Package com.sun.tracing.dtrace

Enum Summary
DependencyClass Enumeration for the DTrace dependency classes.
StabilityLevel Enumeration for the DTrace stability levels.

Annotation Types Summary
ArgsAttributes This annotation describes the interface attributes of the probe arguments in a single provider.
Attributes This annotation describes the interface's field attributes for the probes in a provider.
FunctionAttributes This annotation describes the interface attributes of the function field for a single provider.
FunctionName An annotation used to specify the function field for a DTrace probe.
ModuleAttributes This annotation is used to describe the interface attributes of the module field for a single provider.
ModuleName An annotation used to specify the module field for a DTrace probe.
NameAttributes This annotation describes the interface attributes of the name field for a single provider.
ProviderAttributes This annotation is used to describe the interface attributes of the provider field for a single provider.