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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Interface ViewObject

All Superinterfaces:
ComponentObject, ExprWrappable, GenericHints, NavigatableRowIterator, Properties, RowIterator, RowSet, RowSetIterator, StructureDef, VariableManagerOwner, VariableManagerOwnerBase, XMLInterface
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CmrAccessorViewImpl, DCDataVO, DSViewObjectImpl, FinderViewImpl, PlaceholderVOImpl, ProgrammaticViewObjectImpl, ViewObjectImpl, ViewObjectOnRowSets, ViewUsageImpl, WSViewObjectImpl

public interface ViewObject
extends StructureDef, RowSet, ComponentObject

ViewObject decribes how the application will view and update data. A view object may be entity based or non-entity based. In the former case, the view object consists of one or more entity bases. The first one of these is referred to as the primary entity base. The rest are called secondary entity bases. An entity based view object maps its attribute (view attributes) to attributes in the entities (entity attributes). An entity based view object may map all its entity attributes or only some of them. However, an entity based view object is required to map all primary key attributes of the entity bases. An entity based view object may additional include attributes that are not mapped to an entity attribute. Such an attribute is referred to View level attribute.

A non-entity based view object is one where it does not have any entity base. All its attributes are view level attributes.

view object is responsible for managing database query statement. Regardless of whether the view object is entity based or not, it may have a SQL statement from which it draws its data. As rows are read from this query, it will populate a RowSet (of this view object) with view rows.

View object provides a number of APIs through which the client can modify and augment the query statement during runtime. For example, see setWhereClause(String).

A view level attribute (not mapped to an entity attribute) may map to a column or a SQL expression in the query statement. It may be a transient attribute (whose data is purely in memory and not mapped to any database column/expression. Or, it may be a dynamic attribute.

JDeveloper 3.0
See Also:
Row, RowSet, RowSetIterator, AttributeDef

Field Summary
static java.lang.String IMAGE_LOC
          The name of the (default) icon that can be used to represent a View Object instance.
static java.lang.String PROP_ALWAYS_USE_SORT
          Specifies that rows should be produced from database query result.
          Specifies that rows should be produced from entity cache.
          Specifies that rows should be produced from the unposted rows in the entity cache.
          These QUERY_MODE_SCAN_... constants are used to specify the query mode for the view object.
          Specifies that when going to db to look for matching rows for findByViewCriteria, the where-clauses from the original VO should not included in the finder VO.
          Specifies that the view object does not time out when executing query.
static java.lang.String XML_ELEM_PASSIVATE_TRANSIENT
          Internal Property on an attribute to indicate if this attribute value is to be passivated or not.


Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.RowSet


Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.RowIterator


Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.XMLInterface


Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.GenericHints


Method Summary
 AttributeDef addDynamicAttribute(java.lang.String attrName)
          Adds a dynamic attribute (an AttributeDefImpl) to this view object's row set.
 AttributeDef addDynamicAttributeWithType(java.lang.String attrName, java.lang.String javaTypeName, java.lang.String transientExpression)
 void addQueryMode(int queryMode)
          Adds query mode for the view object.
 void applyViewCriteria(ViewCriteria criteria)
          Applies the view criteria to this view object.
 void applyViewCriteria(ViewCriteria criteria, boolean bAppend)
          Applied the view criteria to this view object.
 void clearCache()
          Clears the view object cache.
 RowSet createRowSet(java.lang.String name)
          Creates and returns a new (secondary) row set for this view object.
 ViewCriteria createViewCriteria()
          Creates a new view criteria (that is, "Query by Example") object for this view object.
 ListBindingDef findListBindingDef(java.lang.String lbName)
          Return listbinding definition if defined in this ViewObject (or in the entity definitions for entities that this ViewObject constitutes of).
 RowSet findRowSet(java.lang.String rsName)
          Gets the named row set that was created at runtime for this view object.
 AttributeDef findViewLinkAccessor(ViewLink vl)
          Finds the view link accessor attribute.
 RowSetIterator getAllRowsIterator(RowSet rs)
          If the given rowset is a scrollable collection which has not hit the maxFetchSize and yet is fetchcomplete, then return a separate rowsetiterator on the given rowset.
 AttributeDef[] getAttrDefsForEntityAttr(java.lang.String eoName, java.lang.String eoAttrName)
          Returns the definitions of view attributes that are mapped to the entity attribute identified by the entity name (the eoName parameter) and the entity attribute name (the eoAttrName).
 AttributeHints getCriteriaItemAttributeHints(ViewCriteriaItem vci)
 SortCriteria[] getDBSortCriteria()
 java.util.List getForwardDependencyAttributes(java.lang.String attName)
 AttributeDef[] getKeyAttributeDefs()
          Returns the attribute definitions that make up the constituents of the key object for rows returned from this view object.
 int getMaxFetchSize()
          Maximum number of rows to fetch for this view object.
 java.lang.String getOrderByClause()
          Returns the query's ORDER BY clause.
 java.lang.String getQuery()
          Returns the query statement.
 int getQueryMode()
          Gets the current query mode of this view object.
 java.lang.String getQueryOptimizerHint()
          Returns query optimizer Hint set for this ViewObject or for its definition object.
 int getQueryTimeOut()
          Returns the current query time out value.
 ViewCriteria getRequiredViewCriteria()
          This method returns a reference to the required view criteria if one exists on this View Object.
 RowMatch getRowMatch()
          Gets the in-memory filter (RowMatch) for the view object.
 RowSet[] getRowSets()
          Gets all row sets that belong to this view object.
 java.lang.String getSortBy()
 SortCriteria[] getSortCriteria()
 java.lang.String[] getSubstitutedDefNames()
          Returns an array of fully qualified view definition names that are substituted by this view object's definition.
 ViewCriteria getViewCriteria()
          Gets the currently applied view criteria of this view object.
 ViewCriteriaManager getViewCriteriaManager()
 AttributeHints getViewCriteriaRowAttributeHints(AttributeDef attr, ViewCriteriaRow vcr, ViewCriteria vc)
 java.lang.String[] getViewLinkNames()
          Constructs an array of names of view links that involve this view object.
 java.lang.String getWhereClause()
          Gets the query's where-clause.
 boolean isInternal()
          Returns whether this view object was created internally by BC4J or by an explicit user request.
 boolean isPolymorphicDefinition()
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Tests if the view object is read-only.
 ListBindingDef lookupListBindingDef(java.lang.String lbName)
          Return listbinding definition if defined in this ViewObject (or in the entity definitions for entities that this ViewObject constitutes of).
 void processCriteriaItemOperators(ViewCriteriaItem vci, java.util.List compOperList)
          Process the supported search operators list for this ViewCriteriaItem.
 void readRowXML(Element elem, int depthCount)
          Reads the data in XML form (in the format as generated by writeXML()) by finding a row that matches the key in the given XML and then reading in that row.
 void readRowXML(Element elem, int depthCount, XSLStylesheet xslt)
 void setDBSortCriteria(SortCriteria[] sortCriteria)
          Set declarative sort criteria for database queries.
 void setMaxFetchSize(int max)
          Maximum number of rows to fetch for this view object.
 void setOrderByClause(java.lang.String expr)
          Sets the ORDER BY clause of the view object's query statement.
 java.lang.String setOrderByOrSortBy(SortCriteria[] sortCriteria)
          Set declarative sort criteria for either database query or in-memory sort.
 void setQueryMode(int queryMode)
          Sets query mode for the view object.
 void setQueryOptimizerHint(java.lang.String hintText)
          If this ViewObject does not have an expert mode query, then this hint is added to the select clause of the SQL for this ViewObject before the columns are listed e.g., SELECT \/*+ <hintText> *\/ columns...
 void setQueryTimeOut(int timeOutMills)
          Sets the query time out value for the view object.
 void setRequiredViewCriteria(ViewCriteria vc)
          Setting a view criteria as required will enforce the criteria whenever the view object's query is executed.
 void setRowMatch(RowMatch rowMatch)
          Sets an in-memory filter (RowMatch) for the view object.
 void setSortBy(java.lang.String sortBy)
          Specify a clause to perform in-memory sorting.
 void setSortCriteria(SortCriteria[] sortCriteria)
          Set declarative sort criteria for in-memory sort.
 void setWhereClause(java.lang.String cond)
          Sets a where-clause bind value of the view object's query statement.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.StructureDef
findAttributeDef, getAttributeCount, getAttributeDef, getAttributeDefs, getAttributeIndexOf, getColumnNameForQuery, getDefFullName, getDefName, getFullName, getName, lookupAttributeDef


