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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class Assert

  extended by oracle.ide.util.Assert

public final class Assert
extends java.lang.Object

The Assert class provides basic assertion and tracing support. All of the methods in this class are static and return void; this allows the OJC compiler to optionally exclude calls to these methods made from other classes. Thus, Assert method calls can be present in debug builds and not in release builds.

The check and precondition methods will throw exceptions if checking is enabled. Checking is enabled by default. To disable checking, pass the flag


to the VM when starting up by using an AddVMOption entry in the jdev.conf file or passing the flag on the command line if invoking directly.

For command line programs based on the IDE code base that write to standard output and error, the voluminous output that passes through the trace methods makes it difficult to use and test these programs. To disable tracing output, pass the flag


to the VM when starting up by using an AddVMOption entry in the jdev.conf file or passing the flag on the command line if invoking directly.

See Also:
precondition(boolean), precondition(boolean, String), check(boolean), check(boolean, String)

Method Summary
static void check(boolean condition)
          Check a condition within a method body.
static void check(boolean condition, java.lang.String description)
          Check a condition within a method body.
static void checkAWTThread()
          Checks that the current thread is the AWT event dispatcher.
static void checkTracking(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object object)
          Call this method immediately after the potential object tasks performs a time consuming operation.
static void endTiming(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String indent, boolean quietStart)
          Ends timing of an event and prints the elapsed time between the time stored with startTiming() and endTiming() using Assert.
static void endTiming(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String indent, boolean quietStart, boolean prefixThread)
          Ends timing of an event and prints the elapsed time between the time stored with startTiming() and endTiming() using Assert.
static void endTiming(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String indent, boolean quietStart, boolean prefixThread, long timeThreshold)
          Ends timing of an event and prints the elapsed time between the time stored with startTiming() and endTiming() using Assert.
static void endTiming(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String indent, boolean quietStart, long timeThreshold)
          Ends timing of an event and prints the elapsed time between the time stored with startTiming() and endTiming() using Assert.
static void endTracking(java.lang.String key)
          Report the result of the tracking.
static void endTracking(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String msg)
          Report the result of the tracking.
static void execute(java.lang.Runnable runnable)
static void exit(int code)
          Exit the IDE with an error code.
static void fail()
          Shorthand for causing a check exception if the code reaches an unexpected location.
static void fail(java.lang.Exception exception)
          Shorthand for causing a check exception if the code reaches an unexpected location.
static void fail(java.lang.String description)
          Shorthand for causing a check exception if the code reaches an unexpected location.
static void markTracking(java.lang.String key)
          Call this object just before a potentional object is about to perform a lengthy operation.
static void precondition(boolean condition)
          Assert a precondition before a method body run.
static void precondition(boolean condition, java.lang.String description)
          Assert a precondition before a method body run.
static void print(boolean condition, java.lang.String s)
          Print a string to standard error if a condition is true.
static void print(boolean condition, java.lang.String trueString, java.lang.String falseString)
          Print a string to standard error based on the evaluation of a condition.
static void print(java.lang.String s)
          Print a string to standard error.
static void printHeader(java.lang.String msg)
          Print a header of the form: [--] msg.
static void println(boolean condition, java.lang.String s)
          Print a string and a newline to standard error if a condition is true
static void println(boolean condition, java.lang.String trueString, java.lang.String falseString)
          Print a string and a newline to standard error based on the evaluation of a condition.
static void println(java.lang.String s)
          Print a string and a newline to standard error.
static void println(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.Object param)
          Print a one parameter formatted message string and a newline to standard error.
static void println(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.Object[] params)
          Print a multiple parameter formatted message string and a newline to standard error.
static void println(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.Object param1, java.lang.Object param2)
          Print a two parameter formatted message string and a newline to standard error.
static void println(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.Object param1, java.lang.Object param2, java.lang.Object param3)
          Print a three parameter formatted message string and a newline to standard error.
static void printStackTrace()
          Print a diagnostic stack trace of the current thread.
static void printStackTrace(boolean condition, java.lang.String s)
          Print a diagnostic stack trace if the specified condition is true.
static void printStackTrace(java.lang.String message)
          Print a diagnostic stack trace of the current thread.
static void printStackTrace(java.lang.Throwable ex)
          Print the stack trace of a Throwable.
static void printTiming(long time, java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String indent)
          This method takes the time and the message and indent strings and formats them, then it prints them.
static void printTiming(long time, java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String indent, long threshold)
          This method takes the time and the message and indent strings and formats them, then it prints them.
static int printTimingThreshold()
static void startTiming(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String msg, boolean quietStart)
          Starts timing of an event which will be reported using Assert.endTiming() The name of the currently executing thread is prefixed to the name of the key passed in.
static void startTiming(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String msg, boolean quietStart, boolean prefixThread)
          Starts timing of an event which will be reported using Assert
static void startTracking(java.lang.String key)
          Get ready to track the time taken by a list of tasks.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public static void precondition(boolean condition,
                                java.lang.String description)
                         throws oracle.ide.util.Assert.PreconditionException
Assert a precondition before a method body run. Use this to describe assumed state and parameter values. A precondition is raised if the given condition is not true. An error here usually indicates a problem with the use of the class.
condition - The condition being asserted.
description - The description of the failed assertion


public static void precondition(boolean condition)
                         throws oracle.ide.util.Assert.PreconditionException
Assert a precondition before a method body run. Use this to describe assumed state and parameter values. A precondition is raised if the given condition is not true. An error here usually indicates a problem with the use of the class.
condition - The condition being asserted.


