Uses of Class

Uses of AbsoluteTime in javax.realtime

Methods in javax.realtime that return AbsoluteTime
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.absolute(Clock clock)
          Return a copy of this modified if necessary to have the specified clock association.
abstract  AbsoluteTime HighResolutionTime.absolute(Clock clock)
          Convert the time of this to an absolute time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time when necessary.
 AbsoluteTime RelativeTime.absolute(Clock clock)
          Convert the time of this to an absolute time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.absolute(Clock clock, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Return a copy of this modified if necessary to have the specified clock association.
abstract  AbsoluteTime HighResolutionTime.absolute(Clock clock, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Convert the time of this to an absolute time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time when necessary.
 AbsoluteTime RelativeTime.absolute(Clock clock, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Convert the time of this to an absolute time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.add(long millis, int nanos)
          Create a new object representing the result of adding millis and nanos to the values from this and normalizing the result.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.add(long millis, int nanos, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from adding millis and nanos to the values from this and normalizing the result.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.add(RelativeTime time)
          Create a new instance of AbsoluteTime representing the result of adding time to the value of this and normalizing the result.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.add(RelativeTime time, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from adding time to the value of this and normalizing the result.
 AbsoluteTime Timer.getFireTime()
          Get the time at which this Timer is expected to fire.
 AbsoluteTime Timer.getFireTime(AbsoluteTime fireTime)
          Get the time at which this Timer is expected to fire.
abstract  AbsoluteTime Clock.getTime()
          Gets the current time in a newly allocated object.
abstract  AbsoluteTime Clock.getTime(AbsoluteTime time)
          Gets the current time in an existing object.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.subtract(RelativeTime time)
          Create a new instance of AbsoluteTime representing the result of subtracting time from the value of this and normalizing the result.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.subtract(RelativeTime time, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from subtracting time from the value of this and normalizing the result.

Methods in javax.realtime with parameters of type AbsoluteTime
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.absolute(Clock clock, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Return a copy of this modified if necessary to have the specified clock association.
abstract  AbsoluteTime HighResolutionTime.absolute(Clock clock, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Convert the time of this to an absolute time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time when necessary.
 AbsoluteTime RelativeTime.absolute(Clock clock, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Convert the time of this to an absolute time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.add(long millis, int nanos, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from adding millis and nanos to the values from this and normalizing the result.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.add(RelativeTime time, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from adding time to the value of this and normalizing the result.
 void RationalTime.addInterarrivalTo(AbsoluteTime destination)
          Deprecated. 1.0.1
 void RelativeTime.addInterarrivalTo(AbsoluteTime timeAndDestination)
          Deprecated. As of RTSJ 1.0.1
 AbsoluteTime Timer.getFireTime(AbsoluteTime fireTime)
          Get the time at which this Timer is expected to fire.
abstract  AbsoluteTime Clock.getTime(AbsoluteTime time)
          Gets the current time in an existing object.
 RelativeTime AbsoluteTime.subtract(AbsoluteTime time)
          Create a new instance of RelativeTime representing the result of subtracting time from the value of this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime AbsoluteTime.subtract(AbsoluteTime time, RelativeTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from subtracting time from the value of this and normalizing the result.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.subtract(RelativeTime time, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from subtracting time from the value of this and normalizing the result.

Constructors in javax.realtime with parameters of type AbsoluteTime
AbsoluteTime(AbsoluteTime time)
          Make a new AbsoluteTime object from the given AbsoluteTime object.
AbsoluteTime(AbsoluteTime time, Clock clock)
          Make a new AbsoluteTime object from the given AbsoluteTime object.