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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Class VariableValueManagerImpl

  extended by oracle.jbo.common.VariableManagerImpl
      extended by oracle.jbo.common.VariableValueManagerImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:, VariableManager, VariableValueManager
Direct Known Subclasses:
ClientVariableValueManager, DCVariableValueManagerImpl

public class VariableValueManagerImpl
extends VariableManagerImpl
implements VariableValueManager,
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.VariableManagerImpl
mVariableList, mVariables


Constructor Summary
VariableValueManagerImpl(VariableManagerOwnerBase owner, VariableManager[] varMgrParents)
VariableValueManagerImpl(VariableManagerOwner owner, VariableManager[] varMgrParents)


Method Summary
 void activatePassivatedVariables(java.lang.String passivatedString)
          Used internally by the framework to reinstate the passivation image without causing any ripples in either the validation or notifications.
 java.lang.Object clearValue(java.lang.String name)
          There is a wrinkle when you replace a variable.
 java.lang.Object clearValue(Variable v)
          Revert the value of the variable back to it's default.
 java.lang.String getLocalPassivatableVariables()
          Used internally by the framework to gather up all variable state that isn't reconstructed by simply resetting from definitions.
 java.lang.String getPassivatableVariables()
          Ask the ValueManager to build a package to passivate then do the work with the object stream to get the blob as a fairly compact string to return.
 java.lang.Object getVariableValue(java.lang.String name)
 java.lang.Object getVariableValue(Variable var)
 java.lang.Object getVariableValueRaw(java.lang.String name, boolean evaluateDefaultOrExpr)
 java.lang.Object getVariableValueRaw(Variable var, boolean evaluateDefaultOrExpr)
 java.lang.Object[] getVariableValues(Variable[] vars)
 java.lang.Object[] getVariableValuesRaw(Variable[] vars, boolean evaluateDefaultOrExpr)
 boolean hasVariableValue(java.lang.String name)
 boolean hasVariableValue(Variable var)
 void mergeVariableValues(Variable[] vars, java.lang.Object[] varVals)
protected  void populateVariableValue(Variable var, java.lang.Object value)
 void readVarsFromXML(Element varsElem)
          Reads all the variables from the XML element and sets them into this variable manager.
 Variable removeVariable(java.lang.String name)
 void setVariableValue(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
 void setVariableValue(Variable var, java.lang.Object value)
 void setVariableValues(Variable[] vars, java.lang.Object[] varVals)
 void setVariableValues(Variable[] vars, java.lang.Object[] varVals, boolean inclTemp)
 void setVariableValuesFrom(VariableValueManager vm)
 boolean writeVarsToXML(Document xmlDoc, Element parent, boolean local)
          Writes XML elements for all variables in this variable manager and appends them to the given parent node.


Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.VariableManagerImpl
addVariable, addVariable, addVariables, clearVariables, findDeclaredVariable, findVariable, getDeclaredVariableCount, getDeclaredVariables, getName, getVariableCount, getVariables, getVariablesMap, getVariablesOfKind, getVarMgrOwner, getVarMgrOwnerBase, getVarMgrParents, internalCreateVariableInstance, loadFromXML, loadFromXML, lookupDeclaredVariable, lookupVariable, mergeVariables, replaceVariable, setVarMgrParents, variableChanged, variableList, variables


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.VariableManager
addVariable, addVariable, addVariables, clearVariables, findDeclaredVariable, findVariable, getDeclaredVariableCount, getDeclaredVariables, getName, getVariableCount, getVariables, getVariablesMap, getVariablesOfKind, getVarMgrOwner, getVarMgrOwnerBase, getVarMgrParents, lookupVariable, mergeVariables, replaceVariable, variableChanged


Constructor Detail


public VariableValueManagerImpl()


public VariableValueManagerImpl(VariableManagerOwner owner,
                                VariableManager[] varMgrParents)


public VariableValueManagerImpl(VariableManagerOwnerBase owner,
                                VariableManager[] varMgrParents)

