Uses of Class

Uses of MonitorControl in javax.realtime

Subclasses of MonitorControl in javax.realtime
 class PriorityCeilingEmulation
          Monitor control class specifying the use of the priority ceiling emulation protocol (also known as the "highest lockers" protocol).
 class PriorityInheritance
          Singleton class specifying use of the priority inheritance protocol.

Methods in javax.realtime that return MonitorControl
static MonitorControl RealtimeSystem.getInitialMonitorControl()
          Returns the monitor control object that represents the initial monitor control policy.
static MonitorControl MonitorControl.getMonitorControl()
          Gets the current default monitor control policy.
static MonitorControl MonitorControl.getMonitorControl(java.lang.Object obj)
          Gets the monitor control policy of the given instance of Object.
static MonitorControl MonitorControl.setMonitorControl(MonitorControl policy)
          Sets the default monitor control policy.
static MonitorControl MonitorControl.setMonitorControl(java.lang.Object obj, MonitorControl policy)
          Immediately sets policy as the monitor control policy for obj.

Methods in javax.realtime with parameters of type MonitorControl
 void RealtimeSecurity.checkSetMonitorControl(MonitorControl policy)
          Checks whether the application is allowed to set the default monitor control policy.
static MonitorControl MonitorControl.setMonitorControl(MonitorControl policy)
          Sets the default monitor control policy.
static MonitorControl MonitorControl.setMonitorControl(java.lang.Object obj, MonitorControl policy)
          Immediately sets policy as the monitor control policy for obj.