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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
11g Release 1 (


Enterprise Scheduler API interfaces and classes, including RuntimeService and MetadataService.


Interface Summary
AsyncExecutable Marker interface used to distinguish long-running asynchronous jobs.
Cancellable Contract by which a client callout handler or Java executable can be cancelled.
Event Provides lifecycle information about a request.
EventListener Contract for implementing a listener for request events.
Executable Contract for implementing the executable for a Java job.
FilterVisitor Contract for implementing a visitor for traversing a filter instance.
MetadataService Metadata Service API.
MetadataServiceHandle Handle for accessing the metadata service.
PostProcessHandler Contract for a client application callback that is invoked after execution of a job request executable.
PreProcessHandler Contract for a client application callback that is invoked before execution of a job request executable.
RequestExecutionContext Defines the context of a request execution.
RuntimeService Runtime Service API.
SystemPurgeVisitor Deprecated.


Class Summary
ApplicationEvent Application event class.
BaseMetadata<T extends BaseMetadata<T>>  
BaseMetadataType<METADATA_TYPE extends BaseMetadata<METADATA_TYPE>> BaseMetadataType is an enum-like class.
Diagnosis Request diagnosis.
EssConstants This class defines constants used by Enterprise Scheduler Service (ESS).
Exclusion Date/time instances that are excluded from the occurrences of a Schedule.
ExclusionsDefinition Used to represent a collection of Exclusion objects as a single unit.
ExplicitDate Defines a date and time for use in a Schedule or Exclusion.
FailedExecutionResult Encapsulates the result of a failed execution attempt for a request.
Filter Used to specify criteria for querying.
Incompatibility Encapsulate an incompatibility among Job and/or JobSet definitions over a given resource.
IncompatibleEntity Encapsulates information for an Incompatibility entity.
JobDefinition Represents the definition (metadata) for a Job that runs in the Scheduler.
JobSet This class represents a JobSet.
JobSetStep The JobSetStep class represents a step within a JobSet, for example, a JobDefinition or a nested JobSet.
JobSetStepProperties Container for the properties for a JobSetStep.
JobSetStepProperty Defines the JobSet step properties.
JobType Encapsulates a JobType definition.
MetadataObjectId Identifier for metadata objects.
ParameterInfo Defines the metadata (information) of a parameter.
ParameterList Stores list of parameters.
PropertyInfo Deprecated. - use ParameterInfo instead.
PropertyValue This class wraps an Object, restricting its type to the following: String, Integer, Long, Boolean, Calendar
Recurrence Used to define a recurrence pattern for use by Schedule or Exclusion definition.
RecurrenceFields Defines the fields to construct a Recurrence.
RecurrenceFields.DAY_OF_MONTH Defines the day of a month.
RecurrenceFields.TIME_OF_DAY Defines the time of the day.
RecurrenceFields.YEAR Encapsulate the value of a year.
RequestDetail Encapsulates the runtime data associated with a request.
RequestParameters Container for all the parameters for a request.
RequestSummary Provides request summary information.
Schedule Used to specify time-based recurrence.
SQLJobDetail This class contains database information associated with an ESS SQL job request.
SystemProperty Enterprise Scheduler system properties.
Trigger This class encapsulate the definition of a trigger for event based scheduling.
WorkAssignment This class defines the nature of the work (requests) that should be processed by a Request Processor.
Workshift This class defines a workshift for any Request Processor.


