Interface ImportantThreadsMXBean

public interface ImportantThreadsMXBean

Monitoring the non-critical threads with the realtime garbage collector.

This class is still under development and may evolve for the future versions of the product.

For a complete description of the RTGC, look at the Garbage Collection Guide. This is a short summary relevant for this particular MBean.

Important threads are the non-critical real-time threads running above the default priority of the RTGC. Tuning mechanisms try to start the RTGC soon enough to complete at that priority. To ensure the determinism of the critical threads, the RTGC may have to be boosted if it did not complete on time. In that case, the important threads might be preempted as long as the RTGC runs. On a multi-processor machine, they can continue running on other processors. However, if memory goes below a minimum threshold reserved for critical threads, important threads block.

This interface allow you to change the parameters and to monitor the throughput and the determinism. getLongestTimeBoosted() returns the longest preemption time. If the RTGC can use all the processors, this defines the pause time for the important threads. When there are spare processors, getLongestTimeWithAllocationBlocked() returns the longest time during which the allocations were blocked. This defines the pause time on those machines.

The 'boosted' sliding value and the parameters that impact it can be ignored on uniprocessors. Users can focus on the 'normal' attributes in that case.

Note that parameter changes might be delayed up to the next GC cycle.

Method Summary
 void changeBoostedPriority(int priority)
          Change the maximum priority of the RTGC.
 void changeNormalPriority(int priority)
          Change the default priority of the RTGC.
 void changeNormalWorkers(int workers)
          Change the default number of active RTGC worker threads.
 void changeSlidingBoostedModeAllocations(long value)
          Change the evolving threshold boosting the RTGC over important threads.
 void changeSlidingNormalModeAllocations(long value)
          Change the evolving threshold which defines when the RTGC starts.
 long getAllocatedBytes()
          Total bytes allocated at priority higher than default priority.
 long getBoostedMinFreeBytes()
          Minimum boosted memory threshold.
 int getBoostedPriority()
          Maximum priority of the RTGC.
 long getBoostedSafetyMargin()
          Margin to avoid bursty boosted allocations.
 long getBoostedSlideFactor()
          Percentage lowering old worst case boosted allocation.
 int getBoostedWorkers()
          Maximum number of active RTGC worker threads.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Short description of the MBean.
 long getLongestTimeBoosted()
          Worst time spent with the RTGC running at boosted priority.
 long getLongestTimeWithAllocationBlocked()
          Worst time spent with the memory reserved for critical threads.
 long getNormalMinFreeBytes()
          Minimum normal memory threshold.
 int getNormalPriority()
          Default priority of the RTGC.
 long getNormalSafetyMargin()
          Margin to avoid bursty allocations.
 long getNormalSlideFactor()
          Percentage lowering old worst case allocation.
 int getNormalWorkers()
          Default number of active RTGC worker threads.
 long getRecentAllocationRate()
          Bytes per milliseconds allocated by important and critical threads since the last call to reset().
 long getSlidingBoostedModeAllocations()
          Evolving threshold boosting the RTGC over important threads.
 long getSlidingNormalModeAllocations()
          Evolving threshold which defines when the RTGC starts.
 long getTotalTimeBoosted()
          Total time spent with the RTGC running at boosted priority.
 long getTotalTimeWithAllocationBlocked()
          Total time spent with the memory reserved for critical threads.
 void reset()
          Resets the worst case numbers and long term usage computation.
 void setBoostedMinFreeBytes(long value)
          Change the minimum boosted memory threshold.
 void setBoostedSafetyMargin(long value)
          Change the margin to avoid bursty boosted allocations.
 void setBoostedSlideFactor(long value)
          Change the percentage lowering old worst case boosted allocation.
 void setNormalMinFreeBytes(long value)
          Change the minimum normal memory threshold.
 void setNormalSafetyMargin(long value)
          Change the margin to avoid bursty allocations.
 void setNormalSlideFactor(long value)
          Change the percentage lowering old worst case allocation.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getDescription()
Short description of the MBean.

a string describing this MBean.


int getNormalPriority()
Default priority of the RTGC.

the RTGC default priority.


void changeNormalPriority(int priority)
Change the default priority of the RTGC.

By increasing this value, the number of important threads decreases. This improves the chances that these threads will not be preempted and will not block on allocation.

The change is asynchronous and might be delayed. In addition, the RTGC might apply a slightly different value to ensure the consistency of the parameters.

priority - new default priority.


int getNormalWorkers()
Default number of active RTGC worker threads.

the default number of active RTGC threads.


void changeNormalWorkers(int workers)
Change the default number of active RTGC worker threads.

By decreasing this value, threads running at a priority lower than NormalPriority will get more CPU cycles when the RTGC need not be boosted. The trade-off is that the RTGC may have to be boosted more often, thus impacting the important threads.

The change is asynchronous and might be delayed. In addition, the RTGC might apply a slightly different value to ensure the consistency of the parameters.

workers - new default number of active RTGC worker threads.


int getBoostedWorkers()
Maximum number of active RTGC worker threads.

the maximum number of active RTGC threads.


int getBoostedPriority()
Maximum priority of the RTGC.

the RTGC maximum priority.


void changeBoostedPriority(int priority)
Change the maximum priority of the RTGC.

