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11g Release 1 (


Class EditorSelectionColumns

  extended by oracle.javatools.editor.EditorSelectionColumns

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionHookInvoker, EditorSelection

public final class EditorSelectionColumns
extends java.lang.Object
implements EditorSelection, ActionHookInvoker

A EditorSelection that selects by column blocks. i.e. The selection rectangle has the same gap on the left and right on every selected line. Selection begins on the line and column of the selection start, and spans every line to selection end, but only those characters in the columns between selection start and selection end (inclusive).

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 boolean canSupportEditor(BasicEditorPane editorPane)
          Column selection can only support editors containing fixed width fonts
 void clearSelectionHighlights(HighlightLayer selectionLayer)
          Clear the selection by removing any selection highlighting and permorming any other internal clear operations.
 void copy()
 void cut()
 void deinstall()
          Disassociate the editor selection from an editor
 void delete()
 void deleteSelection()
          Remove the currently selected text (if any) from the document
 java.lang.String getSelectedText()
 int getSelectionEnd()
 int getSelectionStart()
 void insertText(int offset, java.lang.String text)
          Insert the given text at the given offset (Different selections will handle things like newline characters differently).
 void install(BasicEditorPane editor)
          Associate the editor selection with an editor
 boolean invokeAction(java.lang.String actionKey)
          Invokes the Action corresponding to the given actionKey.
static boolean isEditorFixedWidthFont(BasicEditorPane editorPane)
 boolean isInSelection(int offset)
          Returns whether the given offset lies within the current selection bounds
 void paste()
          Paste in column select will delete the current selection, then beginning at the selection start row - will insert clip board contents, one line at a time, into the lines below the selection start row.
 void selectAll()
          Selects all characters in the document
 void setEndSelectionPoint(java.awt.Point p)
          Let the selection know the point (in editor coordinates) where the selection end is designated.
 void setStartSelectionPoint(java.awt.Point p)
          Let the selection know the point (in editor coordinates) where the selection start is designated.
 void updateSelectionHighlight(HighlightLayer layer, HighlightStyle caretStyle)
          Update the Editors selection highlight layer in response to a possible change in selection


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public EditorSelectionColumns()

Method Detail


public int getSelectionStart()
Specified by:
getSelectionStart in interface EditorSelection
The offset of selection start (usually the caret position)


public int getSelectionEnd()
Specified by:
getSelectionEnd in interface EditorSelection
The offset of selection end. May be identical to selection start which may indicate no selection.


public java.lang.String getSelectedText()
Specified by:
getSelectedText in interface EditorSelection
The text currently covered by selection


public void copy()


public void cut()


public void delete()
            throws javax.swing.text.BadLocationException


public void paste()
Paste in column select will delete the current selection, then beginning at the selection start row - will insert clip board contents, one line at a time, into the lines below the selection start row. The insertion point in each line is the same column index as the selection start column. If, before insertion, a row isn't wide enough to meet the column insertion point, then spaces will be inserted to pad the row up to the insertion column.


public void updateSelectionHighlight(HighlightLayer layer,
                                     HighlightStyle caretStyle)
Description copied from interface: EditorSelection
Update the Editors selection highlight layer in response to a possible change in selection
Specified by:
updateSelectionHighlight in interface EditorSelection
layer - The selection highlight layer


public void install(BasicEditorPane editor)
Description copied from interface: EditorSelection
Associate the editor selection with an editor
Specified by:
install in interface EditorSelection


public void deinstall()
Description copied from interface: EditorSelection
Disassociate the editor selection from an editor
Specified by:
deinstall in interface EditorSelection


public boolean invokeAction(java.lang.String actionKey)
Description copied from interface: ActionHookInvoker
Invokes the Action corresponding to the given actionKey.
Specified by:
invokeAction in interface ActionHookInvoker
actionKey - the published key for the action
true if the action is handled, false otherwise


public void setStartSelectionPoint(java.awt.Point p)
Description copied from interface: EditorSelection
Let the selection know the point (in editor coordinates) where the selection start is designated. We can't just rely on editor.getCaret() as this will return an offset, sometimes the selection start point will be past the end of the row and not specifically identified by an offset
Specified by:
setStartSelectionPoint in interface EditorSelection
p - the Point where the selection begin


public void setEndSelectionPoint(java.awt.Point p)
Description copied from interface: EditorSelection
Let the selection know the point (in editor coordinates) where the selection end is designated. We can't just rely on editor.getCaret() as this will return an offset, sometimes the selection end point will be past the end of the row and not specifically identified by an offset
Specified by:
setEndSelectionPoint in interface EditorSelection
p - the Point where the selection bounds ends


public void clearSelectionHighlights(HighlightLayer selectionLayer)
Description copied from interface: EditorSelection
Clear the selection by removing any selection highlighting and permorming any other internal clear operations.
Specified by:
clearSelectionHighlights in interface EditorSelection


public void deleteSelection()
                     throws javax.swing.text.BadLocationException
Description copied from interface: EditorSelection
Remove the currently selected text (if any) from the document
Specified by:
deleteSelection in interface EditorSelection


public void insertText(int offset,
                       java.lang.String text)
                throws javax.swing.text.BadLocationException
Description copied from interface: EditorSelection
Insert the given text at the given offset (Different selections will handle things like newline characters differently).
Specified by:
insertText in interface EditorSelection


public boolean isInSelection(int offset)
Description copied from interface: EditorSelection
Returns whether the given offset lies within the current selection bounds
Specified by:
isInSelection in interface EditorSelection


public void selectAll()
Description copied from interface: EditorSelection
Selects all characters in the document
Specified by:
selectAll in interface EditorSelection


public boolean canSupportEditor(BasicEditorPane editorPane)
Column selection can only support editors containing fixed width fonts
Specified by:
canSupportEditor in interface EditorSelection
editorPane -


public static boolean isEditorFixedWidthFont(BasicEditorPane editorPane)
editorPane -
true if the editor is using a fixed width font

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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