Enum Summary
Cause Enumeration of job request terminal state causes This class provides a mapping between the cause code registered by the system and and a detailed (translatable) message.
Diagnosis.AsyncExecutionType Enum of job types.
Diagnosis.DiagnosisField Diagnosis field.
Diagnosis.DiagnosticCode Enum of diagnostic codes.
ErrorType Enum of error types.
EssConstants.EssExecCtxKey Enum of the key name for parameters added by ESS to DMS ExecutionContext for logging purposes.
EssConstants.EssModule Enum of parameter values for ESS_Module.
Filter.Comparator Filter comparison operators.
Filter.FieldDataType Data types for value
Filter.Operator Filter logic operators.
FilterVisitor.Order Traversal methods for filter expression visitation.
HandlerStatus Enumeration of application callout actions.
Incompatibility.IncompatibilityType Enum for valid Incompatibility type.
JobSet.ExecutionMode Enums to indicate the execution mode for the JobSet.
JobSetStep.LinkType Link types for the links for a serial JobSetStep.
JobType.ExecutionType Enum of the basic execution types.
MetadataObjectId.MetadataObjectType Enumeration for all the supported metadata object types.
MetadataService.QueryField Metadata Query Fields
ParameterInfo.DataType Enumeration of supported data types.
ProcessPhase Enum of process phases that a request may be set to during the processing lifecycle of that request.
RecurrenceFields.DAY_OF_WEEK Enumeration for the days of a week.
RecurrenceFields.FREQUENCY Defines the main repeat frequency of a Recurrence.
RecurrenceFields.MONTH_OF_YEAR Defines the months of the year.
RecurrenceFields.WEEK_OF_MONTH Enumerations for the week of a month.
RequestType Enum of request types.
RuntimeService.QueryField Field names to be used when querying the Runtime Store.
State Enumeration of ESS request terminal states.
WorkAssignment.SpecializationNode Enumerates the supported nodes for WorkAssignment specialization.
WorkAssignment.SpecializationProperty Enumerates the supported property names for WorkAssignment specialization.


Exception Summary
AlreadyExistsException Thrown if object being created already exists in the system.
ConcurrentUpdateException This exception is thrown when the metadata API detects concurrent update on a metadata object.
ConstraintException This exception class is thrown to violation of a system enforced constraint
ExecutionBizErrorException Exception used by the Executable interface to indicate a business error condition was encountered during execution.
ExecutionCancelledException Exception used by the Executable interface to indicate execution cancelled.
ExecutionErrorException Exception used by the Executable interface to indicate an error condition was encountered during execution.
ExecutionPausedException Exception used by the Executable interface to indicate request execution should be paused to allow submitted sub-requests to execute.
ExecutionWarningException Exception used by the Executable interface to indicate a warning condition was encountered during execution.
IllegalArgumentException This exception is thrown when one or more arguments to a method is incorrect or invalid
IllegalStateException This exception class is thrown when system or request state to perform and operation is incorrect or invalid.
InvalidPropertyException This exception is thrown to indicate that a property in the list of constrainable properties is invalid.
MetadataIllegalOperationException Thrown by the MetadataService to indicate illegal operations.
MetadataServiceAccessControlException Thrown by the MetadataService to indicate system errors.
MetadataServiceException Thrown by the MetadataService to indicate system errors.
NotAllowedException This exception class is thrown to indicate that a specific operation is not allowed for the given set of arguments.
NotFoundException This exception class is thrown to indicate that the request object is not found in the system.
RuntimeServiceAccessControlException Thrown by the MetadataService to indicate system errors.
RuntimeServiceException Thrown when the Runtime Service is unable to process the request due to a system error.
SchedulerException Base class for Enterprise Scheduler Service exceptions.
SchedulerUserAssertionException Base class for all runtime exceptions..
UnsupportedOperationException This exception class is thrown to indicate that a specific operation is not supported
ValidationException Exception class thrown to indicate failures in metadata object validations before persisting into the metadata repository.


Package Description

Enterprise Scheduler API interfaces and classes, including RuntimeService and MetadataService.

This package supplies the client API interfaces and classes used to create and manage application metadata, and submit and manage job requests.

The MetadataService provides application metadata support. It is used to create and manage metadata for job types, job definitions, schedules, triggers, and so on.

The RuntimeService provides runtime support. It is used to submit and manage job requests.

AS 11R1+

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
11g Release 1 (

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