6 Oracle Fusion Middleware High Availability and Enterprise Deployment

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle Fusion Middleware high availability and enterprise deployment. It includes the following topics:


This chapter contains issues you might encounter while configuring any Oracle Fusion Middleware products for high availability or an enterprise deployment.

Be sure to review product-specific release note chapters elsewhere in this document for any additional issues specific to products you are using.

6.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issue and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

6.1.1 Secure Resources in Application Tier

Oracle highly recommends that you protect the application tier in the SOA Enterprise Deployment topology and the WebCenter Enterprise Deployment topology against anonymous RMI connections. To prevent RMI access to the middle tier from outside the subset configured, follow the steps in "Configure connection filtering" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help. Run all the steps, except as noted in the following:

  1. Do not run the substep for configuring the default connection filter. Run the substep for configuring a custom connection filter.

  2. In the Connection Filter Rules field, add the rules that will allow all protocol access to servers from the middle tier subnet while allowing only http(s) access from outside the subnet, as shown in the following example:

    nnn.nnn.0.0/nnn.nnn.0.0  * * allow * * allow t3 t3s 

6.1.2 Accessing Web Services Policies Page in Cold Failover Environment

In a Cold Failover Cluster (CFC) environment, the following exception appears when Web Services policies page is accessed in Fusion Middleware Control:

Unable to connect to Oracle WSM Policy Manager.
Cannot locate policy manager query/update service. Policy manager service
look up did not find a valid service.

To avoid this, implement one the following options:

  • Create virtual hostname aliased SSL certificate and add to the key store.

  • Add "-Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true" to the JAVA_OPTIONS parameter in the startWeblogic.sh or startWeblogic.cmd files

6.1.3 Timeout Settings for SOA Request-Response Operations are Not Propagated in a Node Failure

In an active-active Oracle SOA cluster, when a node failure occurs, the timeout settings for request-response operations in receive activities are not propagated from one node to the other node(s). If a failure occurs in the server that scheduled these activities, they must be rescheduled with the scheduler upon server restart.

6.1.4 Very Intensive Uploads from I/PM to UCM May Require Use of IP-Based Filters in UCM Instead of Hostname-Based Filters

The "Adding the I/PM Server Listen Addresses to the List of Allowed Hosts in UCM" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite and the "Adding the I/PM Server Listen Addresses to the List of Allowed Hosts in UCM" section in High Availability Guide describe how to add hostname-based filters for Oracle I/PM managed server listen addresses to the list of allowed hosts in Oracle UCM.

When using hostname-based filters in Oracle UCM (config.cfg file), a high latency/performance impact may be observed in the system for very intensive uploads of documents from Oracle I/PM to Oracle UCM. This is caused by the reverse DNS lookup that Oracle UCM requires to allow connections from Oracle I/PM servers. Oracle recommends using hostname-based filters to prepare for configuring the system for Disaster Protection and to restore to a different host (since the configuration used is IP-agnostic when using hostname-based filters). However, if you must improve uploads performance, you can use IP-based filters. To do this:

  1. Edit the file /u01/app/oracle/admin/domainName/ucm_cluster/config/config.cfg and remove or comment out:

  2. Add the IP addresses (listen address) of the WLS_IPM1 and WLS_IPM2 managed servers (ECMHOST1VHN1 and ECMHOST2VHN1, respectively) to the SocketHostAddressSecurityFilter parameter list as follows:


    where X.X.X.X and Y.Y.Y.Y are the listen addresses of WLS_IPM1 and WLS_IPM2 respectively. Notice that also needs to be added as shown above.

  3. Restart the UCM servers.

6.1.5 Use srvctl in 11.2 Oracle RAC Databases to Set Up AQ Notification and Server-side TAF

Due to a known issue in 11.2 Oracle RAC databases, you must use srvctl to set up AQ notification and server-side TAF. DBMS_SQL packages do not work as expected.

