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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (



Interface Summary
Dirtyable Objects that implement the Dirtyable interface indicate that they are able to track their own dirty state.
PropertyStorage The PropertyStorage interface defines a single generic entry point for accessing properties stored in HashStructure format, such as Project Properties and IDE Preferences.


Class Summary
ChangeBuffer This class is a specialized StructureChangeListener whose purpose is to buffer and accumulate ChangeInfo objects representing changes that have occurred to a Structure.
ChangeInfo An instance of this class identifies a single change that has been applied to a HashStructure or ListStructure.
HashStructure This class implements a hash data structure intended to be used as the generic storage for project metadata that can be marshalled to and from a persistent form without depending on custom marshalling code.
HashStructureAdapter This class serves as a base implementation of an adapter pattern to bridge JavaBeans-style getter and setter methods with HashStructure storage.
ListStructure This class implements a list data structure that complements HashStructure.
Structure Base class for HashStructure and ListStructure.
StructureChangeEvent The event object describing a change in a HashStructure or ListStructure.
StructureChangeListener Callback interface for receiving notification that property values have changed in a HashStructure or ListStructure.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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