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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface Gutter

All Known Implementing Classes:
CodeEditorGutter, LineGutterPlugin

public interface Gutter

The Gutter interface describes a visual component that is displayed vertically to the left of a BasicEditorPane. The Gutter tracks the BasicEditorPane such that they have the same height and same number of lines. The Gutter is used to display Icons associated with specific lines in the editor pane.

The interface provides facilities for adding multiple columns of icons, tracking line changes, and responding to mouse clicks in the Gutter component. Note that all line-numbers are 1-based, unlike the underlying LineMap of the document - this is because this is a visual component for users, who naturally expect line numbers to start with 1.

See Also:
GutterColumn, GutterColumnListener, GutterMark, GutterClickListener

Method Summary
 void addGutterClickListener(GutterClickListener listener)
          Registers a GutterClickListener to receive notifications of mouse clicks in this Gutter component.
 GutterColumn createGutterColumn(java.lang.String columnName, GutterColumnListener listener)
          Creates a new GutterColumn to contain GutterMarks that display icons in the Gutter.
 GutterColumn lookupGutterColumn(java.lang.String columnName)
          Fetches the gutter column by name.
 void removeAllGutterColumns()
          Removes all existing columns from the Gutter.
 void removeGutterClickListener(GutterClickListener listener)
          Deregisters a previously-registered GutterClickListener so that it no longer receives notifications of mouse clicks in this Gutter component.
 void removeGutterColumn(GutterColumn column)
          Removes an existing column from the Gutter and all of its marks and icons.


Method Detail


GutterColumn createGutterColumn(java.lang.String columnName,
                                GutterColumnListener listener)
Creates a new GutterColumn to contain GutterMarks that display icons in the Gutter. Note that this is a non-visual container only. The specified listener will be used to provide notifications of mark events.
columnName - the name of the column, used only for lookup or debugging purposes
listener - the notification listener to use
the column if it was created successfully, null if the already exists


GutterColumn lookupGutterColumn(java.lang.String columnName)
Fetches the gutter column by name.
columnName - the name of the column
the column, or null if it does not exist


void removeGutterColumn(GutterColumn column)
Removes an existing column from the Gutter and all of its marks and icons.
column - the column to remove


void removeAllGutterColumns()
Removes all existing columns from the Gutter.


void addGutterClickListener(GutterClickListener listener)
Registers a GutterClickListener to receive notifications of mouse clicks in this Gutter component. These mouse clicks are not associated with a specific GutterMark.
listener - the listener to register


void removeGutterClickListener(GutterClickListener listener)
Deregisters a previously-registered GutterClickListener so that it no longer receives notifications of mouse clicks in this Gutter component.
listener - the listener to register

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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