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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class WizardCallbacks

  extended by oracle.ide.wizard.WizardCallbacks

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class WizardCallbacks
extends java.lang.Object
implements CommitNotifier

This interface defines callback methods that are implemented by a a Traversable-based wizard dialog for the sake of Traversable panels that need to update the state of the wizard dialog's decorations. A wizard panel receives an instance of WizardCallbacks through the TraversableContext passed into its onEntry(...) method:

WizardCallbacks callbacks = traversableContext.getWizardCallbacks();

Method Summary
abstract  void nextPage()
          Programmatically force the wizard to go to the next page.
abstract  void previousPage()
          Programmatically force the wizard to go to the previous page.
abstract  void wizardEnableButtons(java.lang.Boolean back, java.lang.Boolean next, java.lang.Boolean finish)
          A panel calls this method to update the status of the Back, Next, and Finish buttons.
abstract  void wizardSetInitialFocus(java.awt.Component comp)
          A panel calls this method to specify the component on the panel that should have the initial focus.
abstract  void wizardSkipCurrentStep()
          In the Traversable#onEntry(TraversableContext) method, a call to wizardSkipCurrentStep() indicates that the {@link Traversable should be skipped automatically without being displayed and that the wizard proceed to the next step.
abstract  void wizardUpdateAccessibleDescription(java.lang.String desc)
          Updates the wizard's accessible description with the specified string.
abstract  void wizardUpdateExpectedTransition(java.lang.Object transition)
          A panel calls this method when its expected exit transition changes due to changes in the user's selections in the panel.
abstract  void wizardUpdateImage(java.awt.Image image)
          A panel calls this method to replace the large image on the left side of the wizard with the specified Image.
abstract  void wizardUpdateTitle(java.lang.String title, java.lang.Boolean showStepNumber)
          A panel calls this method to update the string in the wizard dialog's title bar.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.panels.CommitNotifier
addCommitListener, removeCommitListener


Method Detail


public abstract void wizardEnableButtons(java.lang.Boolean back,
                                         java.lang.Boolean next,
                                         java.lang.Boolean finish)
A panel calls this method to update the status of the Back, Next, and Finish buttons. For each of the boolean arguments, a value of false means that the corresponding button must be disabled. A value of true means that the button should be enabled. However, the wizard is allowed to override the true value and put a button in a disabled state, if appropriate. This will normally happen when the wizard is at the first or last panel.


public abstract void wizardSkipCurrentStep()
In the Traversable#onEntry(TraversableContext) method, a call to wizardSkipCurrentStep() indicates that the {@link Traversable should be skipped automatically without being displayed and that the wizard proceed to the next step.

This method only has an effect if it is called from the onEntry method or a method called directly by onEntry on the same thread. There is no effect if this method is called at any other time.

There are two other cases where calling this method will have no effect:

In both of these cases, the Traversable will still be displayed.


public abstract void wizardUpdateAccessibleDescription(java.lang.String desc)
Updates the wizard's accessible description with the specified string.


public abstract void wizardUpdateImage(java.awt.Image image)
A panel calls this method to replace the large image on the left side of the wizard with the specified Image. Calls to this method are ignored if the wizard is not showing an image.


public abstract void wizardUpdateTitle(java.lang.String title,
                                       java.lang.Boolean showStepNumber)
A panel calls this method to update the string in the wizard dialog's title bar. If showStepNumber is false, the step number is suppressed from the title bar; otherwise, the decision to show the step number is deferred to the wizard dialog implementation.


public abstract void wizardUpdateExpectedTransition(java.lang.Object transition)
A panel calls this method when its expected exit transition changes due to changes in the user's selections in the panel. The wizard is given the opportunity to re-query the underlying FSM to determine what the new number of remaining steps is.


public abstract void wizardSetInitialFocus(java.awt.Component comp)
A panel calls this method to specify the component on the panel that should have the initial focus.


public abstract void nextPage()
Programmatically force the wizard to go to the next page.


public abstract void previousPage()
Programmatically force the wizard to go to the previous page.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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