1 Getting Started with Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration

This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration, which provides a Web-based user interface for creating applications to transmit and transform data between various healthcare systems. The user interface also provides monitoring and management capabilities for the messages shared between those systems.

This chapter contains the following topics:

1.1 Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration

Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration utilizes several features of Oracle SOA Suite to help you design, create, and manage applications that process healthcare data. Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration includes a Web-based user interface where you can create and configure healthcare integration applications, as well as monitor and manage the messages processed through those applications. You can also use the Oracle Document Editor to create and configure document definitions, which define message structures. The Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration user interface provides additional features, such as support for additional messaging protocols and the ability to create and manage endpoints, manage documents, create mapsets, and create Java callouts.

1.1.1 Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration Components

A healthcare integration application includes several components that define how messages are received, processed, and transmitted. The components that make up a healthcare integration application include the following. Document definitions and endpoints are required components for a healthcare integration application.

  • Document Definitions: Use document definitions to define the structure of the messages that are used in a healthcare transaction. Predefined templates are provided for HL7 messages when you install the Oracle Document Editor. Document definitions are categorized by protocol, version, and type.

  • Endpoints: An endpoint brings together all of the above components for one external system. The endpoint defines whether messages are being sent or received by Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration, the transport protocol, acknowledgment handling, and whether messages are validated or translated. Endpoints are associated with document definitions and, optionally, internal delivery channels, callouts, mapsets, and SOA Suite composite applications.

  • Mapsets: Use mapsets to define the transformation from one native format to another, bypassing the step of translating to XML and back. For example, a mapset can map fields from a HIPAA 4010 document directly to a HIPAA 5010 document. A mapset includes source and target document definitions, and a file that defines the mapping.

  • Callouts: Use callouts to incorporate your own Java code into a healthcare integration application.

  • Internal Delivery Channels: Use internal delivery channels when you want the healthcare integration application to receive messages from or send messages to a JMS topic or queue.

1.1.2 Management and Monitoring Tools

Once you create and deploy a healthcare integration application, you can monitor and manage the messages processed through the application using the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration Web-based user interface. The reporting feature allows you to view a list of messages processed and then to drill deeper into message content, protocol information, and so on. You can also resubmit messages or configure automatic retries, configure partner downtimes, and purge selected messages from the metadata repository.

The dashboard feature allows you to view a summary of messages sent for each running endpoint. You can also drill down deeper to view the volume of messages sent, received and errored for the specified time period. This information is further categorized by document type. You can create custom dashboards and reports based on a variety of criteria. Several default reports are already provided for you.

1.1.3 Oracle SOA Suite and Healthcare Integration

Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration provides SOA features and components that extend business processes to healthcare systems. When Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration is used in a SOA composite application, you can model an end-to-end business process integration.

Oracle SOA Suite provides a complete set of service infrastructure components for designing, deploying, and managing composite applications. The multiple technology components of a composite application share common capabilities, including a single deployment and management model and tooling, end-to-end security, and unified metadata management.

In a SOA implementation, Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration functions as a binding component, with network protocols and services that enable message sending and receiving. As a service (inbound), the SOA composite application receives messages from Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration. As a reference (outbound), the SOA composite application passes a message to Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration, which in turn sends the message to external systems.

For more information about Oracle SOA Suite, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

1.1.4 Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration Metadata

Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration instance data is stored and managed within the SOAINFRA schema of your database. Metadata for design-time and configuration is stored and managed through Metadata Services (MDS), available in Oracle Fusion Middleware. For more information about MDS, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide

Due to the storage of healthcare integration data in the metadata repository, it is possible that the tablespace will become full. If this occurs, increase the size of the tablespace. Increasing the size of the redo log file also helps to improve performance when importing large configurations. A larger log file requires more space but reduces the need for applications to retry the operation.

1.1.5 Security

Security for Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration is handled through Oracle WebLogic Server. You can create user accounts in WebLogic Server for people who need to view and modify components in Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration and then provision those accounts using the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console. In order to have edit privileges on the healthcare integration user interface, users must be granted either the Administrator or Monitor role in Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration.