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.RowSet
cancelQuery, closeRowSet, createRowSetIterator, deepCopy, defineNamedWhereClauseParam, executeEmptyRowSet, executeQuery, findRowSetIterator, getAccessMode, getApplicationModule, getCappedRowCount, getDeferredEstimatedRowCount, getEstimatedRowCount, getMasterRowSetIterators, getName, getNamedWhereClauseParam, getNamedWhereClauseParams, getRangePagingCacheFactor, getRowSetIterators, getViewObject, getWhereClauseParams, isAssociationConsistent, isDefaultRowSet, isExecuted, isExecutedEmpty, isFetchComplete, isForwardOnly, isMaxFetchSizeExceeded, removeMasterRowSetIterator, removeNamedWhereClauseParam, resetExecuted, setAccessMode, setAssociationConsistent, setForwardOnly, setMasterRowSetIterator, setNamedWhereClauseParam, setNamedWhereClauseParams, setRangePagingCacheFactor, setWhereClauseParam, setWhereClauseParams, skipNamedWhereClauseParam


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator
addManagementListener, closeRowSetIterator, createDetailRowSet, getDetailRowSets, getEstimatedRangePageCount, getFilteredRows, getFilteredRowsInRange, getNextRangeSet, getPreviousRangeSet, getRowSet, getSyncLock, isNameGenerated, removeManagementListener, scrollToRangePage


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.NavigatableRowIterator
addListener, removeListener


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.RowIterator
createAndInitRow, createKey, createRow, enumerateRowsInRange, findByAltKey, findByEntity, findByKey, findByViewCriteria, first, getAllRowsInRange, getCurrentRow, getCurrentRowIndex, getCurrentRowSlot, getFetchedRowCount, getIterMode, getRangeIndexOf, getRangeSize, getRangeStart, getRow, getRowAtRangeIndex, getRowCount, getRowCountInRange, hasNext, hasPrevious, insertRow, insertRowAtRangeIndex, isRangeAtBottom, isRangeAtTop, isRowValidation, last, next, previous, removeCurrentRow, removeCurrentRowAndRetain, removeCurrentRowFromCollection, reset, scrollRange, scrollRangeTo, setCurrentRow, setCurrentRowAtRangeIndex, setIterMode, setRangeSize, setRangeStart, setRowValidation


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.VariableManagerOwnerBase
ensureVariableManager, getMessageBundleClass, getResourceBundleDef, getVariableManager, hasVariables


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.XMLInterface
readXML, readXML, writeXML, writeXML, writeXML, writeXML


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.ComponentObject
getDefFullName, getDefName, getFullName, getName, remove


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.GenericHints
getDefinitionState, getHintValue, getLabel, getLabelPlural, getTooltip


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.Properties
getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, refreshProperty


Field Detail


static final int QUERY_MODE_SCAN_VIEW_ROWS
These QUERY_MODE_SCAN_... constants are used to specify the query mode for the view object. Query mode controls how qualifying formulated for each row set in the view object. These constants can be OR'ed together. If more than one query mode is specified in this manner, rows for the collection will be produced from more than one source.

If you call setQueryMode(int) or addQueryMode(int) to change the query mode, the new query mode does not go into effect until you call RowSet.executeQuery() on the row set.

Rows can come from three different sources. If the row set currently has a collection of rows (View rows), QUERY_MODE_SCAN_VIEW_ROWS will indicate that the row match (see setRowMatch(RowMatch)) should be applied to further filter view rows. Unqualifying rows are removed from the collection.

If the query mode includes QUERY_MODE_SCAN_ENTITY_ROWS, the entity cache is scanned to see if qualifying rows can be produced. If so, these rows are added to the collection.

If the query mode includes QUERY_MODE_SCAN_DATABASE_TABLES, a database query is issued to produce rows from the query result. The default query mode is QUERY_MODE_SCAN_DATABASE_TABLES.