Here is an example use of srvctl:

srvctl modify service -d orcl -s orclSVC -e SELECT -m BASIC -w 5 -z 5 -q TRUE

In the example:

orcl - Database Name

orclSVC - Service Name the component uses

SELECT - Failover type

BASIC - Failover method

5 - Failover delay

5 - Failover retry

TRUE - AQ HA notifications set to TRUE

See Oracle 11.2 Oracle database documentation for more on this command usage.

6.1.6 Failover Is Not Seamless When Creating Reports in Oracle BI Publisher

If you create a report in Oracle BI Publisher, and a Managed Server fails over before the report is saved, the failover might not be seamless. For example, when you attempt to save the report, the system might not be responsive.

If this occurs, click one of the header links, such as Home or Catalog, to be redirected to the Oracle BI Publisher login page. Log in then create and save the report again.

6.1.7 Cannot Save Agent When Oracle Business Intelligence Managed Server Fails Over

If you create an agent in the Oracle Business Intelligence Web interface, and a Managed Server fails over before you save the agent, an error occurs when you try to save the agent.

To work around this issue, log out, then log back in to Oracle Business Intelligence and create the agent again.

6.1.8 Installing Additional Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer Instances After Upgrading Oracle Single Sign-On 10g to Oracle Access Manager 11g

This issue occurs with Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer 11g environments that have been upgraded from using Oracle Single-Sign On 10g to Oracle Access Manager 11g for authentication.

When performing subsequent Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer 11g installations against the same environment where the initial Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer 10g installation was upgraded to Oracle Access Manager, there are some requirements that must be met.

  • For each subsequent Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer 11g installation, you must maintain the original Oracle Single Sign-On 10g instance and keep it actively running--in addition to new Oracle Access Manager 11g instance--while the additional Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer 11g installations are performed.

    This is necessary because Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer 11g cannot be installed directly against Oracle Access Manager 11g.

  • After the subsequent classic installs are completed, the Oracle Single Sign-On 10g to Oracle Access Manager 11g upgrade procedure must be performed again. For more information, including an upgrade roadmap, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Identity and Access Management.

    This procedure upgrades the new Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer 11g instance to Oracle Access Manager 11g.

Note that these considerations apply only in an environment with Multiple Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports, and Discoverer 11g middle tiers that are installed or added to a your environment after the initial upgrade from Oracle Single Sign-On 10g to Oracle Access Manager 11g.

6.1.9 JMS Instance Fails In a BI Publisher Cluster

On rare occasions, a JMS instance is missing from a BI Publisher Scheduler cluster.

To resolve this issue, restart BI Publisher from the Administration Console.

To restart your BI Publisher application:

  1. Log in to the Administration Console.

  2. Click Deployments in the Domain Structure window.

  3. Select bipublisher(11.1.1).

  4. Click Stop.

  5. After the application stops, click Start.

6.1.10 Undelivered Records not Recovered During RAC Failover of Singleton SOA Server

If there is a RAC failover in a singleton server in a SOA RAC environment, recovery of undelivered records that appear recoverable in EM will fail.

6.1.11 Synchronous BPEL Process Issues

On a SOA cluster, the following scenarios are not supported:

  • Synchronous BPEL process with mid-process receive.

  • Synchronous BPEL process calling asynchronous services.

  • Callback from synchronous processes.

6.2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes configuration issues and their workarounds. It includes the following topics:

6.2.1 Fusion Middleware Control May Display Incorrect Status

In some instances, Oracle WebLogic Fusion Middleware Control may show the incorrect status of a component immediately after you restart the component or it fails over.

6.2.2 Accumulated BPEL Instances Cause Performance Decrease

In a scaled out clustered environment, if a large number of BPEL instances accumulate in the database, the database's performance decreases and the following error occurs: MANY THREADS STUCK FOR 600+ SECONDS.

To avoid this error, remove old BPEL instances from the database.

