Assembling Views for Display

You use a compound layout to assemble different views for display on a dashboard. The views are displayed in separate containers within a compound layout.

  • You can create additional compound layouts to vary presentation of analyses. You can use different compound layouts for different dashboards or for different devices. For example, a Brand Revenue dashboard might have one compound layout that shows a table and a graph, and another that shows a pie chart.

  • You can duplicate a compound layout as a shortcut to creating a new compound layout. Views from the original compound layout are preserved. You can add views in addition to views that are already there, and delete views you do not want. For example, suppose you have a duplicate compound layout for the Brand Revenue analysis. You can keep the table, graph, pie chart, and gauge views, and add a performance tile view.

  • You can rename a view so that the name is more meaningful to you. For example, for a Brand Revenue analysis, suppose a western region now consists only of California. You can rename the Western Region compound layout to California.

  • You can delete compound layouts that are no longer useful for you. For example, for a Brand Revenue analysis, you might not need views for the Western region. You can delete the compound layout that contains those views.

To create, duplicate, rename, or delete a compound layout:

  1. Open the analysis for editing.

  2. Click the Results tab.

  3. To create a compound layout, on the toolbar of the Analysis Editor: Results tab, click on Create Compound Layout.

    A compound layout tab is displayed with only a title view. You can add views as needed.

  4. To duplicate a compound layout, on the toolbar of the Analysis Editor: Results tab, click on Duplicate Compound Layout.

    A compound layout tab that contains the same views as the selected compound layout is displayed. You can add or delete views as needed.

  5. To rename a compound layout, on the toolbar of the Analysis Editor: Results tab, click Rename Compound Layout.

    On the Rename dialog, type a new name for the compound layout and click OK.

  6. To delete a compound layout, on the toolbar of the Analysis Editor: Results tab, click on Delete Compound Layout.

    The compound layout is removed.