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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class AsyncTask

  extended by oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncTask

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class AsyncTask
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Runnable

The AsyncTask is a part of a basic API to allow scheduling asynchronous tasks that support cancelling while the task is running. It is recommended that JSR 166 be used when it becomes available as part of the JDK later.

The process of notifying a running task that a cancellation has been requested (and it should abort) is implementation-specific. For example, the following is a possible implementation:

   private boolean _isCancelled = false;
   protected void requestCancelImpl()
     _isCancelled = true;
   protected boolean isCancelledImpl()
    return _isCancelled;

Within runImpl(), the implementation could then call bailIfCancelled() periodically to bail out of the task if it has been marked for cancellation. Note, it is the implementation's responsibility to ensure that any acquired locks or resources are properly released in case of task cancellation.

Nested Class Summary
static class AsyncTask.CancelledException
          The CancelledException is used to bail out of a running task.


Field Summary
protected static java.lang.String CANCELLED_RESULT
          Tasks that are cancelled successfully in-progress should return this cancelled result, so that the task status can be updated accordingly.
          Constant for cancelled status.
          Constant for completed successfully status.
static int STATUS_FAILED
          Constant for completed w/ failed status due to RuntimeException.
static int STATUS_READY
          Constant for ready-to-run status.
          Constant for currently running status.


Constructor Summary
protected AsyncTask()
          Set up the AsyncTask in ready-to-run mode.


Method Summary
protected  void bailIfCancelled()
          Checks if the task has been marked for cancellation, and throws a CancelledException if it has.
 java.lang.Object getResult()
          Fetch the completed result of the task (if any).
 int getStatus()
          Fetches the current status of the task.
protected abstract  boolean isCancelledImpl()
          Return whether the task is marked for cancellation, to be implemented by the implementation.
 boolean isFinished()
          Fetch whether this task is completed or not.
protected  void requestCancel()
          Request to cancel the task.
protected abstract  void requestCancelImpl()
          Request to cancel the task in-progress, to be implemented by the implementation.
 void run()
          Performs the task.
protected abstract  java.lang.Object runImpl()
          Implementation of the task.
protected static void sleep(int ms)
          Utility routine to sleep for the given amount of time.
 void waitUntilFinished()
          Waits until the task is finished (i.e., isFinished() returns true).
 void waitUntilFinished(int ms)
          Waits until the task is finished (i.e., isFinished() returns true).


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final int STATUS_READY
Constant for ready-to-run status.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATUS_RUNNING
Constant for currently running status.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATUS_COMPLETED
Constant for completed successfully status. The return result of getResult() is the return result of runImpl().
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATUS_FAILED
Constant for completed w/ failed status due to RuntimeException. The runtime exception can be retrieved w/ getResult().
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STATUS_CANCELLED
Constant for cancelled status. There is no guarantee as to whether the task was started or cancelled mid-progress. There is no return result.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String CANCELLED_RESULT
Tasks that are cancelled successfully in-progress should return this cancelled result, so that the task status can be updated accordingly.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


protected AsyncTask()
Set up the AsyncTask in ready-to-run mode.

Method Detail


public final int getStatus()
Fetches the current status of the task.
the current status of the task


public boolean isFinished()
Fetch whether this task is completed or not. Returns true if this task was completed (sucessful or failed with exception) or cancelled, or false if the task is still running or has not been started yet.
true if the task is finished or cancelled, false otherwise


public void waitUntilFinished()
Waits until the task is finished (i.e., isFinished() returns true). This will block the current thread.


public void waitUntilFinished(int ms)
Waits until the task is finished (i.e., isFinished() returns true). This will block the current thread. Specifying a smaller sleep granularity will avoid waiting for extra unnecessary time, but may also cause more overhead (due to this thread waking up more often to check whether the task is finished.)
ms - the sleep granularity to use


protected static void sleep(int ms)
Utility routine to sleep for the given amount of time.
ms - the time in ms to sleep


public final void run()
Performs the task. This sets up the status of the task, and delegates to runImpl().
Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable


protected abstract java.lang.Object runImpl()
                                     throws AsyncTask.CancelledException
Implementation of the task. Implementation-specific return results can be returned here, and will be stored in the task result. If the task is cancelled successfully in-progress, the implementation should return CANCELLED_RESULT here, or throw a CancelledException.
the implementation-specific return result (if any), or CANCELLED_RESULT if the operation is cancelled
AsyncTask.CancelledException - if the task has been cancelled


protected abstract void requestCancelImpl()
Request to cancel the task in-progress, to be implemented by the implementation. If the task supports this, return CANCELLED_RESULT from runImpl().


protected abstract boolean isCancelledImpl()
Return whether the task is marked for cancellation, to be implemented by the implementation.
whether the task is marked for cancellation


protected final void requestCancel()
Request to cancel the task. The task will be cancelled if possible.


protected void bailIfCancelled()
                        throws AsyncTask.CancelledException
Checks if the task has been marked for cancellation, and throws a CancelledException if it has. Implementations can call this routine from runImpl() as a way of bailing out of the task if a cancellation has occurred.
AsyncTask.CancelledException - if the task has been marked for cancellation


public final java.lang.Object getResult()
Fetch the completed result of the task (if any).
the task result

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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