6.2.3 Extra Message Enqueue when One Cluster Server is Brought Down and Back Up

In a non-XA environment, MQSeries Adapters do not guarantee the only once delivery of the messages from inbound adapters to the endpoint in case of local transaction. In this scenario, if an inbound message is published to the endpoint, and before committing the transaction, the SOA server is brought down, inbound message are rolled back and the same message is again dequeued and published to the endpoint. This creates an extra message in outbound queue.

In an XA environment, MQ Messages are actually not lost but held by Queue Manager due to an inconsistent state. To retrieve the held messages, restart the Queue Manager.

6.2.4 Duplicate Unrecoverable Human Workflow Instance Created with Oracle RAC Failover

As soon as Oracle Human Workflow commits its transaction, the control passes back to BPEL, which almost instantaneously commits its transaction. Between this window, if the Oracle RAC instance goes down, on failover, the message is retried and can cause duplicate tasks. The duplicate task can show up in two ways - either a duplicate task appears in worklistapp, or an unrecoverable BPEL instance is created. This BPEL instance appears in BPEL Recovery. It is not possible to recover this BPEL instance as consumer, because this task has already completed.

6.2.5 No High Availability Support for SOA B2B TCP/IP

High availability failover support is not available for SOA B2B TCP/IP protocol. This effects primarily deployments using HL7 over MLLP. For inbound communication in a clustered environment, all B2B servers are active and the address exposed for inbound traffic is a load balancer virtual server. Also, in an outage scenario where an active managed server is no longer available, the persistent TCP/IP connection is lost and the client is expected to reestablish the connection.

6.2.6 WebLogic Administration Server on Machines with Multiple Network Cards

When installing Oracle WebLogic Server on a server with multiple network cards, always specify a Listen Address for the Administration Server. Use the network card DNS Name/IP Address you want to use for Administration Server communication.

To set the Listen Address:

  1. In the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, select Environment, and then Servers from the domain structure menu.

  2. Click the Administration Server.

  3. Click Lock and Edit from the Change Center to allow editing.

  4. Enter a Listen Address.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Activate Changes in the Change Center.

6.2.7 Additional Parameters for SOA and Oracle RAC Data Sources

In some deployments of SOA with Oracle RAC, you may need to set parameters in addition to the out-of-the-box configuration of the individual data sources in an Oracle RAC configuration. The additional parameters are:

  1. Add property oracle.jdbc.ReadTimeout=300000 (300000 milliseconds) for each data source.

    The actual value of the ReadTimeout parameter may differ based on additional considerations.

  2. If the network is not reliable, then it is difficult for a client to detect the frequent disconnections when the server is abruptly disconnected. By default, a client running on Linux takes 7200 seconds (2 hours) to sense the abrupt disconnections. This value is equal to the value of the tcp_keepalive_time property. To configure the application to detect the disconnections faster, set the value of the tcp_keepalive_time, tcp_keepalive_interval, and tcp_keepalive_probes properties to a lower value at the operating system level.


    Setting a low value for the tcp_keepalive_interval property leads to frequent probe packets on the network, which can make the system slower. Therefore, the value of this property should be set appropriately based on system requirements.

For example, set tcp_keepalive_time=600 at the system running the WebLogic Server managed server.

Also, you must specify the ENABLE=BROKEN parameter in the DESCRIPTION clause in the connection descriptor. For example:


As a result, the data source configuration appears as follows:


6.2.8 Message Sequencing and MLLP Not Supported in Oracle B2B HA Environments

Message sequencing and MLLP are not supported in Oracle B2B high availability (HA) environments.

6.2.9 Credentials not Propagated for Transport Protocols in B2B

The Oracle FMW credential store maintains usernames and passwords that you define for Transport protocols. If you use the default file store for these credentials, changes you make to usernames and passwords do not propagate across nodes. You must use a central LDAP for these credentials to be synchronized across nodes in a cluster, as described in, and required by, the High Availability Guide and Enterprise Deployment Guides.

