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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class DBObjectProviderAdapter

  extended by oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProviderAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class DBObjectProviderAdapter
extends java.lang.Object
implements DBObjectProviderListener

Adapter for a class to extend and implement DBObjectProviderListeners without implementing all the methods.

Constructor Summary
protected DBObjectProviderAdapter()


Method Summary
 void providerClosed(DBObjectProvider provider)
          Notifies the listener that the provider has been closed or disconnected.
 void providerDeleted(DBObjectProvider provider)
          Notifies the listener that the provider has been deleted.
 void providerOpened(DBObjectProvider provider)
          Notifies the listener that the provider has been opened or initialised.
 void providerReloaded(DBObjectProvider provider)
          Notifies the listener that the provider has been reloaded or restarted.
 void schemaAdded(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema)
          Notifies the listener that a Schema has been added to the provider.
 void schemaObjectsAdded(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Notifies the listener that SchemaObjects have been added to the provider.
 void schemaObjectsRemoved(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Notifies the listener that the given SchemaObjects have been removed from the provider.
 void schemaObjectUpdated(DBObjectProvider provider, DBObjectChange change)
          Notifies the listener that the given SchemaObjects have been updated in the provider.
 void schemaRemoved(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema)
          Notifies the listener that a Schema has been removed from the provider.
 void schemaUpdated(DBObjectProvider provider, DBObjectChange change)
          Notifies the listener that a Schema has been updated.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


protected DBObjectProviderAdapter()

Method Detail


public void providerDeleted(DBObjectProvider provider)
Notifies the listener that the provider has been deleted. This is different to closed because this means the definition for this provider no longer exists.
Specified by:
providerDeleted in interface DBObjectProviderListener


public void providerClosed(DBObjectProvider provider)
Notifies the listener that the provider has been closed or disconnected.
Specified by:
providerClosed in interface DBObjectProviderListener


public void providerOpened(DBObjectProvider provider)
Notifies the listener that the provider has been opened or initialised.
Specified by:
providerOpened in interface DBObjectProviderListener


public void providerReloaded(DBObjectProvider provider)
Notifies the listener that the provider has been reloaded or restarted.
Specified by:
providerReloaded in interface DBObjectProviderListener


public void schemaAdded(DBObjectProvider provider,
                        Schema schema)
Notifies the listener that a Schema has been added to the provider.
Specified by:
schemaAdded in interface DBObjectProviderListener
See Also:


public void schemaObjectsAdded(DBObjectProvider provider,
                               Schema schema,
                               SchemaObject[] objs)
Notifies the listener that SchemaObjects have been added to the provider.
Specified by:
schemaObjectsAdded in interface DBObjectProviderListener
See Also:


public void schemaObjectUpdated(DBObjectProvider provider,
                                DBObjectChange change)
Notifies the listener that the given SchemaObjects have been updated in the provider.


public void schemaObjectsRemoved(DBObjectProvider provider,
                                 Schema schema,
                                 SchemaObject[] objs)
Notifies the listener that the given SchemaObjects have been removed from the provider.
Specified by:
schemaObjectsRemoved in interface DBObjectProviderListener
provider - the provider the event is happening within
schema - the schema the objects are being removed from
objs - the objects being removed. if the schema on any of these objects is different to the schema parameter, that object is being moved to the different schema (rather than deleted).
See Also:


public void schemaRemoved(DBObjectProvider provider,
                          Schema schema)
Notifies the listener that a Schema has been removed from the provider.
Specified by:
schemaRemoved in interface DBObjectProviderListener
See Also:


public void schemaUpdated(DBObjectProvider provider,
                          DBObjectChange change)
Notifies the listener that a Schema has been updated. This is for properties of the actual schema - not for changes to any objects contained within the schema (Tables, Views etc). To listen for such changes use a SchemaObjectListener and attach to the appropriate SchemaObject.
Specified by:
schemaUpdated in interface DBObjectProviderListener
See Also:

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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