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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class IdeSettings

  extended by oracle.ide.config.IdeSettings

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IdeSettings
extends java.lang.Object
implements Copyable

IdeSettings provides access to the preferences framework.

Obtain an instance of IdeSettings using Ide.getSettings().

Extension writers should not subclass or create instances of this class

Field Summary
static java.lang.String DATA_KEY
          The data key for ide settings.
static java.lang.String FILENAME
          The base filename used to store ide settings.
static java.lang.String NAMESPACE_URI
          The namespace URI for ide settings.
static java.lang.String ROOT_TAG
          The root xml element for ide settings.


Constructor Summary
          Extension writers should not create instances of IdeSettings.
IdeSettings(IdeSettings ideSettings)
          Copy constructor.


Method Summary
protected  void addClientSetting(ClientSetting setting)
 java.lang.Object copyTo(java.lang.Object target)
          Copies the internal state of this object to the specified copy.
protected  void copyToImpl(IdeSettings copy)
static void deregisterUI(Navigable ui)
          Deregisters user interface from the Preferences dialog.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
protected  boolean equalsImpl(IdeSettings opt)
          This is a helper method for equals(Object) that can also be used by subclasses that implement equals(Object).
 ClientSetting getClientSetting(java.lang.String dataKey)
          Gets the client data object associated with the specified dataKey.
 java.lang.Object getData(java.lang.String dataKey)
          Gets the data object associated with the specified dataKey.
 Navigable getEnvironNavigable()
          Deprecated. as of 11.0. No replacement. Extensions should not be directly accessing the Navigable for the Environment page in preferences; instead you should
 KeyStrokeOptions getKeyStrokeOptions()
          Convenience method for getting at one of the built in options.
static Navigable[] getNavigables()
          Deprecated. since 11.0 with no replacement.
 boolean hasData(java.lang.String dataKey)
          Checks if a data object assiciated with the specifid dataKey exists.
 void init()
          Initializes some core preferences.
 boolean isAskExit()
          Returns whether the user should be asked to exit the IDE when the settings dialog closes.
 boolean load()
          Loads the registered data from the XML file.
 void putData(java.lang.String dataKey, Copyable data)
          Deprecated. Use the ClientSetting object to put client specific settings.
 void putLegacyData(java.lang.String dataKey, Copyable data)
          Note: This method should only be used by legacy code that is migrating preferences forward to the Fusion release.
 void register()
          Deprecated. since 11.0 with no replacement. This method no longer does anything.
static void registerUI(Navigable ui)
          Registers user interface for the Preferences dialog.
 void removeLegacyData(java.lang.String dataKey)
          Removes the legacy data at the specified key.
 boolean save()
          Saves the registered data to the XML file.
 void setAskExit(boolean askExit)
          Sets whether the user should be asked to exit the IDE when the settings dialog closes.
 void showDialog(java.awt.Frame parent)
          Shows the configuration dialog.
 void showDialog(java.awt.Frame parent, MDDPanel panel, java.lang.String[] selectionPath)
          Shows the configuration dialog.
 void showDialog(java.awt.Frame parent, java.lang.String[] selectionPath)
          Shows the configuration dialog.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String FILENAME
The base filename used to store ide settings.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DATA_KEY
The data key for ide settings.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String NAMESPACE_URI
The namespace URI for ide settings.


public static final java.lang.String ROOT_TAG
The root xml element for ide settings.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public IdeSettings()
Extension writers should not create instances of IdeSettings. Obtain an instance of IdeSettings using Ide.getSettings().


public IdeSettings(IdeSettings ideSettings)
Copy constructor. Extension writers should not call this constructor.

Method Detail


public void register()
Deprecated. since 11.0 with no replacement. This method no longer does anything.


public void init()
Initializes some core preferences.

This method should not be called by extension developers.


public java.lang.Object copyTo(java.lang.Object target)
Description copied from interface: Copyable
Copies the internal state of this object to the specified copy. If copy is null, then this method should create a new instance of this class and proceed to copy the internal state to the newly created object. Generally, only the persistent state of the object should be copied, but whether or not it is appropriate to copy transient properties is at the discretion of the individual implementor.

Regardless of whether the copy occurs to an existing object or to a newly created object, the return value is object to which this object's state was copied.

