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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class Starter

  extended by oracle.ide.runner.Starter

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Starter
extends java.lang.Object

A class that represents a way of starting a process.

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.Process process
          The Process that has been started.
protected  RunProcess runProcess
          The RunProcess that will be or has been started by this Starter.
protected  java.lang.Exception startException
          Exception thrown from Runtime exec.


Constructor Summary
protected Starter(RunProcess runProcess)
          The constructor simply sets the runProcess field.


Method Summary
 boolean canContainRunProcesses()
          Tests whether this Starter starts a process that can have child processes (RunProcess with a parent pointer).
 boolean canStart(java.util.List errors)
          Returns true if the process can be started.
 boolean canTerminate()
          Tests whether this Starter can terminate the process.
 boolean canTerminateGracefully()
          Tests whether this Starter can terminate the process gracefully.
 void finished()
          This method is called when the process has finished.
 java.lang.Integer getExitCode()
          Returns the exit code for the process.
 java.lang.Process getProcess()
          Returns the process that was started.
 java.lang.String[] getStartCommand()
          Returns the command line that will be executed to start the process. getStartDirectory()
          Returns the working directory that will be used to start the process.
 java.lang.String[] getStartEnvironmentParams()
          Returns the environment parameters that will be used in starting the process.
 java.lang.Exception getStartException()
 java.lang.String[] getTerminateCommand()
 java.lang.String[] getTerminateEnvironmentParams()
          Returns the environment parameters that will be used in starting the process.
 boolean isStartOnly()
          Tests whether this Starter requires no debugging connection (a non-process Starter).
 boolean mustPrepareToStart()
          If the starter needs to do some work before starting and that work should not be done on the event thread, then the starter should override this method.
 boolean prepareToStart()
          If the starter needs to do some work before starting and that work should not be done on the event thread, then the starter should override this method.
 java.lang.Boolean reuseLogPage(RunLogPage runLogPage)
          This method gives the starter a chance to control the behavior of reusing a RunLogPage.
 boolean start()
          Starts the process.
 void terminate()
          Terminates the process.
 void terminateGracefully()
          Terminates the process gracefully.
 int waitForProcess()
          Waits for the process to finish and returns the exit code for the process.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


protected RunProcess runProcess
The RunProcess that will be or has been started by this Starter.


protected java.lang.Process process
The Process that has been started.


protected java.lang.Exception startException
Exception thrown from Runtime exec.

Constructor Detail


protected Starter(RunProcess runProcess)
The constructor simply sets the runProcess field.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String[] getStartEnvironmentParams()
Returns the environment parameters that will be used in starting the process.

The default behavior is to call the RunProcess.getStartEnvironmentParams() method.

array of strings, each element of which has environment variable settings in format name=value.


public java.lang.String[] getTerminateEnvironmentParams()
Returns the environment parameters that will be used in starting the process.

The default behavior is to return null. TODO: Implement RunProcess.getTerminateEnvironmentParams()

array of strings, each element of which has environment variable settings in format name=value.


public getStartDirectory()
Returns the working directory that will be used to start the process.

The default behavior is to call the RunProcess.getStartDirectory() method.

the start directory


public java.lang.String[] getStartCommand()
Returns the command line that will be executed to start the process.

The default behavior is to call the RunProcess.getStartCommand() method.

the command line


public java.lang.Boolean reuseLogPage(RunLogPage runLogPage)
This method gives the starter a chance to control the behavior of reusing a RunLogPage. This method is called when a RunProcess needs a run log page. It is called with each existing run log page, until a reusable page is found. If no existing run log page is reusable, then a new run log page will be created. The implementation here, returning null, will let the RunProcess decide whether it should reuse the page or not. Some subclasses of Starter may decide to override this method. They should return
runLogPage - the run log page being considered for reuse
whether to reuse, not reuse, or don't care.


public boolean canStart(java.util.List errors)
Returns true if the process can be started. If the process can not be started, this method should add appropriate error messages to the errors parameter.
errors - a list of error messages
true if the process can be started.


public boolean mustPrepareToStart()
If the starter needs to do some work before starting and that work should not be done on the event thread, then the starter should override this method.


public boolean prepareToStart()
If the starter needs to do some work before starting and that work should not be done on the event thread, then the starter should override this method.


public boolean start()
Starts the process.

After the process is started, it calls the RunProcess.redirectOutput(, method with the standard output and error streams and the RunProcess.redirectInput( method with the standard input stream.

true if the process was started.


public int waitForProcess()
Waits for the process to finish and returns the exit code for the process.
the exit code for the process.


public java.lang.Integer getExitCode()
Returns the exit code for the process. If the process has not finished, this method will return null;
the exit code


public java.lang.Process getProcess()
Returns the process that was started. If the process has not been started, this method will return null;
the process that was started


public java.lang.Exception getStartException()
the exception thrown from Runtime exec, if any.


public java.lang.String[] getTerminateCommand()


public boolean canTerminateGracefully()
Tests whether this Starter can terminate the process gracefully.
true if this Starter can terminate the process gracefully.


public void terminateGracefully()
Terminates the process gracefully.


public boolean canTerminate()
Tests whether this Starter can terminate the process.
true if this Starter can terminate the process.


public void terminate()
Terminates the process.


public void finished()
This method is called when the process has finished.


public boolean isStartOnly()
Tests whether this Starter requires no debugging connection (a non-process Starter). By default Starters use local debugging.
true if this Starter uses no debugging.


public boolean canContainRunProcesses()
Tests whether this Starter starts a process that can have child processes (RunProcess with a parent pointer).
true if this Starter uses no debugging.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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