1.2 What You Need to Get Started with Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration

After installing Oracle SOA Suite, you need to perform the following post installation tasks before working with Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration:

  1. Open a command prompt and set the following environment variables:

    setenv ANT_HOME <Middleware_HOME>/modules/org.apache.ant_1.7.1/
    setenv PATH=$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH
    setenv JAVA_HOME <Middleware_HOME>/<jrockit_install_directory>
    setenv PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
  2. Download the Healthcare library (ofm_healthcare_lib_generic_11. from Oracle Technology Network (OTN) or eDelivery that contains:

    • StdMultiSetupInstOracle.exe for Windows

    • StdMultiSetupInstOracle.tar.gz for other operating systems

    Based on the operating system, copy the library to the following location


  3. In a command prompt, run the following commands:

    cd <Middleware_HOME>/<SOA_HOME>/bin
    ant -f ant-soahc-postinstall.xml
  4. Enter the following details when prompted by the ant command to complete the post installation process:

    • Weblogic server user-name (default weblogic)

    • Weblogic server password

    • Weblogic server hostname (default localhost)

    • Admin Server Port (default 7001)

    • Managed Server Port (default 8001)

    • Admin Server Name (default AdminServer)

    • Weblogic Server deploy target (default soa_server1)

    • Weblogic Server platform (default linux64)

    • Database type (default oracle)

    • Database URL

    • SOA Schema username

    • SOA Schema password

  5. Copy the component_events.xml and the component_events.xlf files from <Middleware_HOME>/<SOA_HOME>/soa/thirdparty/healthcare/audit_files/SOA-HCFP/ and overwrite them to <Middleware_HOME>/oracle_common/modules/oracle.iau_11.1.1/components/SOA-HCFP/

  6. Import HL7Doctypes executing the following commands:

    cd <Middleware_HOME>/<SOA_HOME>/bin
    ant -f ant-soahc-postinstall.xml importRepository -Dexportfile="<Middleware_HOME>/<SOA_HOME>/soa/thirdparty/healthcare/hl7_doctypes/<HL7Doctype Zip file>" -Dlocalfile=true -Doverwrite=true

    For example, to import HL7 2.3.1 doc types, execute the following command:

    cd <Middleware_HOME>/<SOA_HOME>/bin
    ant -f ant-soahc-postinstall.xml importRepository -Dexportfile="<Middleware_HOME>/<SOA_HOME>/soa/thirdparty/healthcare/hl7_doctypes/HL7DocType-2.3.1.zip" -Dlocalfile=true -Doverwrite=true


    If the preceding command returns the following error:
    [java] javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: ${java.naming.factory.initial} [Root exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ${java.naming.factory.initial}]

    Then, you need to create the jndi.properties file by using the following command:

    ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bcreate-prop

    The preceding command creates the jndi.properties file.

    Open the jndi.properties file, and then ensure the values inside are correct. Then run the ANT script for importing the HL7 document types again.

  7. Restart both the Admin Server and the Managed Server.

In addition to performing the post installation tasks, you need to install:

  • Oracle Document Editor

  • Oracle JDeveloper

Use the standards-based templates of Oracle Document Editor to create guideline files. Then, use Healthcare Adapter binding component in Oracle JDeveloper to create and then deploy a healthcare composite, as shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 Oracle JDeveloper: A SOA Composite Application with a Healthcare Binding Component

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Oracle JDeveloper: A SOA Composite Application with a Healthcare Binding Component"

See the following for more information:

1.3 Logging in to Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration

These instructions assume that you have installed Oracle SOA Suite, which includes Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite for more information.

Use a supported Web browser:

  • Mozilla Firefox 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 or later

  • Apple Safari 3.2, 4.0, and 5.0

  • Google Chrome 1.0 or later

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and 9 (with Compatibility View turned off)

To log on to Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration:

  1. Open a supported Web browser and go to:



    • host_name is the name of the host on which Oracle SOA Suite is installed. (In a cluster environment, the host_name can be the front end load balancer.)

    • port_number is the port number used by the Managed Server to listen for regular HTTP (non-SSL) or HTTPS (SSL) connections. (In a cluster environment, the port_number can be the router port.)

      See Section 1.3.1, "Finding Port Information," for more information.

    • /healthcare accesses the healthcare integration user interface.

  2. On the log-in page, enter the following:

    For This Field... Do...
    Username Enter the default administrator user name.
    Password Use the administrator password from your Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g installation.

  3. Click Login.


    The default value for idle time-out of Healthcare user interface (UI) session is 5 minutes.