There is a standard implementation pattern for the copyTo method that helps avoid problems that arise when a Copyable object is subclassed. The pattern is:

    public Object copyTo( Object target )
      final <this_class> copy =
        target != null ? (<this_class>) target : new <this_class>();
      copyToImpl( copy );
      return copy;

    protected final void copyToImpl( <this_class> copy )
      super.copyToImpl( copy );  //  if necessary
      //  put code here for copying the properties of <this_class>
The parameter passed into the copyToImpl method is the same type of this class. The responsibility of copyToImpl is to copy the state of this class through direct access of the fields. The copyToImpl method should not use getters and setters since these may be overridden, causing the state of this class to be incompletely copied.
Specified by:
copyTo in interface Copyable
target - The target object to which the state of this object should be copied. If target is null, then the copyTo method will return a new instance of this class.
The object to which the state of this object was copied. If the target was non-null, then the return value is the same as the target object that was passed in; otherwise, the return value is a new instance of this class.


protected final void copyToImpl(IdeSettings copy)


public static void registerUI(Navigable ui)
Registers user interface for the Preferences dialog. This mechanism has been superceded by the <settings-ui-hook> registration mechanism in extension.xml. This method will likely be deprecated in a future release.
ui - user interface to register.


public static void deregisterUI(Navigable ui)
Deregisters user interface from the Preferences dialog. This mechanism has been superceded by the <settings-ui-hook> registration mechanism in extension.xml. This method will likely be deprecated in a future release.
ui - user interface to deregister.


public static Navigable[] getNavigables()
Deprecated. since 11.0 with no replacement.


public boolean isAskExit()
Returns whether the user should be asked to exit the IDE when the settings dialog closes.


public void setAskExit(boolean askExit)
Sets whether the user should be asked to exit the IDE when the settings dialog closes.


public Navigable getEnvironNavigable()
Deprecated. as of 11.0. No replacement. Extensions should not be directly accessing the Navigable for the Environment page in preferences; instead you should


public boolean hasData(java.lang.String dataKey)
Checks if a data object assiciated with the specifid dataKey exists. This method does not cause the loading of the settings, therefore it should be used to check for data existance instead of calling getData for that purpose.
dataKey - unique key identifying the data.
true if the settings holds the sought data.


public ClientSetting getClientSetting(java.lang.String dataKey)
                               throws TransientMarker
Gets the client data object associated with the specified dataKey.
dataKey - unique key identifying the data.
the sought client setting object. If none found, this method returns null.


public java.lang.Object getData(java.lang.String dataKey)
                         throws TransientMarker
Gets the data object associated with the specified dataKey. Don't use this method to check for the existance of the data. Instead use the hasData method.
dataKey - unique key identifying the data.
the sought data, null if not found.


public void putData(java.lang.String dataKey,
                    Copyable data)
Deprecated. Use the ClientSetting object to put client specific settings.
Extensions should never call this method to set their ide settings. Extensions must use the ClientSetting object to do so.

This method is only available for backwards compatibility

dataKey - unique key identifying the data.
data - the data.


public void putLegacyData(java.lang.String dataKey,
                          Copyable data)
Note: This method should only be used by legacy code that is migrating preferences forward to the Fusion release. Classes newly introduced in Fusion and later that store their data in Preferences should not use this method.

Used by extensions to preserve compatibility with previous releases for settings that have been moved from IdeSettings or ClientSetting (Object2Dom format) into Preferences (HashStructure format). It is not advised to use this method if your settings classes did not undergo such a transition (it will complicate what you have to do to migrate your settings properly).

dataKey - unique key identifying the data.
data - the data.


public void removeLegacyData(java.lang.String dataKey)
Removes the legacy data at the specified key. This is used to reset the state of IdeSettings for a particular key so that a subsequent call to putLegacyData will re-trigger its behavior.
dataKey - The id of the legacy object to remove.


public KeyStrokeOptions getKeyStrokeOptions()
Convenience method for getting at one of the built in options.


public boolean save()
Saves the registered data to the XML file.


public boolean load()
Loads the registered data from the XML file.


public void showDialog(java.awt.Frame parent)
Shows the configuration dialog.


public void showDialog(java.awt.Frame parent,
                       java.lang.String[] selectionPath)
Shows the configuration dialog.


public void showDialog(java.awt.Frame parent,
                       MDDPanel panel,
                       java.lang.String[] selectionPath)
Shows the configuration dialog.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
equals in class java.lang.Object


protected final boolean equalsImpl(IdeSettings opt)
This is a helper method for equals(Object) that can also be used by subclasses that implement equals(Object). It assumes that the argument is not null.


protected final void addClientSetting(ClientSetting setting)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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