6.2.10 Use Fully-Qualified Hostnames when Configuring Front-end Hosts in High Availability Configurations

Oracle recommends using the full name of the host, including the domain name, when configuring front-end hosts in Oracle Fusion Middleware high availability configurations. Use the host's full name instead of using only the host name.

For example, if myhost is the name of a frontend host in a high availability configuration, set the frontend host URL to the fully-qualified hostname, such as myhost.mycompany.com as DNS or local host name resolution files (for example, /etc/hosts) define.

6.2.11 Managed Server goes into Suspended Status After Oracle RAC Failover

The Managed Server wls_ods(x) can enter a suspended status in the following situations:

  • A database connection in the data source is wrong or not complete.

  • The host is not a fully-qualified host for the database.

To correct the status of the Managed Server wls_ods(x):

  1. Under the data source, verify that the database connection is correct and complete with the domain.

  2. Under the data source, verify that the host name for the database is a fully- qualified hostname with the domain.

  3. Verify the connection by selecting the Test button.

6.2.12 Primary/Secondary Configuration Section of the Availability Tab is Not Visible

During the system component scale out process, the Primary/Secondary Configuration section in the Availability tab of the Capacity Management page in Fusion Middleware Control may not be visible in the browser. This issue occurs when you perform the scale out process using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0.5730.11.

To avoid this issue, do not use the browser Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0.5730.11 to scale out; use another browser such as Google Chrome.

6.2.13 Server Start Parameters Not Getting Set After Scaling Out the Oracle Business Intelligence Managed Server

After scaling out Oracle Business Intelligence, Server Start parameters are not getting set correctly. To work around this issue, update the Server Start parameters for the scaled out BI Managed Server to include the following:

-Dserver.group=obi arguments

6.2.14 Ensuring the Oracle HTTP Server Lock File is on a Local Drive

If you configure an Oracle instance for Oracle HTTP Server 11g on shared storage, such as NAS, NFS, or SAN storage, you must ensure that the lock file is created on a local drive instead of the shared drive. If you do not do this, Oracle HTTP Server might experience performance problems. Perform these steps to point the LockFile directive at a local fi le system:

  1. Stop the OHS instances on WEBHOST1 and WEBHOST2.

  2. Open the file ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OHS/ohs_name/httpd.conf in a text editor.

  3. Find the LockFile directive, configured under both the prefork and worker MPM configuration blocks in the httpd.conf file. It looks like this:

    LockFile ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/COMPONENT_TYPE/COMPONENT_NAME/http_lock
  4. Change the LockFile directive under the appropriate MPM configuration to point to a local file system, for example:

    LockFile /local_disk/path/http_lock
  5. Restart Oracle HTTP Server.

  6. Verify that the http_lock file exists in the directory specified by the LockFile directive.

6.2.15 Recreating OSSO Agents that Point to the Load Balancer URL

A high availability Classic environment typically has a load balancer in front of the Classic OHS instances. When you configure a classic instance with OAM 11g, the Configuration Wizard automatically configures an OSSO agent. The OSSO agent contains the individual Classic OHS instance URL. In a high availability cluster consisting of two Classic instances, the Configuration Wizard automatically configures two OSSO agents. Each OSSO agent contains the URL information of one Classic Webtier instance URL.

In a high availability cluster, you must recreate an OSSO agent that points to the load balancer URL.

To recreate an OSSO agent that points to the load balancer URL:

  1. From the OAM console, click New OSSO Agent to open the OSSO Wizard.

  2. Enter the following information:

    • Name: Enter any name

    • Token Version: Use the default setting, v3.0

    • Base URL: Enter the load balancer URL, for example http://haqaedg04.us.example.com:7788

    • Admin ID: Leave blank

    • Admin Inf: Leave blank

    • Host Identifier: Keep default value from the Name field.

    • Auto Create Policies: Check this setting to enable it.

