getLastCyclePercentageCPU() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RealtimeMemoryManagerMXBean
Percentage of CPU time used during the last GC cycle.
getLastGcInfo() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RealtimeMemoryManagerMXBean
Direct reference to GarbageCollectorMXBean.GcInfo.
getLastGCPercentageCPU() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RealtimeMemoryManagerMXBean
Percentage of CPU time used during the last GC run.
getList() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
getLong(long, long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Gets the long at the given offset.
getLongestTimeBoosted() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Worst time spent with the RTGC running at boosted priority.
getLongestTimeWithAllocationBlocked() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Worst time spent with the memory reserved for critical threads.
getLongs(long, long, long[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Gets number longs starting at the given offset and assign them to the long array passed starting at position low.
getLongTermPercentageCPU() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RealtimeMemoryManagerMXBean
Percentage of CPU time used since the last reset.
getMaxCPUs() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Deprecated. See getBoostedWorkers and getNormalWorkers.
getModeInfo() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.JRTSDebugMXBean
Additional explanation for the mode.
getNext() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList
getNormalMinFreeBytes() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Minimum normal memory threshold.
getNormalPriority() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Get the normal priority of the RTGC.
getNormalPriority() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Default priority of the RTGC.
getNormalSafetyMargin() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Margin to avoid bursty allocations.
getNormalSlideFactor() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Percentage lowering old worst case allocation.
getNormalWorkers() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Default number of active RTGC worker threads.
getNormalWorkers() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Default number of active RTGC worker threads.
getParameterID(String) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Translate a parameter to an internal ID.
getPreemptionLatency() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Get the preemption latency.
getProbe(Method) - Method in interface com.sun.tracing.Provider
Retrieves a reference to a Probe object, which is used to check status or to trigger the probe manually.
getProbe(Method) - Method in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton
getProviderName() - Method in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton
getRecentAllocationRate() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.CriticalThreadsMXBean
Bytes per milliseconds allocated by critical threads since the last call to reset().
getRecentAllocationRate() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Bytes per milliseconds allocated by important and critical threads since the last call to reset().
getRecentAllocationRate() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RealtimeMemoryManagerMXBean
Bytes per milliseconds since the last call to reset().
getRTGCCriticalReservedBytes() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.CriticalThreadsMXBean
Threshold under which non-critical threads block.
getShort(long, long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Gets the short at the given offset.
getShorts(long, long, short[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Gets number shorts starting at the given offset and assign them to the short array passed starting at position low.
getSlidingBoostedModeAllocations() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Evolving threshold boosting the RTGC over important threads.
getSlidingNormalModeAllocations() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Evolving threshold which defines when the RTGC starts.
getThread() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.ReplacementForScopeAllocatedObject
Get an object to represent a scoped allocated Thread.
getTotalTimeBoosted() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Total time spent with the RTGC running at boosted priority.
getTotalTimeWithAllocationBlocked() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Total time spent with the memory reserved for critical threads.
getVMAttributes() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
getVMFlags() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
getWorstNonFragmentedMemory() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.CriticalThreadsMXBean
Worst number of bytes usable for thread allocation buffers since the last reset().
getWorstRemainingMemory() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.CriticalThreadsMXBean
Worst number of bytes remaining since the last reset() call.


ImportantThreadsMXBean - Interface in com.sun.rtsjx
Monitoring the non-critical threads with the realtime garbage collector.
init() - Method in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton
initial_pbase - Variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Physical base address specified before parsing the types.
initialize(long, long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton
is_mapping() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Return true if executing map() or unmap().
isActive() - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Check whether the fully concurrent RTGC is the one managing the heap.
isCompatibleWithPhysicalMemory() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryMapper
Returns true if this mapper is compatible with ImmortalPhysicalMemory, LTPhysicalMemory and VTPhysicalMemory.
isCompatibleWithPhysicalMemory() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.SharedMemoryMapper
isDeterministicMode() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.JRTSDebugMXBean
Return true if in deterministic mode.
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.sun.tracing.Probe
Checks whether there is an active trace of this probe.
isPresent(long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
isRemovable() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
isSupported() - Static method in class sun.tracing.dtrace.DTraceProviderFactory
Used to check the status of DTrace support in the underlying JVM and operating system.


JRTSDebugMXBean - Interface in com.sun.rtsjx
Balance determinism and debugging functionality.


map(PhysicalMemoryRequest) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryMapper
Map the request.
map() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Map the request.
map(PhysicalMemoryRequest) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.SharedMemoryMapper
Map the shared memory.
MAP_ALIGN - Static variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Access to POSIX constants.
MAP_ANON - Static variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Access to POSIX constants.
MAP_FIXED - Static variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Access to POSIX constants.
MAP_NORESERVE - Static variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Access to POSIX constants.
MAP_PRIVATE - Static variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Access to POSIX constants.
MAP_SHARED - Static variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Access to POSIX constants.
mark(ClassLoader, URL, URL, boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.Compiler
This method marks a set of methods that must be compiled at the time the class that declares them is initialized.
ModuleAttributes - Annotation Type in com.sun.tracing.dtrace
This annotation is used to describe the interface attributes of the module field for a single provider.
ModuleName - Annotation Type in com.sun.tracing.dtrace
An annotation used to specify the module field for a DTrace probe.
MultiplexProviderFactory - Class in sun.tracing
Factory class to create tracing Providers.
MultiplexProviderFactory(Set<ProviderFactory>) - Constructor for class sun.tracing.MultiplexProviderFactory


