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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface ApplicationChangeListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ApplicationChangeListener

Callback interface for when the selected application has changed in the Application Navigator. There are two ways to implement a listener so that it is notified of changes to the selected application.

The first is for DockableWindow instances that are hosted in the Application Navigator itself. The easiest approach is for the DockableWindow subclass itself to implement ApplicationChangeListener. The Application Navigator detects this and will call the listener method back whenever the selected application changes.

The second way is to register a separate class with the Application Navigator to get called back. This approach is less common and should be used with care, because it tends to raise higher level usability issues when more distant parts of the UI are responsive to changes in the navigator's selected application. There are many edge cases to consider. Once those are accounted for, use this sample code to register your listener with the Application Navigator: NavigatorManager navMgr = NavigatorManager.getApplicationNavigatorManager(); NavigatorWindow navWin = navMgr.getNavigatorWindow(); if (navWin instanceof ApplicationChangeNotifier) { ApplicationChangeNotifier notifier = (ApplicationChangeNotifier) navWin; navWin.addApplicationChangeListener(yourListener); }

Method Summary
 void applicationChanged(ApplicationChangeEvent e)
          Notification that the selected application has changed.


Method Detail


void applicationChanged(ApplicationChangeEvent e)
Notification that the selected application has changed. Both the old and new application are passed through the event object. The implementation should return as soon as possible; this method is called on the AWT event dispatch thread and will block painting. For long-running implementations, it would be appropriate to put up a "working..." type of message in your UI, push the work onto a background Thread, and then update the UI with invokeLater.
e - the event object containing information about the change.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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