public static void check(boolean condition,
                         java.lang.String description)
                  throws oracle.ide.util.Assert.CheckException
Check a condition within a method body. Use this to describe assumed results and state after internal operations. A check is raised if the given condition is not true. An error here usually indicates an internal problem with the class.
condition - The condition being asserted.
description - The description of the failed assertion


public static void check(boolean condition)
                  throws oracle.ide.util.Assert.CheckException
Check a condition within a method body. Use this to describe assumed results and state after internal operations. A check is raised if the given condition is not true. An error here usually indicates an internal problem with the class.
condition - The condition being asserted.


public static void checkAWTThread()
                           throws oracle.ide.util.Assert.CheckException
Checks that the current thread is the AWT event dispatcher.


public static void fail(java.lang.String description)
                 throws oracle.ide.util.Assert.CheckException
Shorthand for causing a check exception if the code reaches an unexpected location.
description - The description of the failure


public static void fail()
                 throws oracle.ide.util.Assert.CheckException
Shorthand for causing a check exception if the code reaches an unexpected location.


public static void fail(java.lang.Exception exception)
                 throws oracle.ide.util.Assert.CheckException
Shorthand for causing a check exception if the code reaches an unexpected location.
exception - An exception encapsulating the failure


public static void exit(int code)
Exit the IDE with an error code.
code - the Exit code.


public static void printStackTrace()
Print a diagnostic stack trace of the current thread.


public static void printStackTrace(java.lang.String message)
Print a diagnostic stack trace of the current thread.


public static void printStackTrace(java.lang.Throwable ex)
Print the stack trace of a Throwable.
ex - The Throwable with the stack trace info.


public static void printStackTrace(boolean condition,
                                   java.lang.String s)
Print a diagnostic stack trace if the specified condition is true.
condition - the condition that determines whether to print the stack trace.
s - the string to print before the stack trace.


public static void print(java.lang.String s)
Print a string to standard error.
s - the string to print.


public static void print(boolean condition,
                         java.lang.String s)
Print a string to standard error if a condition is true.
condition - the condition to evaluate
s - the string to print.


public static void print(boolean condition,
                         java.lang.String trueString,
                         java.lang.String falseString)
Print a string to standard error based on the evaluation of a condition.
condition - the condition to evaluate
trueString - the string to print if condition is true.
falseString - the string to print if condition is false.


public static void println(java.lang.String s)
Print a string and a newline to standard error.
s - the string to print


public static void println(boolean condition,
                           java.lang.String s)
Print a string and a newline to standard error if a condition is true
condition - the condition to evaluate
s - the string to print.


public static void println(boolean condition,
                           java.lang.String trueString,
                           java.lang.String falseString)
Print a string and a newline to standard error based on the evaluation of a condition.
condition - the condition to evaluate
trueString - the string to print if condition is true.
falseString - the string to print if condition is false.


public static void println(java.lang.String pattern,
                           java.lang.Object param)
Print a one parameter formatted message string and a newline to standard error. Convenience wrapper for println(String,Object[]).


public static void println(java.lang.String pattern,
                           java.lang.Object param1,
                           java.lang.Object param2)
Print a two parameter formatted message string and a newline to standard error. Convenience wrapper for println(String,Object[]).


public static void println(java.lang.String pattern,
                           java.lang.Object param1,
                           java.lang.Object param2,
                           java.lang.Object param3)
Print a three parameter formatted message string and a newline to standard error. Convenience wrapper for println(String,Object[]).


public static void println(java.lang.String pattern,
                           java.lang.Object[] params)
Print a multiple parameter formatted message string and a newline to standard error.
pattern - the format pattern for the message.
params - an array of objects to be formatted and substituted into the result string.
See Also:


public static void execute(java.lang.Runnable runnable)


public static void startTiming(java.lang.String key,
                               java.lang.String msg,
                               boolean quietStart)
Starts timing of an event which will be reported using Assert.endTiming() The name of the currently executing thread is prefixed to the name of the key passed in.
key - typically the fully-qualified class name with the method name at the end (eg, "oracle.ide.Ide.fireEvent")
msg - An optional message to print. If null nothing will be printed, only the start time will be stored
quietStart - true if you want to store timing information and print it using endTiming(); false otherwise.


