Uses of Class

Uses of AsyncEvent in javax.realtime

Subclasses of AsyncEvent in javax.realtime
 class OneShotTimer
          A timed AsyncEvent that is driven by a Clock.
 class PeriodicTimer
          An AsyncEvent whose fire method is executed periodically according to the given parameters.
 class Timer
          A timer is a timed event that measures time according to a given Clock.

Methods in javax.realtime with parameters of type AsyncEvent
static void PhysicalMemoryManager.onInsertion(long base, long size, AsyncEvent ae)
          Register the specified AsyncEvent to fire when any memory in the range is added to the system.
 void PhysicalMemoryTypeFilter.onInsertion(long base, long size, AsyncEvent ae)
          Register the specified AsyncEvent to fire when any memory of this type in the range is added to the system.
static void PhysicalMemoryManager.onRemoval(long base, long size, AsyncEvent ae)
          Register the specified AE to fire when any memory in the range is removed from the system.
 void PhysicalMemoryTypeFilter.onRemoval(long base, long size, AsyncEvent ae)
          Register the specified AE to fire when any memory in the range is removed from the system.
static boolean PhysicalMemoryManager.unregisterInsertionEvent(long base, long size, AsyncEvent ae)
          Unregister the specified insertion event.
 boolean PhysicalMemoryTypeFilter.unregisterInsertionEvent(long base, long size, AsyncEvent ae)
          Unregister the specified insertion event.
static boolean PhysicalMemoryManager.unregisterRemovalEvent(long base, long size, AsyncEvent ae)
          Unregister the specified removal event.
 boolean PhysicalMemoryTypeFilter.unregisterRemovalEvent(long base, long size, AsyncEvent ae)
          Unregister the specified removal event.