Uses of Class

Uses of RelativeTime in javax.realtime

Subclasses of RelativeTime in javax.realtime
 class RationalTime
          Deprecated. As of RTSJ 1.0.1

Methods in javax.realtime that return RelativeTime
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.add(long millis, int nanos)
          Create a new object representing the result of adding millis and nanos to the values from this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.add(long millis, int nanos, RelativeTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from adding millis and nanos to the values from this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.add(RelativeTime time)
          Create a new instance of RelativeTime representing the result of adding time to the value of this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.add(RelativeTime time, RelativeTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from adding time to the value of this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime ProcessingGroupParameters.getCost()
          Gets the value of cost.
 RelativeTime ReleaseParameters.getCost()
          Gets a reference to the cost.
 RelativeTime ProcessingGroupParameters.getDeadline()
          Gets the value of deadline.
 RelativeTime ReleaseParameters.getDeadline()
          Gets a reference to the deadline.
abstract  RelativeTime Clock.getEpochOffset()
          Returns the relative time of the offset of the epoch of this clock from the Epoch.
 RelativeTime RationalTime.getInterarrivalTime()
          Deprecated. 1.0.1
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.getInterarrivalTime()
          Deprecated. As of RTSJ 1.0.1
 RelativeTime RationalTime.getInterarrivalTime(RelativeTime dest)
          Deprecated. 1.0.1
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.getInterarrivalTime(RelativeTime destination)
          Deprecated. As of RTSJ 1.0.1
 RelativeTime PeriodicTimer.getInterval()
          Gets the interval of this Timer.
 RelativeTime SporadicParameters.getMinimumInterarrival()
          Gets the minimum interarrival time.
 RelativeTime PeriodicParameters.getPeriod()
          Gets the period.
 RelativeTime ProcessingGroupParameters.getPeriod()
          Gets the value of period.
abstract  RelativeTime GarbageCollector.getPreemptionLatency()
          Preemption latency is a measure of the maximum time a schedulable object may have to wait for the collector to reach a preemption-safe point.
abstract  RelativeTime Clock.getResolution()
          Gets the resolution of the clock, the nominal interval between ticks.
 RelativeTime AbsoluteTime.relative(Clock clock)
          Convert the time of this to a relative time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time.
abstract  RelativeTime HighResolutionTime.relative(Clock clock)
          Convert the time of this to a relative time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time when necessary.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.relative(Clock clock)
          Return a copy of this.
 RelativeTime AbsoluteTime.relative(Clock clock, RelativeTime dest)
          Convert the time of this to a relative time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time.
abstract  RelativeTime HighResolutionTime.relative(Clock clock, RelativeTime dest)
          Convert the time of this to a relative time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time when necessary.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.relative(Clock clock, RelativeTime dest)
          Return a copy of this.
 RelativeTime AbsoluteTime.subtract(AbsoluteTime time)
          Create a new instance of RelativeTime representing the result of subtracting time from the value of this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime AbsoluteTime.subtract(AbsoluteTime time, RelativeTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from subtracting time from the value of this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.subtract(RelativeTime time)
          Create a new instance of RelativeTime representing the result of subtracting time from the value of this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.subtract(RelativeTime time, RelativeTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from subtracting the value of time from the value of this and normalizing the result.