public static void startTiming(java.lang.String key,
                               java.lang.String msg,
                               boolean quietStart,
                               boolean prefixThread)
Starts timing of an event which will be reported using Assert
key - typically the fully-qualified class name with the method name at the end (eg, "oracle.ide.Ide.fireEvent")
msg - An optional message to print. If null nothing will be printed, only the start time will be stored
quietStart - true if you want to store timing information and print it using endTiming(); false otherwise.
prefixThread - true if the key should be prefixed by the name of the currently executing thread; false otherwise


public static void endTiming(java.lang.String key,
                             java.lang.String msg,
                             java.lang.String indent,
                             boolean quietStart)
Ends timing of an event and prints the elapsed time between the time stored with startTiming() and endTiming() using Assert. The name of the currently executing thread is prefixed to the name of the key passed in.
key - typically the fully-qualified class name with the method name at the end (eg, "oracle.ide.Ide.fireEvent")
msg - the message to print
indent - A string of spaces to be used for indenting the message. Null is allowed and will mean no indentation.
quietStart - true if you want to store timing information and print it using endTiming(); false otherwise.


public static void endTiming(java.lang.String key,
                             java.lang.String msg,
                             java.lang.String indent,
                             boolean quietStart,
                             long timeThreshold)
Ends timing of an event and prints the elapsed time between the time stored with startTiming() and endTiming() using Assert. The name of the currently executing thread is prefixed to the name of the key passed in.
key - typically the fully-qualified class name with the method name at the end (eg, "oracle.ide.Ide.fireEvent")
msg - the message to print
indent - A string of spaces to be used for indenting the message. Null is allowed and will mean no indentation.
quietStart - true if you want to store timing information and print it using endTiming(); false otherwise.
timeThreshold - minimum number of elapsed milliseconds by the operation being timed to have the message being displayed, any operation that takes less than timeThreshold will not have their time displayed


public static void endTiming(java.lang.String key,
                             java.lang.String msg,
                             java.lang.String indent,
                             boolean quietStart,
                             boolean prefixThread)
Ends timing of an event and prints the elapsed time between the time stored with startTiming() and endTiming() using Assert. The name of the currently executing thread is prefixed to the name of the key passed in.
key - typically the fully-qualified class name with the method name at the end (eg, "oracle.ide.Ide.fireEvent")
msg - the message to print
indent - A string of spaces to be used for indenting the message. Null is allowed and will mean no indentation.
quietStart - true if you want to store timing information and print it using endTiming(); false otherwise.
prefixThread - true if the key should be prefixed by the name of the currently executing thread; false otherwise


public static void endTiming(java.lang.String key,
                             java.lang.String msg,
                             java.lang.String indent,
                             boolean quietStart,
                             boolean prefixThread,
                             long timeThreshold)
Ends timing of an event and prints the elapsed time between the time stored with startTiming() and endTiming() using Assert. The name of the currently executing thread is prefixed to the name of the key passed in.
key - typically the fully-qualified class name with the method name at the end (eg, "oracle.ide.Ide.fireEvent")
msg - the message to print
indent - A string of spaces to be used for indenting the message. Null is allowed and will mean no indentation.
quietStart - true if you want to store timing information and print it using endTiming(); false otherwise.
prefixThread - true if the key should be prefixed by the name of the currently executing thread; false otherwise
timeThreshold - minimum number of elapsed milliseconds by the operation being timed to have the message being displayed, any operation that takes less than timeThreshold will not have their time displayed


public static void printTiming(long time,
                               java.lang.String msg,
                               java.lang.String indent)
This method takes the time and the message and indent strings and formats them, then it prints them.


public static void printTiming(long time,
                               java.lang.String msg,
                               java.lang.String indent,
                               long threshold)
This method takes the time and the message and indent strings and formats them, then it prints them.


public static void printHeader(java.lang.String msg)
Print a header of the form: [--] msg.


public static int printTimingThreshold()


public static void startTracking(java.lang.String key)
Get ready to track the time taken by a list of tasks. The slowest task will be reported when endTracking(String) or endTracking(String, String)is called.
key - typically the fully-qualified class name with the method name at the end (eg, "oracle.ide.Ide.fireEvent"). Key is prefixed with the name of the currently executing thread.


public static void markTracking(java.lang.String key)
Call this object just before a potentional object is about to perform a lengthy operation. The method records the start time.
key - typically the fully-qualified class name with the method name at the end (eg, "oracle.ide.Ide.fireEvent"). Key is prefixed with the name of the currently executing thread.


public static void checkTracking(java.lang.String key,
                                 java.lang.Object object)
Call this method immediately after the potential object tasks performs a time consuming operation. This method will updated the task time if the operation took longer than all other previous checks.
key - typically the fully-qualified class name with the method name at the end (eg, "oracle.ide.Ide.fireEvent")
object - the object performing the operation or task.


public static void endTracking(java.lang.String key)
Report the result of the tracking. Only the slowest task time will be reported.
key - typically the fully-qualified class name with the method name at the end (eg, "oracle.ide.Ide.fireEvent")


public static void endTracking(java.lang.String key,
                               java.lang.String msg)
Report the result of the tracking.
key - typically the fully-qualified class name with the method name at the end (eg, "oracle.ide.Ide.fireEvent")
msg - An optional message to indicate that the total time taken by all the tasks should be reported. If null is specified, only the slowest task time will be reported. Key is prefixed with the name of the currently executing thread.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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