The change is asynchronous and might be delayed. In addition, the RTGC might apply a slightly different value to ensure the consistency of the parameters.

priority - new maximum priority.


long getSlidingBoostedModeAllocations()
Evolving threshold boosting the RTGC over important threads.

The lower the value, the later the RTGC is boosted. This improves throughput but may impact determinism on a multi-processor machine. Boosting the RTGC earlier may allow it to complete while the important threads with the highest priority can still allocate memory on spare processors.

the current memory threshold.


void changeSlidingBoostedModeAllocations(long value)
Change the evolving threshold boosting the RTGC over important threads.

The user can increase it to speed up the auto-tuning or start with a safer margin and avoid the initial pauses. This temporarily impacts throughput.

value - threshold for the next run.


long getBoostedMinFreeBytes()
Minimum boosted memory threshold.

Auto-tuning will not go below this limit. The RTGC will always be boosted when the memory reaches this threshold.

Minimum boosted memory threshold.


void setBoostedMinFreeBytes(long value)
Change the minimum boosted memory threshold.

A higher value prevents the auto-tuning from reaching very high performance by lowering the threshold when the allocation rate drops. However, it improves determinism when the allocation rate starts going up.

value - minimum boosted memory threshold.


long getBoostedSlideFactor()
Percentage lowering old worst case boosted allocation.

The RTGC Guide describes how it impacts the dynamic threshold.

Percentage lowering old worst case boosted allocation.


void setBoostedSlideFactor(long value)
Change the percentage lowering old worst case boosted allocation.

The RTGC Guide describes how it impacts the dynamic threshold.

value - percentage lowering old worst case boosted allocation.


long getBoostedSafetyMargin()
Margin to avoid bursty boosted allocations.

The RTGC Guide describes how it impacts the dynamic threshold.

Margin to avoid bursty boosted allocations.


void setBoostedSafetyMargin(long value)
Change the margin to avoid bursty boosted allocations.

The RTGC Guide describes how it impacts the dynamic threshold.

value - margin to avoid bursty boosted allocations.


long getSlidingNormalModeAllocations()
Evolving threshold which defines when the RTGC starts.

The lower the value, the later the RTGC starts. This improves the throughput but may impact determinism. The RTGC may have to be boosted to its maximum priority if it starts too late. It may even have to block the non-critical threads. The user can increase it to speed up the auto-tuning or start with a safer margin and avoid the initial pauses.

the current memory threshold.


void changeSlidingNormalModeAllocations(long value)
Change the evolving threshold which defines when the RTGC starts.

The user can increase it to speed up the auto-tuning or start with a safer margin and avoid the initial pauses. This temporarily impacts throughput.

value - threshold for the next run.


long getNormalMinFreeBytes()
Minimum normal memory threshold.

Auto-tuning will not go below this limit. The RTGC will always start when the memory reaches this threshold.

Minimum normal memory threshold.


void setNormalMinFreeBytes(long value)
Change the minimum normal memory threshold.

A higher value prevents the auto-tuning from reaching very high performance by lowering the threshold when the allocation rate drops. However, it improves determinism when the allocation rate starts going up.

value - minimum normal memory threshold.


long getNormalSlideFactor()
Percentage lowering old worst case allocation.

The RTGC Guide describes how it impacts the dynamic threshold.

Percentage lowering old worst case allocation.


void setNormalSlideFactor(long value)
Change the percentage lowering old worst case allocation.

The RTGC Guide describes how it impacts the dynamic threshold.

value - percentage lowering old worst case allocation.


long getNormalSafetyMargin()
Margin to avoid bursty allocations.

The RTGC Guide describes how it impacts the dynamic threshold.

Margin to avoid bursty allocations.


void setNormalSafetyMargin(long value)
Change the margin to avoid bursty allocations.

The RTGC Guide describes how it impacts the dynamic threshold.

value - margin to avoid bursty allocations.


long getAllocatedBytes()
Total bytes allocated at priority higher than default priority.

This includes the bytes allocated by critical threads.

Total bytes allocated at priority higher than default priority.


long getRecentAllocationRate()
Bytes per milliseconds allocated by important and critical threads since the last call to reset().

bytes per milliseconds


long getTotalTimeBoosted()
Total time spent with the RTGC running at boosted priority.

This defines the total pause time for important threads.

Total time spent with the RTGC running at boosted priority.


long getLongestTimeBoosted()
Worst time spent with the RTGC running at boosted priority.

This defines the worst pause time for important threads when there is no spare processors.

Worst time spent with the RTGC running at boosted priority.


long getLongestTimeWithAllocationBlocked()
Worst time spent with the memory reserved for critical threads.

This defines the worst pause time for important threads when the RTGC does not use all the processors.

Worst time spent with the memory reserved for critical threads


long getTotalTimeWithAllocationBlocked()
Total time spent with the memory reserved for critical threads.

This defines the total pause time for important threads when the RTGC does not use all the processors.

Total time spent with the memory reserved for critical threads.


void reset()
Resets the worst case numbers and long term usage computation. This impacts the allocation rate and the attribute reporting longest times.