If the query mode includes QUERY_MODE_SCAN_UNPOSTED_ENTITY_ROWS, the list of unposted rows in the entity cache is scanned to see if qualifying rows can be produced. If so, these rows are added to the collection. Note that since QUERY_MODE_SCAN_UNPOSTED_ENTITY_ROWS is a subset of QUERY_MODE_SCAN_ENTITY_ROWS, it will be ignored if that is specified. This is a performance enhancing version of QUERY_MODE_SCAN_ENTITY_ROWS when only the unposted rows need to be considered.

If the query mode specifies multiple sources, then care if taken to prevent duplicate rows from appearing.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Specifies that rows should be produced from entity cache. See above for details.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


Specifies that rows should be produced from database query result. See above for details.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


Specifies that rows should be produced from the unposted rows in the entity cache. See above for details.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int QUERY_MODE_SKIP_WHERE
Specifies that when going to db to look for matching rows for findByViewCriteria, the where-clauses from the original VO should not included in the finder VO. Only affects QUERY_MODE_SCAN_DATABASE_TABLES
See Also:
Constant Field Values


Specifies that the view object does not time out when executing query. However, the client will be able to cancel the query using the ViewObject.CancelQuery and RowSet.CancelQuery.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROP_ALWAYS_USE_SORT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String XML_ELEM_PASSIVATE_TRANSIENT
Internal Property on an attribute to indicate if this attribute value is to be passivated or not. Only for use within the framework to indicate if a dynamic attribute created to manage client side state is to be maintained across passivation boundaries or not.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String IMAGE_LOC
The name of the (default) icon that can be used to represent a View Object instance.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


java.lang.String[] getSubstitutedDefNames()
Returns an array of fully qualified view definition names that are substituted by this view object's definition.

This method finds substituted def names recursively. That is, If A is substituted by B, and B by C, calling this method on a view object of C returns B and A.

an array of fully qualified view definition names. null if this view object's definition does not substitute any other view definition.


AttributeDef addDynamicAttribute(java.lang.String attrName)
Adds a dynamic attribute (an AttributeDefImpl) to this view object's row set.

Dynamic attributes are typeless, in that the application can set the attribute value to any object. You can use a dynamic attribute to store information created at runtime that you want to store with the row data. It is used only by the view object that created it. Attributes can be any serializable ( object.

This method should not be overridden.

attrName - the name of the dynamic attribute.
the attribute definition the newly added dynamic attribute.
NameClashException - if an attribute of the same name already exists.


AttributeDef addDynamicAttributeWithType(java.lang.String attrName,
                                         java.lang.String javaTypeName,
                                         java.lang.String transientExpression)


void setWhereClause(java.lang.String cond)
Sets a where-clause bind value of the view object's query statement.

Bind variables can be specified using '?' as a place-holder for the value.

The new where-clause does not take effect until RowSet.executeQuery() is called. If the where-clause contains where-clause parameters, RowSet.setWhereClauseParam(int, Object) or RowSet.setWhereClauseParams(Object[]) needs to be called before executeQuery().

Note that calling setWhereClause() does not clear the previous settings of where-clause parameters. To reset where-clause parameters in the middle tier, call RowSet.setWhereClauseParams(Object[]) explicitly with a null value. For example:

This method should not be overridden.
cond - a where-clause, but excluding the 'WHERE' keyword.


java.lang.String getWhereClause()
Gets the query's where-clause. If the query does not have a where-clause, this method returns null.

This where-clause is obtained from the view object instance. In the middle tier, to get the complete where-clause built from the view object instance, the view definition, the view criteria, and the view links use ViewObjectImpl.buildWhereClause(java.lang.StringBuffer, int)

the where-clause, excluding the 'WHERE' keyword; null if no where-clause exists.


void setOrderByClause(java.lang.String expr)
Sets the ORDER BY clause of the view object's query statement. Bind variables can be specified using '?' as a place-holder for the value. The new ORDER BY clause does not take effect until RowSet.executeQuery() is called.

This method should not be overridden.

expr - a ORDER BY clause, but excluding the 'ORDER BY' keywords.


java.lang.String getOrderByClause()
Returns the query's ORDER BY clause. If the query does not have an ORDER BY clause, this method returns null.