1.3.1 Finding Port Information

You can find port number information in the following ways:

  • From Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console:

    1. Log on to the console.

    2. In the Domain Structure pane, shown in Figure 1-2, expand Environment and click Servers.

      Figure 1-2 Domain Structure Nodes in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

      Description of Figure 1-2 follows
      Description of "Figure 1-2 Domain Structure Nodes in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console"

    3. Note the Listen Port column for your server.

  • Or from MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/your_domain_name/config/config.xml


1.4 Using the Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration User Interface

Healthcare activities are grouped as follows:

1.4.1 Designer

Use the Configuration subtab of the Designer tab, shown in Figure 1-3, to configure document protocols, endpoints, callouts, mapsets, and the Administration subtab to modify runtime and user interface settings and internal delivery channel settings, and to import, export, and purge metadata. Configuring Documents

Using the Document Protocol folder in the Configuration tab, you can create, modify, or delete document protocols, document protocol version, document type, and document definition as shown in Figure 1-4. These document definitions can later be associated with endpoints.

Figure 1-4 The Document Protocol Folder

Description of Figure 1-4 follows
Description of "Figure 1-4 The Document Protocol Folder"


You can create documents with Oracle Document Editor, or you can use a pre-seeded export zip file that contains already created document definitions by using the Import/Export feature available in the Administration tab.

See Chapter 3, "Working with Document Types and Protocols" for more information on documents and document protocols. Configuring Endpoints

Endpoints are locations from where messages are sent or received. An endpoint can be a URL, folders, or path, among others. You can use the Endpoints folder in the Configuration tab to create, modify, or delete endpoints, as well as associate an endpoint with document definitions.

Figure 1-5 displays a sample endpoint.

Figure 1-5 Sample Endpoint

Description of Figure 1-5 follows
Description of "Figure 1-5 Sample Endpoint"

See Chapter 4, "Working with Endpoints" for more information on endpoints. Configuring Callouts

Callouts are used for customizing message processing. For example, callouts can be used to update a message or convert the message format of a remote endpoint to another format. You can use the Callout folder in the Configuration tab to create, modify, or delete callouts.

Figure 1-6 displays a sample callout.

Figure 1-6 Sample Callout

Description of Figure 1-6 follows
Description of "Figure 1-6 Sample Callout"

See Chapter 5, "Working with Callouts" for more information on callouts. Configuring Mapsets

Mapsets enable you to directly transform one native data format to another native format. You can use the Mapset folder in the Configuration tab to create, modify, or delete mapsets.

Figure 1-7 displays a sample mapset.

See Chapter 6, "Working with Mapsets" for more information on mapsets. Configuring Internal Delivery Channels

An internal delivery channel defines how a message is delivered from Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration to a JMS topic or queue to make it available to internal healthcare systems, or how a message that was sent to a topic or queue from an external system is delivered to Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration. It defines the connection information, the transport protocol, and so on. You can use the Internal Delivery Channel on the Administration tab to create and configure internal delivery channels.

Figure 1-8 displays a sample internal delivery channel.

Figure 1-8 Sample Internal Delivery Channel

Description of Figure 1-8 follows
Description of "Figure 1-8 Sample Internal Delivery Channel"

See Chapter 7, "Working with Internal Delivery Channels" for more information on internal delivery channels. Setting runtime and User Interface Properties

Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration enables you to modify runtime and user interface properties. Use the Runtime and UI icons available under the Settings folder in the Administration tab for modifying these properties:

  • runtime settings: Double-click the Runtime icon to display the Runtime Settings page, where you can modify runtime parameters related to functional acknowledgment, large payloads, callout directory names, and dispatcher counts.

    Figure 1-9 displays the Runtime Settings page.

    Figure 1-9 The Runtime Settings Page

    Description of Figure 1-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-9 The Runtime Settings Page"

  • User Interface settings: Double-click the UI icon to display the User Interface Settings page where you can specify the following:

    • Time slider periods: Enables you to select up to nine time slider periods to be made available for Time Range selection in the Dashboard Summary page

    • Dashboard Summary settings: Enables you to specify historical time range to show statistics for Dashboards, number of columns to use in the endpoint status grid, and auto-refresh interval (in seconds) for the Dashboard Summary view

    • Endpoint settings: Enables you to specify display style for Document Type statistics (Gauge or Table), number of columns to use in Gauges grid, and auto-refresh interval (in seconds) for the Endpoint Detailed view of the Dashboard

    • Reports settings: Enables you to specify auto-refresh interval (in seconds) for reports, number of rows per page to be shown in the Reports Result table, and display of message payload

    Figure 1-10 displays a sample User Interface Settings page.