  3. Copy the osso.conf file of the new OSSO agent from the OAM server to the Classic Web Instances config directory.

6.2.16 Use Lower-Case Letters for GridLink Data Source RAC Service Name

When you create a GridLink data source in the Configuration Wizard, you must verify that the service name on the database uses lowercase letters only and is a qualified domain name. For example, mydbservice>.us.example.com. The Service Name field is in the Configure GridLink RAC Component Schema screen.


The Oracle RAC Service name is defined on the database; it is not a fixed name. Oracle recommends that you register/add the RAC service name with the database domain name, for example, us.example.com

6.2.17 Additional Steps Needed for Oracle RTD Request Forwarding to Work Correctly

Due to an Oracle RTD issue related to request forwarding, the frontend URL must be the same as the backend URL for deployments that include Oracle RTD. To set the frontend URL for Oracle RTD, perform the steps in the following procedures at the point indicated in the Oracle Business Intelligence EDG task flow.

After performing the steps in Section 5.7, "Setting the Listen Address for bi_server1 Managed Server," set the frontend URL for the bi_server1 Managed Server, as follows:

  1. Log in to the Administration Console.

  2. In the Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

  3. Expand the Environment node in the Domain Structure window.

  4. Click Servers. The Summary of Servers page is displayed.

  5. Select bi_server1 in the Names column of the table. The settings page for bi_server1 is displayed.

  6. Click the Protocols tab.

  7. Click the HTTP tab.

  8. Set the Frontend Host field to APPHOST1VHN1 (your bi_server1 Listen address).

  9. Click Save, then click Activate Changes.

After performing the steps in Section 6.4.1, "Setting the Listen Address for the bi_server2 Managed Server," set the frontend URL for the bi_server2 Managed Server, as follows:

  1. Log in to the Administration Console.

  2. In the Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

  3. Expand the Environment node in the Domain Structure window.

  4. Click Servers. The Summary of Servers page is displayed.

  5. Select bi_server2 in the Names column of the table. The settings page for bi_server2 is displayed.

  6. Click the Protocols tab.

  7. Click the HTTP tab.

  8. Set the Frontend Host field to APPHOST2VHN1 (your bi_server2 Listen address).

  9. Click Save, then click Activate Changes.

6.2.18 First Defined RAC Instance Must Be Available On Domain Startup When Configuring with RAC Multi Data Source

When you configure the RAC data source for OPSS, Oracle recommends using an Oracle GridLink data source type. If you decide to use a RAC multi data source, you must ensure that the first RAC instance listed in the multi data source definition is available during the first domain startup. If you do not use the first RAC instance listed, configuration fails.

6.2.19 Client IP Features in OID Do Not Work for Load Balancer Setup

If you configure a high availability environment for OID, the following features will not work.

  • BindIPFilter

  • orclBlockDNIP

  • orclTraceConnIP

These features do not work because they are based on the Client IP. The OID server gets the configured load balancer host IP in place of the client IP.

6.3 Testing Abrupt Failures of WebLogic Server When Using File Stores on NFS

If JMS messages and transaction logs are stored on an NFS-mounted directory, Oracle strongly recommends that you verify the behavior of a server restart after abrupt machine failures. Depending on the NFS implementation, different issues can arise post failover/restart.

To verify server restart behavior, abruptly shut down the node that hosts WebLogic servers while the servers are running.

  • If you configured the server for server migration, it should start automatically in failover node after the failover period.

  • If you did not configure the server for server migration, you can manually restart the WebLogic Server on the same host after the node completely reboots.