This method should not be overridden.

a ORDER BY clause, but excluding the 'ORDER BY' keyword. null if the SQL statement has no ORDER BY clause.


java.lang.String getQuery()
Returns the query statement. Unlike ViewObjectImpl.getUserDefinedQuery() this method will return a SQL statement regardless of whether the query was created in expert or non-expert Mode.
the user-defined SQL query if one exists, otherwise, a query statement is assembled from defined from, where, and order by clauses.


void setRowMatch(RowMatch rowMatch)
Sets an in-memory filter (RowMatch) for the view object. While the where-clause is used when a database query is issued, the row match is used for qualifying rows in memory. Calling this method does not cause filtering of rows by the row match. To filter, RowSet.executeQuery() must be called.
rowMatch - the new row match.


RowMatch getRowMatch()
Gets the in-memory filter (RowMatch) for the view object. While the where-clause is used when a database query is issued, the row match is used for qualifying rows in memory.
the current row match.


void setSortBy(java.lang.String sortBy)
Specify a clause to perform in-memory sorting. The string is parsed and the collection of rows is ordered by the in-memory parser.
sortBy - in-memory sort clause


java.lang.String getSortBy()
in-memory sort clause. See setSortBy(String)


void setQueryMode(int queryMode)
Sets query mode for the view object. Query mode controls how qualifying rows are formulated for each row set in the view object.

The queryMode parameter may be an OR'ed flag of QUERY_MODE_SCAN_... constants. See these constants for further details.

Calling this method does not cause automatically cause the new query mode to go into effect. Call RowSet.executeQuery() to apply the new query mode.

The default query mode is QUERY_MODE_SCAN_DATABASE_TABLES.

queryMode - the new query mode.


void addQueryMode(int queryMode)
Adds query mode for the view object. Query mode controls how qualifying rows are formulated for each row set in the view object.

The queryMode parameter may be an OR'ed flag of QUERY_MODE_SCAN_... constants. This method OR'es in the incoming queryMode to the view object's current query mode. See these constants for further details.

Calling this method does not cause automatically cause the new query mode to go into effect. Call RowSet.executeQuery() to apply the new query mode.

queryMode - the new query mode to be added (OR'ed).


int getQueryMode()
Gets the current query mode of this view object. Query mode controls how qualifying rows are formulated for each row set in the view object.

The returning value may be an OR'ed flag of QUERY_MODE_SCAN_... constants. See these constants for further details.

The default query mode is QUERY_MODE_SCAN_DATABASE_TABLES.

query mode.


boolean isReadOnly()
Tests if the view object is read-only.

A view is read-only if it does not have primary keys or if all its entity references are reference-only.

This method should not be overridden.

true if this view object is read-only; false if it is updateable.


RowSet createRowSet(java.lang.String name)
Creates and returns a new (secondary) row set for this view object.
name - the name for the new RowSet.
the new row set.


RowSet[] getRowSets()
Gets all row sets that belong to this view object.
the array of row sets.


RowSet findRowSet(java.lang.String rsName)
Gets the named row set that was created at runtime for this view object.
rsName - a row set name. If null, it returns the the view object.
the row set. null if the named row set is not not found.


java.lang.String[] getViewLinkNames()
Constructs an array of names of view links that involve this view object.

A view link may use this view object as either its source or destination. This method should not be overridden.

the array of view link names.


AttributeDef findViewLinkAccessor(ViewLink vl)
Finds the view link accessor attribute.
vl - the view link whose accessor is being sought.
the attribute definition if one is found. null if not.


AttributeDef[] getKeyAttributeDefs()
Returns the attribute definitions that make up the constituents of the key object for rows returned from this view object.

This method is used to pass AttributeDef[] to the Key.Key(String, AttributeDef[]) constructor to parse the constituent-bytes and convert them into value-objects that make up the key.

Use this method to find out how the key is composed for the view row. The view object's key is a composite key, consisting of view attributes mapped to the primary keys of its entity objects.

the array of attribute definitions.


