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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class DBEditorFactoryRegistry

  extended by oracle.ide.db.dialogs.DBEditorFactoryRegistry

public class DBEditorFactoryRegistry
extends java.lang.Object

Registry where DBEditorFactory classes are registered to provider create/edit support for a given class of DBObjectProvider.


Method Summary
static DBEditorFactory findFactory(java.lang.Class<? extends DBObjectProvider> c)
          Finds the factory for a given provider class.
static DBEditorFactory getCreateFactory(DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String dbObjectType)
          Finds and returns a factory that can create an object of the given type in the given schema and provider.
static DBEditorFactory getCreateFactory(DBObjectTypeNode node)
          Finds and returns a factory that can create an object of the given type in the given schema and provider.
static DBEditorFactory getEditFactory(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Finds and returns a factory that can edit the given object.
static DBEditorFactory getEditFactory(DBObjectNode node)
          Finds and returns a factory that can edit an object of the type specified by DBObjectTypeNode.getObjectType().
static DBEditorFactory getEditFactory(SchemaObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
static void registerDBEditorFactory(java.lang.Class providerClass, DBEditorFactory factory)
          Registers a factory against a given provider class.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public static DBEditorFactory findFactory(java.lang.Class<? extends DBObjectProvider> c)
Finds the factory for a given provider class.


public static void registerDBEditorFactory(java.lang.Class providerClass,
                                           DBEditorFactory factory)
Registers a factory against a given provider class.
See Also:


public static DBEditorFactory getCreateFactory(DBObjectProvider pro,
                                               java.lang.String dbObjectType)
Finds and returns a factory that can create an object of the given type in the given schema and provider.
null if the provider isn't supported or the object cannot be created.


public static DBEditorFactory getCreateFactory(DBObjectTypeNode node)
Finds and returns a factory that can create an object of the given type in the given schema and provider.
null if the provider isn't supported or the object cannot be created.


public static DBEditorFactory getEditFactory(SchemaObject obj,
                                             DBObjectProvider pro)
See Also:


public static DBEditorFactory getEditFactory(DBObject obj,
                                             DBObjectProvider pro)
Finds and returns a factory that can edit the given object.
null if the provider isn't supported or the object cannot be modified.


public static DBEditorFactory getEditFactory(DBObjectNode node)
Finds and returns a factory that can edit an object of the type specified by DBObjectTypeNode.getObjectType().
null if the provider isn't supported or an object of that type cannot be modified.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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