NameAttributes - Annotation Type in com.sun.tracing.dtrace
This annotation describes the interface attributes of the name field for a single provider.
newProxyInstance() - Method in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton
NullProviderFactory - Class in sun.tracing
Factory class to create tracing Providers.
NullProviderFactory() - Constructor for class sun.tracing.NullProviderFactory


onInsertion(long, long, AsyncEventHandler) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
onInsertion(long, long, AsyncEvent) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
onRemoval(long, long, AsyncEventHandler) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
onRemoval(long, long, AsyncEvent) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType


parseType(Object, long, long, boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
parseType(Object, long, long, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Create the PhysicalMemoryRequest corresponding to the type parameter of the physical memory related methods.
PhysicalMemoryMapper - Interface in com.sun.rtsjx
Basic mapping operations.
PhysicalMemoryRequest - Class in com.sun.rtsjx
Class representing the constraints specificed by a memory type.
PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList - Class in com.sun.rtsjx
Class used internaly to associate names to filters.
PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList() - Constructor for class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList
preinit(ClassLoader, URL) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.Compiler
This method triggers the pre-initialization of a set of classes specified via an URL.
preload(ClassLoader, URL) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.Compiler
This method triggers the pre-loading of a set of classes specified via an URL.
PrintStreamProviderFactory - Class in sun.tracing
Factory class to create tracing Providers.
PrintStreamProviderFactory(PrintStream) - Constructor for class sun.tracing.PrintStreamProviderFactory
Probe - Interface in com.sun.tracing
The Probe interface represents a tracepoint.
ProbeName - Annotation Type in com.sun.tracing
An annotation used to override the name of a probe.
probes - Variable in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton
PROT_EXEC - Static variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Access to POSIX constants.
PROT_NONE - Static variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Access to POSIX constants.
PROT_READ - Static variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Access to POSIX constants.
PROT_WRITE - Static variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Access to POSIX constants.
Provider - Interface in com.sun.tracing
Provider is a superinterface for user-defined tracing providers.
ProviderAttributes - Annotation Type in com.sun.tracing.dtrace
This annotation is used to describe the interface attributes of the provider field for a single provider.
ProviderFactory - Class in com.sun.tracing
ProviderFactory is a factory class used to create instances of providers.
ProviderFactory() - Constructor for class com.sun.tracing.ProviderFactory
ProviderName - Annotation Type in com.sun.tracing
An annotation used to specify the name of a provider.
ProviderSkeleton - Class in sun.tracing
Provides a common code for provider implementation
ProviderSkeleton(Class<? extends Provider>) - Constructor for class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton
providerType - Variable in class sun.tracing.ProviderSkeleton


RawMemoryAccessImpl - Interface in com.sun.rtsjx
Interface for the providers of get/set raw memory commands.
RealtimeMemoryManagerMXBean - Interface in com.sun.rtsjx
Monitoring the most important attributes for the RTGC.
registerFilter(Object, PhysicalMemoryTypeFilter) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Register a memory type filter with the physical memory manager.
removeBlockHandler(AsyncEventHandler) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Remove a handler associated to the event fired whenever threads block because the memory is exchausted.
removeEndHandler(AsyncEventHandler) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Remove a handler associated to the event fired whenever the RTGC cycle ends.
removeFilter(Object) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Remove the identified filter from the set of registered filters.
removePriorityHandler(AsyncEventHandler) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Remove a handler associated to the event fired whenever the RTGC priority changes.
removeStartHandler(AsyncEventHandler) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Remove a handler associated to the event fired whenever the RTGC starts.
ReplacementForScopeAllocatedObject - Class in com.sun.rtsjx
Dummy class used in place of real ScopedMemory objects.
ReplacementForScopeAllocatedObject() - Constructor for class com.sun.rtsjx.ReplacementForScopeAllocatedObject
requested_address - Variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Requested address.
requested_size - Variable in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Size specified before parsing the types.
reset() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.CriticalThreadsMXBean
Resets the worst case numbers and long term usage computation.
reset() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Resets the worst case numbers and long term usage computation.
reset() - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RealtimeMemoryManagerMXBean
Resets the worst case numbers and long term usage computation.
rmInsertionAsyncEvent(AsyncEvent, long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList
rmInsertionAsyncEventHandler(AsyncEventHandler, long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList
rmRemovalAsyncEvent(AsyncEvent, long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList
rmRemovalAsyncEventHandler(AsyncEventHandler, long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest.RegisteredList


