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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Class EventPayload

  extended by oracle.jbo.server.EventPayload

All Implemented Interfaces:
DiffMergeable, DefPersistable, PersistentDefinition

public class EventPayload
extends java.lang.Object
implements DefPersistable, DiffMergeable

Field Summary


Fields inherited from interface


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 void applyDiffChildren(DifferDetails dif, DiffResolver resolver)
 void applyDiffContents(DifferDetails dif, DiffResolver resolver)
 java.lang.Object clone()
 DifferDetails diffChildren(DiffMergeable docDef, DiffMergeable orgDef, DifferDetails difDetails)
 DifferDetails diffContents(DiffMergeable docDef, DiffMergeable orgDef, DifferDetails difDetails)
 DifferDetails diffObjects(DiffMergeable docDef, DiffMergeable orgDef, DifferDetails difDetails)
 DifferDetails ensureDifferDetails(DifferDetails difDetails)
 java.lang.String getDefXMLElementTag()
 java.lang.String getDefXMLNameSpace()
 java.lang.String getFullName()
          This method returns the Persistence reference of the object.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Return the name of the payload (null).
 int getNumPayloadItems()
          Gets the number of actual payload items for the event definition.
 DefPersistable getOrigObject()
 java.util.Iterator getPayloadItems()
          Returns the list of payload items for the event definition.
 java.lang.String getXMLElementTag()
          Returns a piece of static info for the type of object this is invoked upon.
 boolean isDirty()
          This method returns if an Object is modified from last save/load
 boolean isNew()
          This method returns if this object is previously persisted.
 void setDirty(boolean b)
          This method marks the Object dirty
 void setNew(boolean b)
          This method marks the as previously persisted.
 void setOrigObject(DefPersistable oldObj)
 void writeChildren(DefWriter jos)
          Writes the Object's children to the Persistent storage
 void writeContents(DefWriter jos)
          Objects should write their persistence output in this method
 void writeObject(DefWriter jos)
          Objects should write their persistence output in this method


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public EventPayload()

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getName()
Return the name of the payload (null).
Specified by:
getName in interface DiffMergeable
the name of the payload in the event definition.


public java.util.Iterator getPayloadItems()
Returns the list of payload items for the event definition. A payload item specifies an attribute that is to be part of the payload and contains parameters that indicate how it is to be processed when constructing the actual payload when raising an event.
the list of payload items for the event definition.


public int getNumPayloadItems()
Gets the number of actual payload items for the event definition. If the event definition references a named payload definition, it will be the number of payload items defined in that definition. Otherwise, it will be the number of payload items defined in the event definitions inline payload.
the number of payload items for the event definition.


public java.lang.Object clone()
clone in class java.lang.Object


public boolean isDirty()
Description copied from interface: DefPersistable
This method returns if an Object is modified from last save/load
Specified by:
isDirty in interface DefPersistable
Returns true if the Object is dirty. Returns false otherwise.


public void setOrigObject(DefPersistable oldObj)
Specified by:
setOrigObject in interface DefPersistable


public DefPersistable getOrigObject()
Specified by:
getOrigObject in interface DefPersistable


public java.lang.String getFullName()
Description copied from interface: DefPersistable
This method returns the Persistence reference of the object. The Persistence Reference is uniquely identifiable fully qualified name of the object.
Specified by:
getFullName in interface DiffMergeable
Specified by:
getFullName in interface DefPersistable
the Persistence Reference of the object


public boolean isNew()
Description copied from interface: DefPersistable
This method returns if this object is previously persisted.
Specified by:
isNew in interface DefPersistable
true if the Object is previously persisted. Returns false otherwise.


public void setNew(boolean b)
Description copied from interface: DefPersistable
This method marks the as previously persisted. By default all objects are new objects. When the object is persisted first time, that object is marked as 'not new' object
Specified by:
setNew in interface DefPersistable
b - If true the Object is marked as new object.


public java.lang.String getDefXMLNameSpace()
Specified by:
getDefXMLNameSpace in interface PersistentDefinition


public java.lang.String getDefXMLElementTag()
Specified by:
getDefXMLElementTag in interface PersistentDefinition


public java.lang.String getXMLElementTag()
Description copied from interface: PersistentDefinition
Returns a piece of static info for the type of object this is invoked upon. Examples are PreparedStatements for insert, update, delete, and String containing a base the select statement for retrieving instances of this type through the SQLInputStream
Specified by:
getXMLElementTag in interface PersistentDefinition
returns the Statement required to store in Persitent Storage. Incase of XML, it just returns the String. In the case of SQL a JDBC PreparedStatement is returned.


public void setDirty(boolean b)
Description copied from interface: DefPersistable
This method marks the Object dirty
Specified by:
setDirty in interface DefPersistable
b - If true the Object is marked Dirty.


public void writeChildren(DefWriter jos)
Description copied from interface: PersistentDefinition
Writes the Object's children to the Persistent storage
Specified by:
writeChildren in interface PersistentDefinition
jos - the Output storage for persistence


public void writeContents(DefWriter jos)
Description copied from interface: PersistentDefinition
Objects should write their persistence output in this method
Specified by:
writeContents in interface PersistentDefinition
jos - the Output storage for persistence


public void writeObject(DefWriter jos)
Description copied from interface: PersistentDefinition
Objects should write their persistence output in this method
Specified by:
writeObject in interface PersistentDefinition
jos - the Output storage for persistence


public DifferDetails ensureDifferDetails(DifferDetails difDetails)
Specified by:
ensureDifferDetails in interface DiffMergeable


public DifferDetails diffContents(DiffMergeable docDef,
                                  DiffMergeable orgDef,
                                  DifferDetails difDetails)
Specified by:
diffContents in interface DiffMergeable


public DifferDetails diffChildren(DiffMergeable docDef,
                                  DiffMergeable orgDef,
                                  DifferDetails difDetails)
Specified by:
diffChildren in interface DiffMergeable


public DifferDetails diffObjects(DiffMergeable docDef,
                                 DiffMergeable orgDef,
                                 DifferDetails difDetails)
Specified by:
diffObjects in interface DiffMergeable


public void applyDiffContents(DifferDetails dif,
                              DiffResolver resolver)
Specified by:
applyDiffContents in interface DiffMergeable


public void applyDiffChildren(DifferDetails dif,
                              DiffResolver resolver)
Specified by:
applyDiffChildren in interface DiffMergeable

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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