    Figure 1-10 The User Interface Settings Page

    Description of Figure 1-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-10 The User Interface Settings Page"

See Chapter 13, "Configuring System Settings" for more information on runtime and user-interface settings. Managing Repository Data

The Repository Management page allows you to export Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration repository data and to import other exported files, such as document definitions, mapsets, or other healthcare-related repository data. You can also purge design-time and runtime metadata.

Figure 1-11 Repository Management Page

Description of Figure 1-11 follows
Description of "Figure 1-11 Repository Management Page"

See Chapter 12, "Managing the Repository" for more information on managing the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration repository. Configuring Alerts and Contacts

The Alerts and Contacts page allows you to define a list of contacts and then associate each contact with the events of which they should be notified. An alert can be sent for a variety of runtime and design-time events.

Figure 1-12 Alerts and Contacts Page

Description of Figure 1-12 follows
Description of "Figure 1-12 Alerts and Contacts Page"

See Chapter 10, "Configuring Alerts and Contacts" for more information on managing alerts and contacts.

1.4.2 Dashboards

Clicking the Dashboards tab displays the Dashboards page. When you open the Dashboards page for the first time, the following options are displayed as shown in Figure 1-13:

  • Set Up Default Dashboard to Show Whenever Tab Is Selected: Specify the dashboard name that will be displayed as a default when you open the Dashboards page

  • Open or Edit Existing Dashboards: Open or edit available dashboards

  • Create Dashboard: Create a new dashboard

  • Delete Existing Dashboards: Delete a dashboard

Figure 1-13 The Dashboard Page

Description of Figure 1-13 follows
Description of "Figure 1-13 The Dashboard Page"

Subsequent access to the Dashboards page displays the default dashboard page that you have specified earlier. On this page, you can see all the endpoints associated with a particular dashboard. In addition, the page enables you to specify whether to show all endpoints regardless of their state, number of columns in which the endpoints are displayed, and auto-refresh interval for the dashboard. The page also provides a Dashboard Editor button that enables you to modify the dashboard name, as well as select the required endpoints for the dashboard from a list of available endpoints.

Each endpoint provides options that enable you to view the endpoint properties and also to configure the endpoint. Moving the mouse cursor over the information icon of a particular endpoint displays the endpoint properties. When you click the Configure This Endpoint icon, which is located next to the information icon, you are redirected to the relevant endpoint edit page.

You can click the icon on upper right corner of the endpoint window to view the details.

Figure 1-14 displays a sample Dashboard page.

Figure 1-14 Sample Dashboard

Description of Figure 1-14 follows
Description of "Figure 1-14 Sample Dashboard"

See Chapter 8, "Working with Dashboards" for more information on dashboards.

1.4.3 Reports

Clicking the Reports tab displays the Reports page. The Reports page lists all the different types of inbound and outbound messages (wire, business, and application) pertaining to all the endpoints. In addition, the page enables you to:

  • Navigate through the available messages

  • Specify the number of messages to be displayed per page

  • Open a message filter editor to create business message report filters

  • Specify auto-refresh interval

When you click a message from the list the lower pane displays all the different message types for the selected message, which are Wire Message, Business Message, and Application Message. Clicking each of the message type displays the details.

Figure 1-15 displays a sample report containing a list of the messages, message type details, and the Business Message Report Editor.

Figure 1-15 Sample Report

Description of Figure 1-15 follows
Description of "Figure 1-15 Sample Report"

See Chapter 9, "Working with Reports" for more information on reports.

1.5 Accessibility Options

This section describes accessibility options available with Oracle B2B.

1.5.1 Enabling Accessibility Features in Oracle B2B

Oracle B2B provides the screen reader option, which enables your screen reader to access and read all components of the application.

To enable screen reader:

  1. Click the Enable screen reader mode link in the top right corner.

  2. The following confirmation message appears: This will enable screen reader mode for the current session. Do you want to continue?

  3. Click Yes to confirm.