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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class LayoutPanel

  extended by oracle.javatools.columnlayout.LayoutPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LayoutPanel
extends java.lang.Object
implements LayoutComponent

A LayoutPanel contains a grid of LayoutComponents, each of which can occupy a rectangle of cells. Layouts can be constructed by adding LayoutComponents, in a left to right fashion, and new lines.

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 void add(LayoutComponent lc)
          Add a LayoutComponent to the panel and advance the column position.
 void addToPanel(java.awt.Container container, int baseRow, int baseColumn, boolean[] rowConstraints, boolean[] columnConstraints, int rowSpan)
          Allow each LayoutComponent to add itself to the UI container with appropriate constraints.
 void areColumnsResizable(boolean[] columnConstraints, int baseColumn)
          Allow each LayoutComponent to set the column constraints.
 void areRowsResizable(boolean[] rowConstraints, int baseRow, int rowSpan)
          Allow each LayoutComponent to set the row constraints.
 int getColumnCount()
          Return the current column count.
 int getRowCount()
          Return the current row count.
 void nl()
          Move to a new line, reseting all the current counts.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public LayoutPanel()

Method Detail


public void addToPanel(java.awt.Container container,
                       int baseRow,
                       int baseColumn,
                       boolean[] rowConstraints,
                       boolean[] columnConstraints,
                       int rowSpan)
Allow each LayoutComponent to add itself to the UI container with appropriate constraints. If the row span is larger than the number of rows in the panel the extra span is applied to the last row.
Specified by:
addToPanel in interface LayoutComponent
container - the container to add to
baseRow - components must be added relative to this
baseColumn - components must be added relative to this
rowConstraints - whether each row is resizable or not, these are for the whole container
columnConstraints - same as rowConstraints but for columns
rowSpan - the number of rows which the LayoutComponent occupies this will be at least equal to the LayoutComponent's row count


public void areRowsResizable(boolean[] rowConstraints,
                             int baseRow,
                             int rowSpan)
Allow each LayoutComponent to set the row constraints. If the row span is larger than the number of rows in the panel the extra span is applied to the last row.
Specified by:
areRowsResizable in interface LayoutComponent
rowConstraints - the out parameter
baseRow - the position to start from in the rowConstraints
rowSpan - the length of the rowConstraints which can be changed


public void areColumnsResizable(boolean[] columnConstraints,
                                int baseColumn)
Allow each LayoutComponent to set the column constraints.
Specified by:
areColumnsResizable in interface LayoutComponent


public int getRowCount()
Return the current row count.
Specified by:
getRowCount in interface LayoutComponent


public int getColumnCount()
Return the current column count.
Specified by:
getColumnCount in interface LayoutComponent


public void add(LayoutComponent lc)
Add a LayoutComponent to the panel and advance the column position. This recalculates all the row and column sizes. After the LayoutComponent has been added it must not change size.


public void nl()
Move to a new line, reseting all the current counts. This is ignored if nothing has been added to the current row.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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