Method Detail


public boolean hasVariableValue(Variable var)
Specified by:
hasVariableValue in interface VariableValueManager


public boolean hasVariableValue(java.lang.String name)
Specified by:
hasVariableValue in interface VariableValueManager


public java.lang.Object[] getVariableValues(Variable[] vars)
Specified by:
getVariableValues in interface VariableValueManager


public java.lang.Object[] getVariableValuesRaw(Variable[] vars,
                                               boolean evaluateDefaultOrExpr)
Specified by:
getVariableValuesRaw in interface VariableValueManager


public java.lang.Object getVariableValue(Variable var)
Specified by:
getVariableValue in interface VariableValueManager


public java.lang.Object getVariableValue(java.lang.String name)
Specified by:
getVariableValue in interface VariableValueManager


public java.lang.Object getVariableValueRaw(Variable var,
                                            boolean evaluateDefaultOrExpr)
Specified by:
getVariableValueRaw in interface VariableValueManager


public java.lang.Object getVariableValueRaw(java.lang.String name,
                                            boolean evaluateDefaultOrExpr)
Specified by:
getVariableValueRaw in interface VariableValueManager


protected void populateVariableValue(Variable var,
                                     java.lang.Object value)


public void setVariableValue(Variable var,
                             java.lang.Object value)
Specified by:
setVariableValue in interface VariableValueManager


public void setVariableValue(java.lang.String name,
                             java.lang.Object value)
Specified by:
setVariableValue in interface VariableValueManager


public void setVariableValues(Variable[] vars,
                              java.lang.Object[] varVals)
Specified by:
setVariableValues in interface VariableValueManager


public void setVariableValues(Variable[] vars,
                              java.lang.Object[] varVals,
                              boolean inclTemp)


public void setVariableValuesFrom(VariableValueManager vm)
Specified by:
setVariableValuesFrom in interface VariableValueManager


public Variable removeVariable(java.lang.String name)
Specified by:
removeVariable in interface VariableManager
removeVariable in class VariableManagerImpl


public void mergeVariableValues(Variable[] vars,
                                java.lang.Object[] varVals)
Specified by:
mergeVariableValues in interface VariableValueManager


public java.lang.Object clearValue(java.lang.String name)
There is a wrinkle when you replace a variable. Unless you override the value in our collection they will leak and the replaced variable won't have a value! That's of course because variables are used as the key to the value.
Specified by:
clearValue in interface VariableValueManager
the existing value (may be null)


public java.lang.Object clearValue(Variable v)
Description copied from interface: VariableValueManager
Revert the value of the variable back to it's default.
Specified by:
clearValue in interface VariableValueManager
the existing value (may be null)


public java.lang.String getPassivatableVariables()
Ask the ValueManager to build a package to passivate then do the work with the object stream to get the blob as a fairly compact string to return.
Specified by:
getPassivatableVariables in interface VariableValueManager


public java.lang.String getLocalPassivatableVariables()
Description copied from interface: VariableValueManager
Used internally by the framework to gather up all variable state that isn't reconstructed by simply resetting from definitions. Doesn't recurse the parent variable managers.
Specified by:
getLocalPassivatableVariables in interface VariableValueManager


public void activatePassivatedVariables(java.lang.String passivatedString)
Description copied from interface: VariableValueManager
Used internally by the framework to reinstate the passivation image without causing any ripples in either the validation or notifications.
Specified by:
activatePassivatedVariables in interface VariableValueManager


public boolean writeVarsToXML(Document xmlDoc,
                              Element parent,
                              boolean local)
Description copied from interface: VariableValueManager
Writes XML elements for all variables in this variable manager and appends them to the given parent node. Used internally by the framework to gather up all variable state that isn't reconstructed by simply resetting from definitions.
Specified by:
writeVarsToXML in interface VariableValueManager
xmlDoc - the XML document in which the variables should be passivated
parent - the enclosing XML node where new nodes will be appended
local - if true do not recurse the parent variable managers
true if variable nodes were appended to the parent node.
See Also:


public void readVarsFromXML(Element varsElem)
Description copied from interface: VariableValueManager
Reads all the variables from the XML element and sets them into this variable manager. Used internally by the framework to reinstate the passivation image without causing any ripples in either the validation or notifications.
Specified by:
readVarsFromXML in interface VariableValueManager
varsElem - an XML node containing the passivated variables
See Also:
VariableValueManager.writeVarsToXML(Document, Element, boolean)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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