AttributeDef[] getAttrDefsForEntityAttr(java.lang.String eoName,
                                        java.lang.String eoAttrName)
Returns the definitions of view attributes that are mapped to the entity attribute identified by the entity name (the eoName parameter) and the entity attribute name (the eoAttrName).

Note that it returns an array because more than one view object attribute may be mapped to one entity attribute.

This method can be used to identify view attributes that map into a particular entity object attribute. In particular, if a validation error fails on an entity attribute, this method can be used to find view attributes that map into that entity attribute.

eoName - fully qualified name of the entity object.
eoAttrName - entity object attribute name.
the array of attribute definitions.


void clearCache()
Clears the view object cache. This method can be called for resource conservation. Calling this method marks the view object and all its row sets as "needing to refresh its data". If another method that requires the result set is called (e.g., executeQuery(), next(), previous()) after this method, the query will be executed and the view object/row set's cache refreshed from the database.


int getMaxFetchSize()
Maximum number of rows to fetch for this view object. This number takes effect in when the query for this view object is executed the next time.


void setMaxFetchSize(int max)
Maximum number of rows to fetch for this view object. This number takes effect the next time the query for this view object is executed.

Passing -1 to this method will retrieve an unlimited number of rows. This is the default.

Passing 0 to this method will cause the database query not to be executed. The view object will initially work with an empty row set. If you want to execute query later, call setMaxFetchSize again with a non-zero argument, then call executeQuery().

max - the maximum number of rows to fetch. The default, -1, retrieves an unlimited number of rows. 0 causes the query not to be executed, and row set is empty.


void setQueryOptimizerHint(java.lang.String hintText)
If this ViewObject does not have an expert mode query, then this hint is added to the select clause of the SQL for this ViewObject before the columns are listed e.g., SELECT \/*+ <hintText> *\/ columns... For expert mode queries, this hint is appended in the outer select like: SELECT \/*+ <hintText> *\/ * FROM (<expert-query>)


java.lang.String getQueryOptimizerHint()
Returns query optimizer Hint set for this ViewObject or for its definition object.


boolean isInternal()
Returns whether this view object was created internally by BC4J or by an explicit user request.
a flag indicating whether the view object is internal or not.


int getQueryTimeOut()
Returns the current query time out value. The default is QUERY_TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER.
the current query time out value.


void setQueryTimeOut(int timeOutMills)
Sets the query time out value for the view object. The default is QUERY_TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER (-1), which means that the query will not time out. The user will be able to cancel the long running query by calling cancelQuery()

If a positive timeout value is specified, the query is monitored by a global monitor thread. The monitor thread waits the specified amount of time (approximately) in milli-seconds, and cancels the query by calling JDBC's Statement.cancel().

timeOutMills - if non-negative, number of milli-seconds before the query is timed out. Or, it can be the QUERY_TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER constants.


void readRowXML(Element elem,
                int depthCount)
Reads the data in XML form (in the format as generated by writeXML()) by finding a row that matches the key in the given XML and then reading in that row. If the row is not found, it tries to insert that row into this ViewObject with the attribute values from XML.

The depthcount parameter represents to what level the rendering should recurse. A depthcount of zero (0) means do not traverse any view links while rendering. One (1) means traverse the view links on this object but no view links thereafter, and so on.


void readRowXML(Element elem,
                int depthCount,
                XSLStylesheet xslt)


ListBindingDef lookupListBindingDef(java.lang.String lbName)
Return listbinding definition if defined in this ViewObject (or in the entity definitions for entities that this ViewObject constitutes of).


ListBindingDef findListBindingDef(java.lang.String lbName)
Return listbinding definition if defined in this ViewObject (or in the entity definitions for entities that this ViewObject constitutes of). This method unlike lookupListBindingDef(String) throws an exception if a listbinding definition of name lbName is not found.
lbName - listbinding name
listbinding definition


void setDBSortCriteria(SortCriteria[] sortCriteria)
Set declarative sort criteria for database queries. Each sort criteria is based on one view object attribute with an option to sort in a case or case-insensitive fashion and ascending or descending order. These criteria will be used to generate an orderby clause during database query.
sortCriteria - an array of database sort criteria with an element for each attribute to sort with