sema_count() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.Semaphore
Get the count.
sema_post() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.Semaphore
sema_trywait() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.Semaphore
Non blocking consumer.
sema_wait() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.Semaphore
Blocking consumer.
sema_wait_interruptible() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.Semaphore
Blocking interruptible consumer.
Semaphore - Class in com.sun.rtsjx
Semaphore that never block the producer.
Semaphore() - Constructor for class com.sun.rtsjx.Semaphore
set(String, long) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Change a parameter.
set(int, long) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Change a parameter.
set_accessor(RawMemoryAccessImpl) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Set the addr parameter of the Unix mmap call.
set_addr(long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Set the addr parameter of the Unix mmap call.
set_device(String) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
set_flags(int) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Set the flags parameter of the Unix mmap call.
set_inlinable(boolean) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Set the inlinable status.
set_len(long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Set the len parameter of the Unix mmap call.
set_mapper(PhysicalMemoryMapper) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Set the mapper.
set_off(int) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Set the off parameter of the Unix mmap call.
set_prot(int) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Set the prot parameter of the Unix mmap call.
set_readable(boolean) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Set the readable status.
set_unmappable(boolean) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Set the unmappable status.
set_writable(boolean) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Set the writable status.
setBoostedMinFreeBytes(long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Change the minimum boosted memory threshold.
setBoostedPriority(int) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Change the boosted priority of the RTGC.
setBoostedSafetyMargin(long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Change the margin to avoid bursty boosted allocations.
setBoostedSlideFactor(long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Change the percentage lowering old worst case boosted allocation.
setByte(long, long, byte) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Sets the byte at the given offset.
setBytes(long, long, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Sets number bytes starting at the given offset from the byte array passed starting at position low.
setCriticalBoundary(int) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Change the critical boundary.
setCriticalReservedBytes(long) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Change the amount of memory reserved for critical threads.
setDeterministicMode(boolean) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.JRTSDebugMXBean
Set the mode.
setDouble(long, long, double) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Sets the double at the given offset.
setDoubles(long, long, double[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Sets number double values starting at the given offset in this, and assigns them into the double array starting at position low.
setFloat(long, long, float) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Sets the float at the given offset.
setFloats(long, long, float[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Sets number float values starting at the given offset in this from the byte array starting at position low.
setInt(long, long, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Sets the int at the given offset.
setInts(long, long, int[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Sets number ints starting at the given offset from the int array passed starting at position low.
setLong(long, long, long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Sets the long at the given offset.
setLongs(long, long, long[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Sets number longs starting at the given offset from the long array passed starting at position low.
setNormalMinFreeBytes(long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Change the minimum normal memory threshold.
setNormalPriority(int) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Change the default priority of the RTGC.
setNormalSafetyMargin(long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Change the margin to avoid bursty allocations.
setNormalSlideFactor(long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.ImportantThreadsMXBean
Change the percentage lowering old worst case allocation.
setNormalWorkers(int) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Change the default number of active RTGC worker threads.
setRTGCCriticalReservedBytes(long) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.CriticalThreadsMXBean
Changed the threshold under which non-critical threads block.
setShort(long, long, short) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Sets the short at the given offset.
setShorts(long, long, short[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.RawMemoryAccessImpl
Sets number shorts starting at the given offset from the short array passed starting at position low.
SharedMemoryMapper - Class in com.sun.rtsjx
Shared memory support.
SharedMemoryMapper() - Constructor for class com.sun.rtsjx.SharedMemoryMapper
SharedMemoryMapper(long, long) - Constructor for class com.sun.rtsjx.SharedMemoryMapper
SharedMemoryMapper(Object[]) - Constructor for class com.sun.rtsjx.SharedMemoryMapper
StabilityLevel - Enum in com.sun.tracing.dtrace
Enumeration for the DTrace stability levels.
startAsyncGC(int) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Start a new RTGC cycle or boost an ongoing one.
sun.tracing - package sun.tracing
sun.tracing.dtrace - package sun.tracing.dtrace


test(String) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Test whether a parameter exists.
toDisplayString() - Method in enum com.sun.tracing.dtrace.DependencyClass
toString() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.ReplacementForScopeAllocatedObject
trigger(Object...) - Method in interface com.sun.tracing.Probe
Determines whether a tracepoint is enabled.


unmap(PhysicalMemoryRequest) - Method in interface com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryMapper
Undo a mapping.
unmap() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
Undo a mapping.
unmap(PhysicalMemoryRequest) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.SharedMemoryMapper
unmappable() - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.PhysicalMemoryRequest
unregisterInsertionEvent(long, long, AsyncEvent) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType
unregisterRemovalEvent(long, long, AsyncEvent) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sun.tracing.dtrace.DependencyClass
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sun.tracing.dtrace.StabilityLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.sun.tracing.dtrace.DependencyClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.sun.tracing.dtrace.StabilityLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
vFind(long, long) - Method in class com.sun.rtsjx.CoreRawMemoryType


waitThreshold(long) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Block the caller until the free Heap memory is below a given limit or until a RTGC cycle completes.
waitThreshold(long, HighResolutionTime) - Static method in class com.sun.rtsjx.FullyConcurrentGarbageCollector
Block the caller until the free Heap memory is below a given limit, until a timeout has expired, or until a RTGC cycle completes.