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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface EditorPlugin

All Superinterfaces:
java.util.EventListener, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBrowseClickPlugin, AbstractClickPlugin, AbstractCodeFoldingPlugin, AbstractEditingPlugin, AbstractEditorHoverPlugin, AbstractEditorPeekPlugin, AbstractEditorPlugin, AbstractFoldingMargin, AbstractInsight, BraceMatchingPlugin, BreadcrumbsPlugin, CodeEditorGutter, DragDropPlugin, DropHandlerPlugin, DropTargetPlugin, EditorStatusBar, EmacsAction.Tracker, FileOverviewMargin, FindHighlightPlugin, LineGutterPlugin, LineHighlightPlugin, PopupWindowManager, ScrollTipPlugin, StatusBarPlugin, TrailingSpacePlugin

public interface EditorPlugin
extends java.beans.PropertyChangeListener

The EditorPlugin interface describes the routines that an editor plugin must implement to integrate with the editor framework. An editor plugin is any module which is not a required part of the editor that provides some added feature or benefit to the user. An example of this is the plugin which provides Brace Matching highlighting.

The install and deinstall routines are provided as a convenient time for plugins to add or remove themselves as listeners to the various pieces of the editor, such as the caret or document. The property change notification allows the editor pane to notify plugins of important property changes, such as a document change, caret change, language support change, and so on.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void deinstall(BasicEditorPane editor)
          Called when the plugin is being removed from the BasicEditorPane (for example when the editor is closed.) This is used to notify plugins that they should unregister any listeners that were attached.
 void install(BasicEditorPane editor)
          Called when this plugin is being installed into the BasicEditorPane.


Methods inherited from interface java.beans.PropertyChangeListener


Method Detail


void install(BasicEditorPane editor)
Called when this plugin is being installed into the BasicEditorPane.
editor - the editor pane


void deinstall(BasicEditorPane editor)
Called when the plugin is being removed from the BasicEditorPane (for example when the editor is closed.) This is used to notify plugins that they should unregister any listeners that were attached.
editor - the editor pane

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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