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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Event Processing for Oracle Java Embedded for Embedded Linux ARM, Embedded Linux x86, Linux ARM, Linux x86
11g Release 1 (


Interface EventQueue

All Known Subinterfaces:
EventChannel, Stream

public interface EventQueue

Method Summary
 int getCurrentSize()
          Returns the current (used) size of channel.
 int getMaxSize()
          Returns maximum size of channel.
 int getMaxThreads()
          Returns maximum number of threads that a channel should use for processing events.
 long getOfferTimeout()
          Returns the timeout value used for waiting up until space becomes available in the event queue.
 boolean isFailWhenRejected()
          Returns true if an event processing exception should be raised when event queue is full and no space is available after offer timeout expires.
 void setFailWhenRejected(boolean value)
          Raise an EventProcessingException if the event queue is full when the offer timeout expires.
 void setMaxSize(int size)
          Maximum number of events that a channel can hold at a time.
 void setMaxThreads(int maxThreads)
          Maximum number of threads that a channel should use for processing events.
 void setOfferTimeout(long timeout)
          Sets the timeout value used when the event queue is full and a pending insert (offer) is blocked.


Method Detail


public void setMaxSize(int size)
                throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException
Maximum number of events that a channel can hold at a time. Only applicable if maxThreads is greater than zero.
size - - the maximum allowable number of retained events
java.beans.PropertyVetoException - if size is not valid


public int getMaxSize()
Returns maximum size of channel. Only applicable if maxThreads is greater than zero.
maximum size


public int getCurrentSize()
Returns the current (used) size of channel.
size - int current size


public void setMaxThreads(int maxThreads)
Maximum number of threads that a channel should use for processing events.
threads - - the number of worker threads to use.


public int getMaxThreads()
Returns maximum number of threads that a channel should use for processing events. return threads - int the number of worker threads to use.


public long getOfferTimeout()
Returns the timeout value used for waiting up until space becomes available in the event queue. This is only applicable for event queue's whose max-size is greater than 0. The time unit is nanoseconds. The default offer timeout is 60 seconds.
long offer timeout


public void setOfferTimeout(long timeout)
Sets the timeout value used when the event queue is full and a pending insert (offer) is blocked. When the timeout expires the pending event will either be dropped or an exception raised, depending on setFailWhenRejected(boolean). This is only applicable for event queue's whose max-size is greater than 0. The time unit is nanoseconds. The default offer timeout is 60 seconds.
timeout - offer timeout


public void setFailWhenRejected(boolean value)
Raise an EventProcessingException if the event queue is full when the offer timeout expires. If set to false, or not set at all, then the event is dropped rather than exception being raised. This configuration is only applicable for event queue's whose max-size is greater than 0.

The default value is false.

value - true if exception should be raised when rejected, false if event should be dropped instead.


public boolean isFailWhenRejected()
Returns true if an event processing exception should be raised when event queue is full and no space is available after offer timeout expires. If set to false, then event is dropped rather than exception being raised. This configuration is only applicable for event queue's whose max-size is greater than 0. If this is not the case, then configuration is ignored.
boolean true if exception should be raised when rejected, false if event should be dropped instead.

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