If Oracle WebLogic Server does not restart after abrupt machine failure, the following error entry may appear in server log files:

<MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a z> <Error> <Store> <BEA-280061> <The persistent 
store "_WLS_server_soa1" could not be deployed: 
weblogic.store.PersistentStoreException: java.io.IOException: 
[Store:280021]There was an error while opening the file store file 
weblogic.store.PersistentStoreException: java.io.IOException: 
[Store:280021]There was an error while opening the file store file 
        at weblogic.store.io.file.Heap.open(Heap.java:168) 
        at weblogic.store.io.file.FileStoreIO.open(FileStoreIO.java:88)
java.io.IOException: Error from fcntl() for file locking, Resource
temporarily unavailable, errno=11

This error occurs when the NFSv3 system does not release locks on the file stores. WebLogic Server maintains locks on files that store JMS data and transaction logs to prevent data corruption that can occur if you accidentally start two instances of the same managed server. Because the NFSv3 storage device doesn't track lock owners, NFS holds the lock indefinitely if a lock owner crashes. As a result, after abrupt machine failure followed by a restart, subsequent attempts by WebLogic Server to acquire locks may fail.

If it is not reasonably possible to tune locking behavior in your NFS environment, use one of the following solutions to unlock the logs and data files:

  • Use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to disable WebLogic file locking mechanisms for the default file store, a custom file store, a JMS paging file store, and a Diagnostics file store. To do this, see Considerations for Using File Stores on NFS in the High Availability Guide.

  • Manually unlock the logs and JMS data files and start the servers by creating a copy of the locked persistence store file and using the copy for subsequent operations. See the following section Unlocking Logs and Data Files Manually.

Unlocking Logs and Data Files Manually

Manually unlock the logs and JMS data files and start the servers by creating a copy of the locked persistence store file and using the copy for subsequent operations. To create a copy of the locked persistence store file, rename the file then copy it back to its original name. The following sample steps assume that transaction logs are stored in the /shared/tlogs directory and JMS data is stored in the /shared/jms directory.

cd /shared/tlogs
mv _WLS_SOA_SERVER1000000.DAT _WLS_SOA_SERVER1000000.DAT.old
cp _WLS_SOA_SERVER1000000.DAT.old _WLS_SOA_SERVER1000000.DAT
cd /shared/jms

With this solution, the WebLogic file locking mechanism continues to protect against accidental data corruption if multiple instances of the same servers are accidently started. However, you must restart the servers manually after abrupt machine failures. File stores create multiple consecutively numbered.DAT files when they store large amounts of data. You may need to copy and rename all files when this occurs.

6.4 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata. It includes the following topics:

6.4.1 Documentation Errata for the Fusion Middleware High Availability Guide

This section contains Documentation Errata for Oracle Fusion Middleware High Availability Guide.

It includes the following topics: Latest Requirements and Certification Information

Several manuals in the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g documentation set have information on Oracle Fusion Middleware system requirements, prerequisites, specifications, and certification information. For the latest information on these topics, see the following documents on Oracle Technology Network:


This document contains information related to hardware and software requirements, minimum disk space and memory requirements, and required system libraries, packages, or patches. It also has information on supported installation types, platforms, operating systems, databases, JDKs, and third-party products. Statement of Direction – Application Server Cluster Ready Services (ASCRS)

Oracle ASCRS is now in maintenance mode for releases 11.1.x.x. It is no longer available with Oracle Fusion Middleware 12.1.x and above. See Doc ID 1579936.1 in My Oracle Support at http://support.oracle.com for detailed information.

6.4.2 Documentation Errata for the Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle Identity Management

This section contains documentation errata for Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle Identity Management.

It includes the following topic: Run Additional emctl Commands When Extending the Domain with Oracle Internet Directory or Oracle Virtual Directory

The chapters "Extending the Domain with Oracle Internet Directory" and "Extending the Domain with Oracle Virtual Directory," instruct you to run:

./emctl switchOMS ReposURL

to enable the local emagent to communicate with the Administration Server using the virtual IP address. After you run the command, you must also perform the following tasks:

  • Force the agent to reload its configuration by issuing the command:

    ./emctl reload
  • Check that the agent is using the correct Upload URL using the command:

    ./emctl status agent