Methods in javax.realtime with parameters of type RelativeTime
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.add(long millis, int nanos, RelativeTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from adding millis and nanos to the values from this and normalizing the result.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.add(RelativeTime time)
          Create a new instance of AbsoluteTime representing the result of adding time to the value of this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.add(RelativeTime time)
          Create a new instance of RelativeTime representing the result of adding time to the value of this and normalizing the result.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.add(RelativeTime time, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from adding time to the value of this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.add(RelativeTime time, RelativeTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from adding time to the value of this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime RationalTime.getInterarrivalTime(RelativeTime dest)
          Deprecated. 1.0.1
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.getInterarrivalTime(RelativeTime destination)
          Deprecated. As of RTSJ 1.0.1
 RelativeTime AbsoluteTime.relative(Clock clock, RelativeTime dest)
          Convert the time of this to a relative time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time.
abstract  RelativeTime HighResolutionTime.relative(Clock clock, RelativeTime dest)
          Convert the time of this to a relative time, using the given instance of Clock to determine the current time when necessary.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.relative(Clock clock, RelativeTime dest)
          Return a copy of this.
 void ProcessingGroupParameters.setCost(RelativeTime cost)
          Sets the value of cost.
 void ReleaseParameters.setCost(RelativeTime cost)
          Sets the cost value.
 void AperiodicParameters.setDeadline(RelativeTime deadline)
          Sets the deadline value.
 void PeriodicParameters.setDeadline(RelativeTime deadline)
          Sets the deadline value.
 void ProcessingGroupParameters.setDeadline(RelativeTime deadline)
          Sets the value of deadline.
 void ReleaseParameters.setDeadline(RelativeTime deadline)
          Sets the deadline value.
 boolean AperiodicParameters.setIfFeasible(RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline)
          This method first performs a feasibility analysis using the new cost, and deadline as replacements for the matching attributes of this.
 boolean PeriodicParameters.setIfFeasible(RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline)
          This method first performs a feasibility analysis using the new cost, and deadline as replacements for the matching attributes of all schedulable objects associated with this release parameters object.
 boolean ReleaseParameters.setIfFeasible(RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline)
          This method first performs a feasibility analysis using the new cost, and deadline as replacements for the matching attributes of all schedulable objects associated with this release parameters object.
 boolean SporadicParameters.setIfFeasible(RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline)
          This method first performs a feasibility analysis using the new cost, and deadline as replacements for the matching attributes of this.
 boolean PeriodicParameters.setIfFeasible(RelativeTime period, RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline)
          This method first performs a feasibility analysis using the new period, cost and deadline attributes as replacements for the matching attributes of this.
 boolean ProcessingGroupParameters.setIfFeasible(RelativeTime period, RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline)
          This method first performs a feasibility analysis using the period, cost and deadline attributes as replacements for the matching attributes this.
 boolean SporadicParameters.setIfFeasible(RelativeTime interarrival, RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline)
          This method first performs a feasibility analysis using the new interarrival, cost and deadline attributes as replacements for the matching attributes of this.
 void PeriodicTimer.setInterval(RelativeTime interval)
          Reset the interval value of this.
 void SporadicParameters.setMinimumInterarrival(RelativeTime minimum)
          Set the minimum interarrival time.
 void PeriodicParameters.setPeriod(RelativeTime period)
          Sets the period.
 void ProcessingGroupParameters.setPeriod(RelativeTime period)
          Sets the value of period.
abstract  void Clock.setResolution(RelativeTime resolution)
          Set the resolution of this.
 RelativeTime AbsoluteTime.subtract(AbsoluteTime time, RelativeTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from subtracting time from the value of this and normalizing the result.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.subtract(RelativeTime time)
          Create a new instance of AbsoluteTime representing the result of subtracting time from the value of this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.subtract(RelativeTime time)
          Create a new instance of RelativeTime representing the result of subtracting time from the value of this and normalizing the result.
 AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime.subtract(RelativeTime time, AbsoluteTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from subtracting time from the value of this and normalizing the result.
 RelativeTime RelativeTime.subtract(RelativeTime time, RelativeTime dest)
          Return an object containing the value resulting from subtracting the value of time from the value of this and normalizing the result.

Constructors in javax.realtime with parameters of type RelativeTime
AperiodicParameters(RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline, AsyncEventHandler overrunHandler, AsyncEventHandler missHandler)
          Create an AperiodicParameters object.
PeriodicParameters(HighResolutionTime start, RelativeTime period)
          Create a PeriodicParameters object.
PeriodicParameters(HighResolutionTime start, RelativeTime period, RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline, AsyncEventHandler overrunHandler, AsyncEventHandler missHandler)
          Create a PeriodicParameters object.
PeriodicParameters(RelativeTime period)
          Create a PeriodicParameters object.
PeriodicTimer(HighResolutionTime start, RelativeTime interval, AsyncEventHandler handler)
          Create an instance of PeriodicTimer that executes its fire method periodically.
PeriodicTimer(HighResolutionTime start, RelativeTime interval, Clock clock, AsyncEventHandler handler)
          Create an instance of PeriodicTimer that executes its fire method periodically.
ProcessingGroupParameters(HighResolutionTime start, RelativeTime period, RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline, AsyncEventHandler overrunHandler, AsyncEventHandler missHandler)
          Create a ProcessingGroupParameters object.
RationalTime(int frequency, RelativeTime interval)
          Deprecated. 1.0.1
RelativeTime(RelativeTime time)
          Make a new RelativeTime object from the given RelativeTime object.
RelativeTime(RelativeTime time, Clock clock)
          Make a new RelativeTime object from the given RelativeTime object.
ReleaseParameters(RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline, AsyncEventHandler overrunHandler, AsyncEventHandler missHandler)
          Create a new instance of ReleaseParameters with the given parameter values.
SporadicParameters(RelativeTime minInterarrival)
          Create a SporadicParameters object.
SporadicParameters(RelativeTime minInterarrival, RelativeTime cost, RelativeTime deadline, AsyncEventHandler overrunHandler, AsyncEventHandler missHandler)
          Create a SporadicParameters object.