What's New in This Guide for Release

For Release, this guide has been updated in several ways from this guide for Release The following table lists the sections that have been added or changed.


This version of the guide may not contain the most recent content. To view the latest version, access the guide directly from the library on OTN. To see what has been added to this newer version, compare the What's New sections of each guide.

For changes made to Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) for this release, see the New Features page on the Oracle Technology Network at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/jdev/documentation/index.html.

Sections Changes Made
Chapter 4, "Creating a Business Domain Layer Using Entity Objects"  
Section 4.12.6, "What You May Need to Know About Custom Entity Object Methods" Section added to describe how to avoid dependencies on application modules and view objects in the methods that you implement in custom entity object classes.
Chapter 5, "Defining SQL Queries Using View Objects"  
Section 5.11.6, "How to Use Master-Detail Related View Objects in View Criteria" Section added to explain how to create inline view criteria to reference attributes of a detail view object in a master-detail hierarchy.
Section, "Searching for Rows Using a Date Comparison" Section added to describe valid date comparison operators used in view criteria.
Section 5.12, "Working with Row Finders" Section added to describe how to use row finders to locate specific rows in a view object row set. The row finder is similar to query-by-example searches, and does not rely on a row key attribute to locate specific rows.
Section 5.14.5, "How to Define UI Category Hints" Section added to describe how to group attributes that a view object defines using UI category hints. You can use the category hint to aid the user interface to separate a large list of view object attributes into smaller groups related by categories.
Chapter 7, "Defining Validation and Business Rules Declaratively"  
Section 7.3.5, "What You May Need to Know About List of Values and Attribute Validation Rules" Section added to describe limitation of attribute validation rules that are defined on List of Values (LOV) data source attributes.
Chapter 11, "Creating SOAP Web Services with Application Modules" .
Section 11.2.1, "How to Enable the Application Module Service Interface" Section revised to describe view object types that do not automatically participate in the SDO service interface.
Section 11.2.3, "What Happens When You Create an Application Module Service Interface With Polymorphic View Objects" Section added to document how the SDO service interface supports subtype view objects that extend a base view object.
Section 11.2.16, "How to Set Display Names for Service View Instances and Attributes" Section added to describe how to set display name UI hints for view objects and view object attributes that have the getDfltObjAttrHints() built-in method configured on their service view instance.
Section 11.4, "Accessing Polymorphic Collections in the Consuming Application" Section added to document how to use a JAX-WS client to access polymorphic view object collections.
Chapter 17, "Using Task Flows as Regions"  
Section 17.8, "Configuring Transaction Management in an ADF Region" Section added that discusses how to configure the transaction options of a task flow that renders in an ADF region.
Section 17.11, "Configuring a Page To Render an Unknown Number of Regions" Section added to describe how to use the multi task flow binding that you can use to render an unknown number of regions.
Chapter 18, "Creating Complex Task Flows"  
Section 18.4, "Managing Transactions" Section revised to describe how choosing the <No Controller Transaction> option from a task flow's overview editor turns off the transaction management capabilities of the ADF task flow and delegates transaction management to the ADF Model layer.
Section 18.10, "Minimizing the Number of Active Root View Ports in an Application" Section added to describe the new <max-root-view-ports> property that you can use to specify the maximum number of root view ports in an application.
Section 18.16, "Reporting Incidents to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Diagnostic Framework" Section added to describe how you can configure the <debug-history-size> element in your application's adf-config.xml file to stop the collection of events or modify the number of events that the ADF Controller collects to report to the Diagnostic Framework if an incident occurs in your application.
Chapter 22, Creating a Basic Databound Page  
Section 22.7.4, "What You May Need to Know About Converters for Dynamic Forms" Section added to describe how to use an alternate format string for a converter in a dynamic form.
Chapter 23, "Creating ADF Databound Tables"  
Section 23.5, "Creating a List View of a Collection" Section added to describe the new wizard available to create databound listView components.
Chapter 24, "Displaying Master-Detail Data"  
Section 24.6, "Using List Views to Display Master-Detail Objects" Section added to describe creating a databound master-detail view with the listView component.
Chapter 26, "Creating Databound ADF Data Visualization Components" .
Section 26.2, "Creating Databound Charts" Section added to describe how you can create the user interface using new client-side charts: area, bar, bubble, combination, funnel, horizontal bar, line, pie, scatter, spark. The charts replace the server-side area, bar, bubble, combination, horizontal bar, line, pie, scatter and spark graphs.
Section 26.5, "Creating Databound NBoxes" Section added to document new DVT NBox component, used to visualize and compare data across a two-dimensional grid, represented visually by rows and columns.
Section 26.8, "Creating Databound Thematic Maps" Section added to describe how to create and configure thematic maps using ADF data controls.
Section 26.10, "Creating Databound Timelines" Section added describing how to create and configure timelines using ADF data controls.
Section 26.12, "Creating Databound Treemaps and Sunbursts" Section added describing how to create and configure treemaps and sunbursts using ADF data controls.
Chapter 27, "Creating ADF Databound Search Forms"  
Section 27.3.2, "How to Add Placeholder Text, Label, and Tooltip" Section added to describe how to create watermark, label, and tooltip texts to a search field.
Chapter 30, "Enabling ADF Security in a Fusion Web Application"  
Section 30.5.6, "How to Define Policies to Control User Access to ADF Methods" Section added to describe how to control user access to command components in the user interface that execute ADF methods.
Section 30.5.12, "How to Aggregate Resource Grants as Entitlement Grants" Section added to describe how to control user access to multiple Oracle ADF artifacts, using a single ADF Security entitlement grant.
Section 30.7, "Creating a Login Page" Section revised to clarify how the procedure to create a login page programmatically uses Oracle WebLogic Server-specific API for Basic authentication.
Section 30.9.3, "How to Secure Resource Files Using a URL Constraint" Section added to describe how to control user access to resource files, including images, style sheets, and JavaScript libraries, that support the Fusion web application.
Section 30.11.2, "How to Protect UI Components Using OPSS Resource Permissions and EL" Section revised to describe how to control user access to UI components in the user interface, using an ADF Security resource grant.
Section 30.11.3, "How to Perform Authorization Checks for Entity Object Operations" Section added to describe how to use entity row API and ADF Security EL methods to test user permission for secured entity object operations.
Chapter 31, "Testing and Debugging ADF Components"  
Section 31.5.6, "What You May Need to Know About ADF Loggers and Log Output" Section added to describe how to manage loggers to optimize the log output.
Chapter 37, "Advanced Business Component Techniques"  
Section, "Attributes in an Extended Component Inherited from the Parent Component" Section added to describe how overriding attributes in an extended component changes the behavior of inheritable attribute changes subsequently made in the parent component.
Chapter 41, "Advanced View Object Techniques"  
Section, "Avoid Creating Dependencies on Parent Application Module Types" Section added to describe how to avoid dependencies on application modules and view objects in the methods that you implement in custom view object and view row classes.
Section 39.6, "Using View Objects to Work with Multiple Row Types" Section revised to better describe how to create polymorphic view objects.
Chapter 40, Application State Management  
Section 40.2.3, "What You May Need to Know About Using Application Scoped Managed Beans in a Clustered Environment" Section added to describe limitation of application scoped beans in a clustered environment.