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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Interface AttributeBinding

All Superinterfaces:
AttributeBinding, ControlBinding

public interface AttributeBinding
extends ControlBinding, AttributeBinding

A ControlBinding that binds a single attribute value exposed via a datacontrol to a view component.

Method Summary
 java.util.List getErrors()
          Return a list of errors that were raised during setInputValue()
 java.lang.Object getInputValue()
          Return the value that should be rendered on a view for the attribute associated with this binding.
 java.lang.String getLabel()
          Return the display label or prompt for the attribute represented by this binding.
 boolean isUpdateable()
          Finds out whether the attribute is updateable or is for display only.
 boolean processNewInputValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Prepare the binding for being able to accept a new value
 void setInputValue(java.lang.Object inputVal)
          Update the attribute value associated with this binding.
 java.lang.Object validateInputValue(java.lang.Object inputVal)
          validate the given value with validations applied at the binding level (if any.) Return value of null means the validation succeeded.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.adf.model.ControlBinding
release, setListener


Methods inherited from interface oracle.binding.ControlBinding
getName, getPath, release, resolvePath, setListener


Method Detail


java.lang.Object getInputValue()
Return the value that should be rendered on a view for the attribute associated with this binding.
Specified by:
getInputValue in interface AttributeBinding
The attribute value.


void setInputValue(java.lang.Object inputVal)
Update the attribute value associated with this binding. If there are exceptions while updating this attribute, these exceptions should be accessible via getErrors()
Specified by:
setInputValue in interface AttributeBinding
inputVal - The new attribute value.
See Also:


java.lang.Object validateInputValue(java.lang.Object inputVal)
validate the given value with validations applied at the binding level (if any.) Return value of null means the validation succeeded. In case of failed validation, the return value should be an Exception object. Some attribute bindings may want to generate 'warning' type messages from this method. To account for those, the return type is not an Exception object itself.


java.lang.String getLabel()
Return the display label or prompt for the attribute represented by this binding.
Specified by:
getLabel in interface AttributeBinding
The display label or prompt string.


boolean isUpdateable()
Description copied from interface: AttributeBinding
Finds out whether the attribute is updateable or is for display only.
Specified by:
isUpdateable in interface AttributeBinding
True if the attribute is updateable, false otherwise.


java.util.List getErrors()
Return a list of errors that were raised during setInputValue()
Specified by:
getErrors in interface AttributeBinding
A list of Throwable that were raised during setInputValue(). It returns null if there is no error occurred.
See Also:


boolean processNewInputValue(java.lang.Object value)
Prepare the binding for being able to accept a new value

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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