Uses of Class

Uses of Clock in javax.realtime

Methods in javax.realtime that return Clock
 Clock HighResolutionTime.getClock()
          Returns a reference to the clock associated with this.
 Clock Timer.getClock()
          Return the instance of Clock on which this timer is based.
static Clock Clock.getRealtimeClock()
          There is always at least one clock object available: the system real-time clock.

Methods in javax.realtime with parameters of type Clock
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.absolute(Clock clock)
          Return a copy of this modified if necessary to have the specified clock association.
abstract  AbsoluteTime HighResolutionTime.absolute(Clock clock)
          Convert the time of this to an absolute time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time when necessary.
 AbsoluteTime RelativeTime.absolute(Clock clock)
          Convert the time of this to an absolute time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.absolute(Clock clock, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Return a copy of this modified if necessary to have the specified clock association.
abstract  AbsoluteTime HighResolutionTime.absolute(Clock clock, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Convert the time of this to an absolute time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time when necessary.
 AbsoluteTime RelativeTime.absolute(Clock clock, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Convert the time of this to an absolute time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time.
 RelativeTime AbsoluteTime.relative(Clock clock)
          Convert the time of this to a relative time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time.
abstract  RelativeTime HighResolutionTime.relative(Clock clock)
          Convert the time of this to a relative time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time when necessary.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.relative(Clock clock)
          Return a copy of this.
 RelativeTime AbsoluteTime.relative(Clock clock, RelativeTime dest)
          Convert the time of this to a relative time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time.
abstract  RelativeTime HighResolutionTime.relative(Clock clock, RelativeTime dest)
          Convert the time of this to a relative time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time when necessary.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.relative(Clock clock, RelativeTime dest)
          Return a copy of this.
static void RealtimeThread.sleep(Clock clock, HighResolutionTime time)
          A sleep method that is controlled by a generalized clock.

Constructors in javax.realtime with parameters of type Clock
AbsoluteTime(AbsoluteTime time, Clock clock)
          Make a new AbsoluteTime object from the given AbsoluteTime object.
AbsoluteTime(Clock clock)
          Equivalent to new AbsoluteTime(0,0,clock).
AbsoluteTime(java.util.Date date, Clock clock)
          Equivalent to new AbsoluteTime (date.getTime(),0,clock).
AbsoluteTime(long millis, int nanos, Clock clock)
          Construct an AbsoluteTime object with time millisecond and nanosecond components past the epoch for clock.
OneShotTimer(HighResolutionTime time, Clock clock, AsyncEventHandler handler)
          Create an instance of OneShotTimer, based on the given clock, that will execute its fire method according to the given time.
PeriodicTimer(HighResolutionTime start, RelativeTime interval, Clock clock, AsyncEventHandler handler)
          Create an instance of PeriodicTimer that executes its fire method periodically.
RelativeTime(Clock clock)
          Equivalent to new RelativeTime(0,0,clock).
RelativeTime(long millis, int nanos, Clock clock)
          Construct a RelativeTime object representing an interval based on the parameter millis plus the parameter nanos.
RelativeTime(RelativeTime time, Clock clock)
          Make a new RelativeTime object from the given RelativeTime object.
Timer(HighResolutionTime time, Clock clock, AsyncEventHandler handler)
          Create a timer that fires according to the given time, based on the Clock clock and is handled by the specified AsyncEventHandler handler.