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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Class DataChangeEntry

  extended by oracle.binding.DataChangeEntry

public class DataChangeEntry
extends java.lang.Object

Nested Class Summary
static class DataChangeEntry.DataChangeType


Constructor Summary
protected DataChangeEntry()
  DataChangeEntry(DataChangeEntry.DataChangeType change, java.lang.Object[] path, java.lang.String[] names)
  DataChangeEntry(DataChangeEntry.DataChangeType change, java.lang.Object[] path, java.lang.String[] names, java.lang.Object[] insertPath)


Method Summary
static java.lang.Object getAppendIdentifier()
          To be used by DataControls and Bindings to identify a particular slot as skipped in the keypath datastructure.
 java.lang.String[] getAttributeNames()
          Names of the attributes that were updated.
 java.lang.Object getAttributeValue(java.lang.String name)
          Value of the attribute by the given name, where the name exists in the array returned by getAttributeNames
 DataChangeEntry.DataChangeType getChangeType()
          Change entry type to indicate if this is an update, insert, remove or refresh event.
 java.lang.Object getFormattedAttributeValue(java.lang.String name)
          If the datamodel or binding has knowledge of the format in which specific attribute value is to be rendered, this method will return that else, it may return the attribute value as is.
 java.lang.Object[] getInsertKeyPath()
          In case of insert event type, this will return the path to data before or after which the new data object was inserted.
 java.lang.Object[] getKeyPath()
          This may be an array of objects if the entry is for the collection on which the event is raised or an array of array of objects (Object[][]) in case where this entry is an aggregated entry indicating changes in data for a nested collection.
static java.lang.Object getSkipLevelIdentifier()
          To be used by DataControls and Bindings to identify a particular slot as skipped in the keypath datastructure.
protected  void init(DataChangeEntry.DataChangeType change, java.lang.Object[] path, java.lang.String[] names, java.lang.Object[] insertPath)


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


protected DataChangeEntry()


public DataChangeEntry(DataChangeEntry.DataChangeType change,
                       java.lang.Object[] path,
                       java.lang.String[] names)


public DataChangeEntry(DataChangeEntry.DataChangeType change,
                       java.lang.Object[] path,
                       java.lang.String[] names,
                       java.lang.Object[] insertPath)

Method Detail


protected void init(DataChangeEntry.DataChangeType change,
                    java.lang.Object[] path,
                    java.lang.String[] names,
                    java.lang.Object[] insertPath)


public DataChangeEntry.DataChangeType getChangeType()
Change entry type to indicate if this is an update, insert, remove or refresh event.


public java.lang.Object[] getKeyPath()
This may be an array of objects if the entry is for the collection on which the event is raised or an array of array of objects (Object[][]) in case where this entry is an aggregated entry indicating changes in data for a nested collection. Each Object[] in this nested entry identifies a unique entry in the hierarchy of collections.


public java.lang.Object[] getInsertKeyPath()
In case of insert event type, this will return the path to data before or after which the new data object was inserted. If this entry is null, it means this is an entry for inserting a new data object at a particular level in the hierarchy. To get the master KeyPath, one may use the getKeyPath and remove the first entry in that key path to identify the master.


public java.lang.String[] getAttributeNames()
Names of the attributes that were updated.


public java.lang.Object getAttributeValue(java.lang.String name)
Value of the attribute by the given name, where the name exists in the array returned by getAttributeNames
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if there are no data values in this change entry


public java.lang.Object getFormattedAttributeValue(java.lang.String name)
If the datamodel or binding has knowledge of the format in which specific attribute value is to be rendered, this method will return that else, it may return the attribute value as is. Default implementation will throw the UnSupportedOperationException from getAttributeValue.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if there are no data values in this change entry


public static java.lang.Object getSkipLevelIdentifier()
To be used by DataControls and Bindings to identify a particular slot as skipped in the keypath datastructure.


public static java.lang.Object getAppendIdentifier()
To be used by DataControls and Bindings to identify a particular slot as skipped in the keypath datastructure.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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