SortCriteria[] getDBSortCriteria()
Get the applied declarative sort criteria for database queries. See setDBSortCriteria(SortCriteria[]).


void setSortCriteria(SortCriteria[] sortCriteria)
Set declarative sort criteria for in-memory sort. Each sort criteria is based on one view object attribute with an option to sort in a case or case-insensitive fashion and ascending or descending order.
sortCriteria - an array of database sort criteria with an element for each attribute to sort with


SortCriteria[] getSortCriteria()
Get the applied declarative sort criteria for in-memory sort. See setDBSortCriteria(SortCriteria[]).


java.lang.String setOrderByOrSortBy(SortCriteria[] sortCriteria)
Set declarative sort criteria for either database query or in-memory sort. If the sort criteria contains a non database attribute, this method will set the in-memory sort. If the view object's PROP_ALWAYS_USE_SORT property is set to true, it will always use in-memory sort. If the property is not true and all attrs are db attrs, it will use db order by.
sortCriteria - an array of sort criteria with an element for each attribute to sort with.
if the sort criteria turns into a db orderby clause, it returns the orderby string. If not (in-memory sort), null.


ViewCriteriaManager getViewCriteriaManager()
A criteria manager to hold all view criteria for the view object and manage applied and unapplied ones.


ViewCriteria createViewCriteria()
Creates a new view criteria (that is, "Query by Example") object for this view object. A view criteria object is an alternative to using an arbitrary SQL statement. A view criteria is a list of row criteria for a view object's where-clause, where a row criteria is an array containing criteria for the individual attributes.

A view criteria is a more structured way of creating a SQL query where-clause. After setting various conditions for the view criteria object, the application can call applyViewCriteria

This method should not be overridden.

the new view criteria object.
See Also:
ViewCriteria, applyViewCriteria(ViewCriteria)


void applyViewCriteria(ViewCriteria criteria)
Applies the view criteria to this view object. Invoking this method will erase all the previously applied view criteria on the view object.
criteria - view criteria to be applied


void applyViewCriteria(ViewCriteria criteria,
                       boolean bAppend)
Applied the view criteria to this view object. If bAppend is true view criteria is appended to the list of already applied view criteria. If bAppend is false the applied view criteria list is cleared prior to applying the passed view criteria.
criteria - view criteria to be applied
bAppend - flag to indicate if the applied view criteria list needs to be cleared before applying the view criteria.


ViewCriteria getViewCriteria()
Gets the currently applied view criteria of this view object.
the view criteria, or null if none was applied.


AttributeHints getCriteriaItemAttributeHints(ViewCriteriaItem vci)
Custom AttributeHints implementation if any for this criteria item.


AttributeHints getViewCriteriaRowAttributeHints(AttributeDef attr,
                                                ViewCriteriaRow vcr,
                                                ViewCriteria vc)
ViewCriteriaRow specific AttributeHints implementation for this attribute.


void processCriteriaItemOperators(ViewCriteriaItem vci,
                                  java.util.List compOperList)
Process the supported search operators list for this ViewCriteriaItem.


void setRequiredViewCriteria(ViewCriteria vc)
Setting a view criteria as required will enforce the criteria whenever the view object's query is executed. This criteria cannot be removed by using getViewCriteriaManager().clearViewCriterias or getViewCriteriaManager().removeViewCriteria API.
vc - Set the criteria as required view criteria for this view object instance.


ViewCriteria getRequiredViewCriteria()
This method returns a reference to the required view criteria if one exists on this View Object. See setRequiredViewCriteria(oracle.jbo.ViewCriteria)


java.util.List getForwardDependencyAttributes(java.lang.String attName)


boolean isPolymorphicDefinition()


RowSetIterator getAllRowsIterator(RowSet rs)
If the given rowset is a scrollable collection which has not hit the maxFetchSize and yet is fetchcomplete, then return a separate rowsetiterator on the given rowset. If this given rowset is on a custom datasource (it's querycollection has user data), find or create and return a separate rowsetiterator on the given rowset. Otherwise, create a separate instance of ViewObject mirroring the query properties of this given rowset and returns a RowSetIterator on the default rowset of this new ViewObject. This new ViewObject is set to forward only AccessMode and thus can only be navigated forward.

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